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со всех языков на все языки

buzz job

  • 1 buzz job

    Авиационная медицина: полёт на малой высоте

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > buzz job

  • 2 buzz job

    Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > buzz job

  • 3 buzz job

    жарг. полет на малой высоте

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > buzz job

  • 4 job

    работа ( по специальности) ; жарг. летательный аппарат; авиационный двигатель

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > job

  • 5 vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

    •• Речевая мода и ее влияние на язык – тема неисчерпаемая. Модные слова, «словечки», выражения, фразы – все то, что объединяется английскими словосочетаниями в заголовке этой статьи, – играют огромную роль в развитии любого языка, возможно не меньшую, чем необходимость именовать новые явления действительности. Нельзя согласиться с мнением, что языковая мода – явление чисто паразитарное, эфемерное, что модные слова исчезают, не оставляя следа или перерождаются в стертые клише. Во всех этих «обвинениях» есть доля истины (достаточно вспомнить такие модные сейчас слова-паразиты как как бы и на самом деле), но человек, который хочет понять язык и общество, не может позволить себе ими ограничиваться. Что касается переводчика, то он должен «следить за модой» во всех языках, с которыми он работает.

    •• Почему в какой-то момент большинство из нас вдруг начинает все чаще говорить «однозначно», «структуры», «вменяемый», «разборка», «подковерная борьба» и тому подобное? Для всех этих слов и выражений нетрудно найти синонимы, которыми мы раньше прекрасно обходились. Некоторые из этих слов встречались в нашей речи и раньше, правда, далеко не так часто, как до возникшего поветрия. То же самое происходит время от времени и в английском языке. Чаще всего это происходит так: все большее число говорящих подхватывают какое-либо слово или выражение из числа общеупотребительных (relate to, manipulate, pipeline), терминологических (schizophrenia, subtext, synergy, oxymoron), жаргонных (no-brainer, reality check) и даже иностранных (déjà vu, chic, macho) и без особой на то видимой причины такое слово становится общепонятным в определенном значении (иногда туманном, размытом – relate to, forward-looking, а иногда – в четком и даже единичном – no-brainer, subtext). К этой же категории я отношу популярные в какой-то период словосочетания и «прецедентные высказывания» типа Нам такой хоккей не нужен или The buck stops here (см. статью policy, politics, politician). Учитывая необъятность темы, ограничимся краткими комментариями к этим и нескольким другим чисто иллюстративным примерам.
    •• basket case – это словосочетание приобрело широкое хождение в последние годы, чаще всего в варианте economic basket case:
    •• 1. South Korea’s President converted an economic basket case into an industrial powerhouse (Time). – Президент Южной Кореи привел страну от экономической разрухи к расцвету индустриальной мощи;
    •• 2. After World War I, when the Hapsburg empire was split up, little Austria seemed a basket case (Paul A. Samuelson). – После второй мировой войны и распада габсбургской империи казалось, что экономика маленькой Австрии обречена.
    •• Последний пример заимствован из The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Правда, я не согласен с авторами словаря, относящими это выражение к сленгу. Но его определение здесь – ясное и точное: one that is in a completely hopeless or useless condition. Словарь приводит и мрачновато-циничную этимологию этого словосочетания: In origin it had a physical meaning. In the grim slang of the British army during World War I, it referred to a quadruple amputee. Многочисленные примеры подтверждают следующее наблюдение: In popular usage basket case refers to someone in a hopeless mental condition. Вот фраза, найденная на сайте www.gospelcom.net: I don’t want to turn my daughter into some kind of high pressured basket case. – Я не хочу, чтобы моя дочь превратилась в измотанного/перегруженного проблемами неврастеника. If Gloria has one more crisis, she’ll be a basket case (Wayne Magnuson). – Еще один такой кризис, и Глорию впору будет лечить. В 80-е годы культовую популярность приобрел фильм режиссера Фрэнка Хененлаттера Basket Case, но его сюжет подсказывает скорее дословный перевод – «Человек из корзины» (можно, наверное попробовать и что-нибудь типа «Совсем пропащий»).
    •• been there, done that – модное выражение, означающее то же самое, что наше на эти грабли мы (вы) уже наступали. Встречается в речи госсекретаря США Мадлен Олбрайт (вообще любительницы модных словечек);
    •• bragging rights This gives him bragging rights – это то же самое, что и одинаково модное выражение his claim to fame – предмет гордости или апломба;
    •• breathless – в значении, иллюстрируемом приводимыми ниже примерами, этого слова нет ни в одном (!) известном мне словаре английского языка. Возможно, оно не выделяется говорящими по-английски как отдельное значение, но, на мой взгляд, оно этого явно заслуживает. Итак, примеры:
    •• 1. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spent an hour on television refuting “the questions, allegations and breathless reports” [about the treatment of Al Qaeda prisoners] (Washington Post);
    •• 2. Malcolm Parks, a communications professor at the University of Washington, accuses Young of making “breathless statements” based on skewed stories (Reason Magazine);
    •• 3. More disturbing than this announcement is the Tennis Academy’s breathless characterization of Monique (сайт CNN и Sports Illustrated – www.cnnsi.com).
    •• Посмотрим теперь значения этого слова по одному из наиболее полных словарей – The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language:
    •• 1. Breathing with difficulty; gasping: was breathless from running. 2. Marked by the suspension of regular breathing, as from tension or excitement: a breathless audience. 3. Causing or capable of causing the suspension of regular breathing; tense or exciting: a breathless flight. 4. a) Not breathing; without breath. b) Dead. 5. Having no air or breeze; still: a breathless summer day.
    •• Ни одно из определений явно не подходит к значению слова breathless в наших примерах. Это значение вытекает из своего рода «метафорического расширения» – представим себе человека, делающего какое-то заявление или высказывание, если можно так выразиться, не переводя дыхания, не вздохнув, не подумав. Отсюда предлагаемые переводы. В первом случае: Министр обороны Рамсфельд в течение часа опровергал по телевидению «безосновательные утверждения, вопросы и сообщения» (позволим себе здесь небольшую перестановку). Во втором случае: ...поспешные заявления, основанные на искаженной информации. Наконец, в третьем примере (disturbing... breathless characterization) можно говорить о непродуманной и даже неумной характеристике. В других контекстах могут пригодиться прилагательные опрометчивый, бездумный и, может быть, даже скоропостижный в его новомодном значении (см. русско-английскую часть словаря);
    •• closure – основное значение этого слова (например, в словосочетаниях school closure, military base closure, closure of debate) соответствует русским словам закрытие, завершение, прекращение. Подбор правильного соответствия не требует особых усилий. Правда, в некоторых случаях желательно достаточно полно представлять себе, о чем идет речь. Так, в последнем примере – closure of debate - имеется в виду принятая в Конгрессе США специальная процедура голосования с целью прекратить так называемый филибастер – преднамеренное затягивание прений. Этимологически и в смысловом отношении близко к первоначальному и значение этого слова в словосочетании closure of a deal - примерно то же самое, что у нас оформление сделки. Webster’s Third International Dictionary дает как устаревшее значение agreement. Мне, однако, не раз приходилось слышать его именно в этом значении из уст госсекретаря США Джорджа Шульца: We need to come to closure on this issue before the summit. Дальнейшее развитие основного значения привело к широко распространившемуся в последнее время новому оттенку, еще не отраженному в большинстве словарей. Определение, найденное мною в Cambridge Dictionary of American English, оставляет желать лучшего: the satisfying feeling that something bad or shocking has finally ended (и пример: Only the recovery of the bodies of the victims of the crash would bring closure to their families). Все в этом определении, особенно слово satisfying, сильно огрубляет действительную картину.
    •• Обратимся к материалу телеканала «Би-би-си» о состоявшейся 28 октября 2001 года в Нью-Йорке поминальной службе по жертвам трагедии 11 сентября: One word was on everyone’s lips at Sunday’s memorial service for victims of the World Trade Center disaster – “closure”. Дальше в тексте множество «подсказок», позволяющих точнее истолковать это слово: It is difficult for the grieving relatives to come to terms with their loss... It’s difficult to come to grips with... It’s another step in putting this behind you... и наоборот: This is not closure to me, it just opens a wound. I don’t think I’ll ever heal from this. В другом контексте: Jessica Patterson, a former Enron employee, said Jeffrey K. Skilling, the former chief executive [...] “didn’t say anything that brought any closure” (New York Times). Как мне кажется, перевод этого слова в данном значении почти всегда контекстуален и в какой-то мере – дело вкуса и такта. Это может быть облегчение, исцеление, вариант с глаголами примириться или смириться (с потерей), может быть, даже итог или катарсис. Впрочем, иногда перевод, как говорится, напрашивается: There was much questioning whether the trial would finally bring closure to the single darkest event in the history of Alabama (www.africana.com). – Многие задаются вопросом, сможет ли этот судебный процесс подвести черту под самым мрачным событием в истории Алабамы;
    •• conventional wisdom – популярное с некоторых пор выражение, означающее общепринятое мнение (далее обычно следует его опровержение или уточнение);
    •• to be in denial – из психиатрии это выражение перешло в разряд широко употребительных. Из письма возмущенного читателя (явно не поклонника Клинтона) в редакцию журнала Time: Are we in denial? Are we not aware that America’s declining moral and ethical standards are reflected in the polls that sanction the alleged conduct of the President? ( Sanction здесь означает одобрять, допускать. Случай употребления этого слова в обратном по существу значении см. в статье treat, treatment.) В психиатрии to be in denial означает отторгать, не желать воспринимать неприятную, негативную информацию. В переводе данного примера можно ограничиться вполне обиходным Неужели мы не хотим видеть очевидного?
    •• empower – сверхмодное слово! Его и образованные от него слова см. в статье empower, empowering, empowerment;
    •• forward-looking – стало модно в самое последнее время. Значение довольно размытое. Что-то среднее между прогрессивный, перспективный и интересный, серьезный;
    •• fungible – до недавнего времени это модное словцо, в переводе которого словари вряд ли помогут, встречалось в основном в финансово-экономических текстах: Money is fungible означает, что деньги легко перетекают из одной сферы в другую, что они не могут быть «помечены». Удачного сжатого русского перевода мне не встречалось. Но вот недавно в журнале Fortune обратило на себя внимание такое предложение: In Florio’s hands, truth is a fungible commodity. Inside the company it is well known, as a former executive puts it, that “anytime Florio tells you a number, you should cut it in half.” Из контекста очевиден смысл: Для Флорио правда – понятие растяжимое. Еще пример из «антиклинтоновской речи» сенатора Либермана: I am afraid that the misconduct the president has admitted may be reinforcing one of the worst messages being delivered by our popular culture, which is that values are fungible. Здесь тот же смысл:...недопустимое поведение президента подкрепляет утвердившееся в нашей культуре вредоносное утверждение, что мораль – понятие растяжимое/условное/относительное;
    •• get a life – недавно это выражение встретилось в неожиданном контексте – кроссворде в газете New York Times. Там оно определено просто – a 90’s catch phrase. Обычно эта фраза (в повелительном наклонении) обращена к юным лоботрясам: Get a life! Означает примерно Возьмись за ум! или Не проспи жизнь!
    •• hoops – новомодное (после вышедшего несколько лет назад одноименного документального фильма о подающих надежды юных баскетболистах) значение этого слова пока нашло отражение только в некоторых Интернет-словарях, например в www.dictionary.com. Hoops – баскетбол (делится на pro и college – профессиональный и по правилам университетской лиги), hoopster – баскетболист;
    •• governance – согласно словарям – книжное. В последнее время стало широко употребимым. См. в статье government, governance;
    •• hyperventilateНовый БАРС содержит слово hyperventilation с пометой физиол., мед. – гипервентиляция, перенасыщение кислородом крови. Глагол to hyperventilate – глубоко дышать, практиковать глубокое дыхание. В толковых словарях английского языка информации больше. The American Heritage Dictionary определяет to hyperventilate как to breathe abnormally fast or deeply; to breathe in this manner as from excitement or anxiety. Войдя в моду, это слово стало означать нечто вроде задыхаться от возмущения, возбуждения или в пылу полемики. Часто приходится подыскивать контекстуальный перевод, что можно проиллюстрировать следующими примерами:
    •• 1. Some of Mr. Ashcroft’s critics want to use his nomination to hyperventilate about abortion and the like (Wall Street Journal). - Некоторые критики г-на Эшкрофта хотят использовать его назначение, чтобы устроить истерику по поводу таких проблем, как аборты;
    •• 2. Try not to hyperventilate and reach for the Rolaids when CNBC shows shiny graphics of your stocks soaring on one day and plummeting the next (из брошюры инвестиционного дома Charles Schwab Tips on Buying Stocks for Beginners). – Старайтесь не паниковать/не падать в обморок всякий раз, когда вы видите по телевизору красочные диаграммы, показывающие, как акции, еще вчера шедшие резко вверх, обрушиваются вниз ( Rolaids – таблетки от изжоги, но в данном случае этой реалией можно в переводе пренебречь);
    •• 3. Even if you hyperventilate at the idea of looking for a new job, there are times when you should do it (Washingtonian). – Даже если вам противна сама мысль о поисках работы, бывают моменты, когда этим приходится заняться;
    •• 4. Democrats, it seems, are into sex, while Republicans hyperventilate on power (рецензия на кинофильм Clear and Present Danger). – Похоже, что демократы увлекаются сексом, а республиканцы помешаны на власти;
    •• manipulate, manipulative – не все словари фиксируют значение этого глагола ловко использовать в собственных целях. Соответственно, модное He is very manipulative невозможно перевести при помощи «эквивалента», предлагаемого Новым БАРСом,- связанный с манипуляцией, управлением ( машиной и т.п.). Возможный контекстуальный перевод: Он мастер интриги или Он ловко манипулирует людьми;
    •• no-brainer – из молодежного жаргона перешло в обиходную речь многих американцев (аналогичный пример – слова cool, weird, в комментариях не нуждающиеся). Значение этого словца простое – эквивалент нашего тоже «молодежного» – это ежу ясно;
    •• oxymoron – для большинства из нас полузабытый термин из области языкознания (стилистический прием, основанный на сочетании антонимических по значению слов, например, cruel kindness). Для образованных англичан и американцев – любое внутренне противоречивое высказывание или явление (см. также статью schizophrenia, schizophrenic). The radical center is an oxymoron only if you believe that the left and right still define all the worthwhile ideas and policies (New Yorker). – Концепция «радикального центра» внутренне противоречива лишь в глазах тех, кто считает, что все идеи и политические направления по-прежнему сводятся к «левым» и «правым»;
    •• pipeline – пример модного сейчас употребления этого слова (кстати, отраженного в наиболее полных словарях) из журнала Fortune: The firm is running off its backlog, and the pipeline is running dry. – Фирма работает за счет прежних заказов, а новых становится все меньше. In the pipeline – близко к русскому в работе, на подходе;
    •• proactiveсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• reinvent – вошло в моду в 1990-е годы. To reinvent government – переосмыслить роль государства; to reinvent welfare – перестроить систему социальной помощи;
    •• relate to – фраза I don’t relate to it может означать едва ли не все, что угодно, например, Мне это неинтересно, или Я этого не понимаю, или даже Я с этим не согласен. То входит в моду, то выходит из нее;
    •• reality check – первоначально из молодежного жаргона. Из речи yuppies – состоятельных молодых людей либеральных профессий – перекочевало в лексику различных слоев общества. Mrs. Albright... said she aimed to provide both Israelis and Palestinians with a reality check (International Herald Tribune). – Олбрайт заявила, что собирается напомнить как израильтянам, так и палестинцам о некоторых реальностях;
    •• schizophreniaсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• stakeholder – до недавнего времени просто акционер, но в последние два-три года с быстротой молнии распространилось новое значение – сторона, участник какого-либо общественного процесса. Как правило, имеются в виду государство, деловые круги, общественные движения, организации, отражающие интересы различных слоев общества, и т.д. Отсюда словосочетание multistakeholder dialogue, которое, чтобы не усложнять себе жизнь, лучше переводить просто многосторонний диалог;
    •• synergy – согласно Новому БАРСу, это слово относится либо к медицинской терминологии ( синергия), либо к разряду книжных слов. В современном английском встречается сплошь и рядом в значении сочетание взаимно усиливающих друг друга сил, явлений, тенденций и т.п. или просто любое сочетание, как в этом примере из журнала New Yorker: I don’t think that these synergies would work. I wonder whether a writer would want to spend his time managing his business rather than writing;
    •• vision – это чрезвычайно модное слово см. в статье philosophy;
    •• to walk the talk – неожиданно вошедшая в моду фраза, выражающая мысль о том, что слово не должно расходиться с делом. Lazard is a group of important people giving important people advice. Doubtless Rohatyn counted himself among the former, and he did walk the talk (Fortune);
    •• - wise – так же, как и -ism, относится к модным суффиксам. При его помощи образуются какие угодно слова – policy-wise, talent-wise, credibility-wise и т.д. Все они без особого труда понимаются и переводятся при помощи словосочетаний с точки зрения, в смысле, в аспекте.
    •• В заключение простой совет – не увлекайтесь модными словами и фразами (равно как и жаргонными и другими фразеологическими выражениями) по крайней мере до тех пор, пока у вас не будет уверенности, что вы их полностью «прочувствовали». Иначе можно попасть впросак, перепутав или смысл, или связанные со словом ассоциации, или допустив совсем ненужную вам иронию. За модой надо, конечно, следить, быть «во всеоружии», но, мне кажется, что говорить на иностранном языке, да и на родном, надо просто и ясно.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

  • 6 полёт на малой высоте

    1) Aviation: drag, low-level run
    3) Astronautics: low-level flight
    4) Aviation medicine: buzz job

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > полёт на малой высоте

  • 7 mariposear

    1 to flit about (ser inconstante).
    2 to flirt.
    3 to have many love affairs, to philander.
    María mariposeó cuando era joven Mary had many love affairs when she was young
    4 to flutter around, to flutter, to flutter about.
    La libélula mariposeaba alegre The dragonfly fluttered happily.
    * * *
    1 (ser inconstante) to be fickle; (en el amor) to flirt; (en el trabajo) to flit
    2 (andar alrededor) to buzz around
    * * *
    1) (=revolotear) to flutter about, flit to and fro
    2) (=ser inconstante) to be fickle; (=coquetear) to flit from one girl/man to the next

    mariposear alrededor de algn — to dance attendance on sb, be constantly fluttering round sb

    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (fam) ( alrededor de alguien) to buzz around, be constantly around
    b) (fam & pey) ( en el trabajo) to flit from one job to another; ( en el amor) to flit from one relationship to another
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (fam) ( alrededor de alguien) to buzz around, be constantly around
    b) (fam & pey) ( en el trabajo) to flit from one job to another; ( en el amor) to flit from one relationship to another
    * * *
    mariposear [A1 ]
    1 ( fam) (alrededor de algn) to buzz around, be constantly around
    2 ( fam pey)
    (en el trabajo, el amor): mariposeaba de un empleo a otro he flitted from one job to another
    no se ha casado todavía, se dedica a mariposear he isn't married yet, he just has one flirtation after another o he just has a fling with a girl and then moves on to another
    * * *

    mariposear verbo intransitivo
    1 (moverse en torno) to buzz around: ¡deja de mariposear a mi alrededor!, stop hovering around me
    2 (ser inconstante) to be fickle: mariposea con unos y con otros y no termina de encontrar su pareja, she messes around with anyone she can get her hands on and can't settle down
    * * *
    1. [cambiar de trabajo, pareja] to flit about;
    le gusta mariposear con unas y otras he never stays with the same woman for more than about five minutes
    2. [revolotear] to hover;
    los camareros mariposeaban en torno a la mesa the waiters were hovering around the table
    3. [comportarse afeminadamente] to act camp
    * * *
    v/i flutter around; fig flit from one subject/job etc
    to another

    Spanish-English dictionary > mariposear

  • 8 for

    1. preposition
    1) (representing, on behalf of, in exchange against) für; (in place of) für; anstelle von

    what is the German for "buzz"? — wie heißt "buzz" auf Deutsch?

    2) (in defence, support, or favour of) für

    be for doing something — dafür sein, etwas zu tun

    it's each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt

    3) (to the benefit of) für
    4) (with a view to) für; (conducive[ly] to) zu

    they invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen

    what is it for? — wofür/wozu ist das?

    5) (being the motive of) für; (having as purpose) zu

    take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen

    work for a livingfür den Lebensunterhalt arbeiten

    run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.

    7) (to reach) nach

    set out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen

    8) (to be received by) für

    that's Jim for youdas sieht Jim mal wieder ähnlich

    be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein

    have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben

    enough... for — genug... für

    too... for — zu... für

    there is nothing for it but to do somethinges gibt keine andere Möglichkeit, als etwas zu tun

    10) (to the amount of)

    cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund

    things don't look very promising for the businesswas die Geschäfte angeht, sieht das alles nicht sehr vielversprechend aus

    it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut

    it's hopeless for me to try and explain the system — es ist sinnlos, dir das System erklären zu wollen

    12) (as being) für

    I/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil

    famous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas

    jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien

    were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage

    for all... — trotz...

    for all that,... — trotzdem...

    16) (on account of the hindrance of) vor (+ Dat.)

    for fear of... — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)

    but for..., except for... — wenn nicht... gewesen wäre, [dann]...

    17) (so far as concerns)

    for all I know/care... — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,...

    for one thing,... — zunächst einmal...

    18) (considering the usual nature of) für
    19) (during) seit

    we've/we haven't been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen

    we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang

    sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen

    20) (to the extent of)

    walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen


    be for it(coll.) dran sein (ugs.); sich auf was gefasst machen können (ugs.)

    2. conjunction
    (since, as proof) denn
    * * *
    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) für
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) nach
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) für
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) nach
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) für
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) für
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) für
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?)
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) dafür
    10) (because of: for this reason.) wegen, aus
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) für
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) für
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) für
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) für
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) trotz
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) denn
    * * *
    [fɔ:ʳ, fəʳ, AM fɔ:r, fɚ]
    I. conj ( liter or dated) denn
    II. prep
    1. (intended to be given to) für + akk
    I bought a new collar \for my dog ich habe ein neues Halsband für meinen Hund gekauft
    this is a birthday present \for you hier ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für dich
    there are government subsidies available \for farmers für Bauern gibt es Zuschüsse vom Staat
    to vote \for sb/sth für jdn/etw stimmen
    they voted \for independence in a referendum sie haben sich in einem Referendum für die Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen
    to be \for sb/sth für jdn/etw sein
    his followers are still \for him seine Anhänger unterstützen ihn noch immer
    to be \for a good cause für einen guten Zweck sein
    to be all \for sth ganz für etw akk sein
    to be \for doing sth dafür sein, dass etw getan wird
    are you \for banning smoking in public places? sind Sie dafür, das Rauchen in der Öffentlichkeit zu verbieten?
    3. (regarding sb) für + akk
    I'm happy \for you that it finally worked out ich freue mich für dich, dass es endlich geklappt hat
    you're not making it easy \for me to tell you the truth du machst es mir nicht gerade einfach, dir die Wahrheit zu sagen
    the coffee was too strong \for me der Kaffee war mir zu stark
    luckily \for me, I already had another job zu meinem Glück hatte ich bereits eine andere Stelle
    the admiration she felt \for him soon died ihre Bewunderung für ihn war schnell verflogen
    is this seat high enough \for you? ist Ihnen dieser Sitz hoch genug?
    I feel sorry \for her sie tut mir leid
    to feel nothing but contempt \for sb/sth nichts als Verachtung für jdn/etw empfinden
    to be concerned \for sb/sth um jdn/etw besorgt sein
    to feel \for sb mit jdm fühlen
    as \for me was mich betrifft [o angeht]
    Jackie's already left and, as \for me, I'm going at the end of the month Jackie ist schon weg, und was mich angeht, ich gehe Ende des Monats
    4. (regarding sth) für + akk
    how are you doing \for money? wie sieht es bei dir mit dem Geld aus?
    \for my part was mich betrifft
    \for all I know möglicherweise
    \for all I know, he could have left the country möglicherweise hat er schon das Land verlassen
    to be responsible \for sth für etw akk verantwortlich sein
    to prepare \for sth sich akk auf etw akk vorbereiten
    5. (comparing) für + akk
    the summer has been quite hot \for England für England war das ein ziemlich heißer Sommer
    to be too big/fast \for sb/sth zu groß/schnell für jdn/etw sein
    she's very mature \for her age sie ist für ihr Alter schon sehr reif
    the weather is warm \for the time of year für diese Jahreszeit ist das Wetter mild
    he's quite thoughtful \for a child of 8 für einen Achtjährigen ist er ziemlich rücksichtsvoll
    6. (to get, have)
    oh \for something to drink! hätte ich doch bloß etwas zu trinken!
    oh \for a strong black coffee! und jetzt einen starken schwarzen Kaffee!
    he did it \for the fame er tat es, um berühmt zu werden
    even though he's in this \for the money, we still need him auch wenn er es nur wegen des Geldes tut, wir brauchen ihn
    she's eager \for a chance to show that she's a capable worker sie möchte gerne beweisen, dass sie eine fähige Mitarbeiterin ist
    demand \for money Bedarf m an Geld
    to send \for the doctor den Arzt holen
    to apply \for a job sich akk um eine Stelle bewerben
    to have a need \for sth etw brauchen
    to look \for a way to do sth nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, etw zu tun
    to ask \for sth um etw akk bitten
    7. (on behalf of, representing) für + akk
    he's an agent \for models and actors er ist Agent für Models und Schauspieler
    next time you see them, say hi \for me grüß sie von mir, wenn du sie wieder siehst
    the messenger was there \for his boss der Bote war in Vertretung seines Chefs dort
    to do sth \for sb etw für jdn tun
    to do sth \for oneself etw selbst tun
    8. (as ordered by) für + akk
    to do sth \for sb/sth etw für jdn/etw tun
    they had to do extra work \for their boss sie mussten noch zusätzliche Arbeiten für ihren Chef erledigen
    I have some things to do \for school ich muss noch etwas für die Schule machen
    9. (employed by) bei + dat
    she is a tutor \for the Open University sie ist Tutorin an der Fernuniversität
    to work \for sb/sth bei jdm/etw [o für jdn/etw] arbeiten
    10. (purpose, aim) für + akk
    what's that \for? wofür ist das?
    that's useful \for removing rust damit kann man gut Rost entfernen
    that's not \for eating das ist nicht zum Essen
    a course \for beginners in Russian ein Russischkurs für Anfänger
    \for your information zu Ihrer Information
    \for the record der Ordnung halber
    the spokesman told the press \for the record that the president was in good health der Sprecher sagte der Presse für das Protokoll, der Präsident sei bei guter Gesundheit
    for rent/sale zu vermieten/verkaufen
    bikes \for rent Räder zu vermieten
    to be not \for sale unverkäuflich sein
    to wait \for sb/sth auf jdn/etw warten
    to wait \for sb to do sth darauf warten, dass jd etw tut
    to do sth \for sth/sb etw für etw/jdn tun
    what did you do that \for? wozu hast du das getan?
    what do you use these enormous scissors \for? wozu brauchst du diese riesige Schere?
    he is taking medication \for his heart condition er nimmt Medikamente für sein Herz
    you need to move closer \for me to hear you du musst ein bisschen näher herkommen, damit ich dich hören kann
    11. (because of) wegen + gen; (out of) aus + dat; (with) vor + dat
    I don't eat meat \for various reasons ich esse aus verschiedenen Gründen kein Fleisch
    I could dance and sing \for joy! ich könnte vor Freude tanzen und singen!
    he apologized \for being late er entschuldigte sich wegen seiner Verspätung
    Bob was looking all the better \for his three weeks in Spain nach seinen drei Wochen Spanien sah Bob viel besser aus
    how are you?fine, and all the better \for seeing you! wie geht's? — gut, und jetzt wo ich dich sehe, gleich noch viel besser!
    I could not see \for the tears in my eyes ich konnte vor Tränen in den Augen gar nicht sehen
    if it hadn't been \for him, we wouldn't be here right now ( form) ohne ihn wären wir jetzt nicht hier
    \for fear of sth aus Angst vor etw dat
    \for lack of sth aus Mangel an etw dat
    to be arrested \for murder wegen Mordes verhaftet werden
    \for that [or this] reason aus diesem Grund
    to be famous \for sth für etw akk berühmt sein
    to love sb \for sth jdn für etw akk lieben
    she loves him just \for being himself sie liebt ihn einfach dafür, dass er so ist, wie er ist
    12. (as destination) nach + dat
    this train is \for Birmingham dieser Zug fährt nach Birmingham
    he made \for home in a hurry er eilte schnell nach Hause
    just follow signs \for the town centre folgen Sie einfach den Schildern in die Innenstadt
    to go \for sb [with one's fists] [mit den Fäusten] auf jdn losgehen
    to run \for sb/sth zu jdm/etw laufen
    I had to run \for the bus ich musste laufen, um den Bus noch zu kriegen
    13. (meaning)
    to be \for sth für etw akk stehen
    A is \for ‘airlines’ A steht für ‚Airlines‘
    to stand \for sth etw bedeuten, für etw akk stehen
    what does the M.J. stand \for? María José? was bedeutet M.J.? María José?
    what's the Spanish word \for ‘vegetarian’? was heißt ‚Vegetarier‘ auf Spanisch?
    14. (in return, exchange) für + akk
    she paid a high price \for loyalty to her boss sie hat einen hohen Preis für die Loyalität zu ihrem Chef gezahlt
    that's \for cheating on me! das ist dafür, dass du mich betrogen hast!
    how much did you pay \for your glasses? wie viel hast du für deine Brille gezahlt?
    a cheque \for £100 eine Scheck über 100 Pfund
    not \for a million dollars [or \for all the world] um nichts in der Welt
    I wouldn't go out with him \for a million dollars ich würde für kein Geld der Welt mit ihm ausgehen
    to do sth \for nothing etw umsonst machen
    to buy/sell sth \for 100 euro/a lot of money etw für 100 Euro/viel Geld kaufen/verkaufen
    you can buy a bestseller \for about £6 Sie bekommen einen Bestseller schon für 6 Pfund
    to trade sth \for sth etw gegen etw akk [ein]tauschen
    15. (with a period of time) für + akk; (ongoing) seit + dat
    I'm just going to sleep \for half an hour ich lege mich mal eine halbe Stunde schlafen
    he was jailed \for twelve years er musste für zwölf Jahre ins Gefängnis
    my father has been smoking \for 10 years mein Vater raucht seit 10 Jahren
    \for the next two days in den beiden nächsten Tagen
    \for a bit/while ein bisschen/eine Weile
    play here \for a while! spiel doch mal ein bisschen hier!
    I'm just going out \for a while ich gehe mal kurz raus fam
    \for eternity/ever bis in alle Ewigkeit
    this pact is \for ever dieser Pakt gilt für immer und ewig
    \for the moment im Augenblick
    \for a time eine Zeit lang
    \for a long time seit Langem
    I hadn't seen him \for such a long time that I didn't recognize him ich hatte ihn schon so lange nicht mehr gesehen, dass ich ihn nicht erkannte
    \for some time seit Längerem
    \for the time being für den Augenblick, vorübergehend
    16. (a distance of)
    \for a kilometre/mile einen Kilometer/eine Meile
    he always jogs \for 5 kilometres before breakfast er joggt immer 5 Kilometer vor dem Frühstück
    17. (at a certain date, time, occasion) für + akk
    he booked a table at the restaurant \for nine o'clock er reservierte in dem Restaurant einen Tisch für neun Uhr
    they set their wedding date \for September 15 sie setzten ihre Hochzeit für den 15. September fest
    I need some money \for tonight ich brauche etwas Geld für heute Abend
    what did you buy him \for Christmas? was hast du ihm zu Weihnachten gekauft?
    he arrived at 8.00 \for dinner at 8.30 er kam um acht zu dem für halb neun verabredeten Abendessen
    to invite sb \for dinner/lunch jdn zum Abendessen/Mittagessen einladen
    \for the first time zum ersten Mal
    \for the [very] last time zum [aller]letzten Mal
    \for the first/second time running im ersten/zweiten Durchlauf
    18. (despite) trotz + gen
    , ungeachtet +gen geh
    \for all that trotz alledem
    \for all his effort, the experiment was a failure das Experiment war trotz all seiner Anstrengungen ein Fehlschlag
    19. (per) für + akk
    there is one teacher \for every 25 students in our school in unserer Schule kommt auf 25 Schüler ein Lehrer
    \for every cigarette you smoke, you take off one day of your life mit jeder Zigarette, die du rauchst, verkürzt sich dein Leben um einen Tag
    to repeat sth word \for word etw Wort für Wort wiederholen
    20. (the duty of)
    to [not] be \for sb to do sth [nicht] jds Sache sein, etw zu tun
    it's not \for me to tell her what to do es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, ihr vorzuschreiben, was sie zu tun hat
    the decision is not \for him to make die Entscheidung liegt nicht bei ihm
    21. (as) für + akk
    she thought it \for a lie but didn't say anything sie hielt es für gelogen, sagte aber nichts
    I \for one am sick of this bickering ich für meinen Teil habe genug von diesem Gezänk
    \for Africa SA ( fam) Unmengen + gen
    I've got homework \for Africa ich habe noch jede Menge Hausaufgaben fam
    to be [in] \for it ( fam) Schwierigkeiten bekommen
    you're in \for it! jetzt bist du dran! fam
    \for crying out loud um Himmels willen
    an eye \for an eye Auge um Auge
    that's Jane/Mark/etc. \for you so ist Jane/Mark/etc. eben!, das sieht Jane/Mark/etc. mal wieder ähnlich!, das ist wieder mal typisch für Jane/Mark/etc.!
    that's children \for you! so sind Kinder eben!
    that's/there's sth \for you ( pej)
    there's gratitude \for you! und so was nennt sich Dankbarkeit! fam
    there's manners \for you! das sind [mir] ja schöne Manieren! iron fam
    * * *
    I [fɔː(r)]
    1. prep
    1) (intention) für; (purpose) zu, für; (destination) nach

    clothes for childrenKleidung f für Kinder, Kinderkleidung f

    what for? — wofür?, wozu?

    what did you do that for? —

    a room for working in/sewing — ein Zimmer zum Arbeiten/Nähen

    a bag for carrying books (in) — eine Tasche, um Bücher zu tragen

    fit for nothing —

    ready for anything —

    this will do for a hammerdas kann man als Hammer nehmen

    to leave for the USAin die USA or nach Amerika abreisen

    he swam for the shore — er schwamm auf die Küste zu, er schwamm in Richtung Küste


    (indicating suitability) it's not for you to ask questions — Sie haben kein Recht, Fragen zu stellen

    it's not for me to say — es steht mir nicht zu, mich dazu zu äußern


    (= representing, instead of) I'll speak to her for you if you like —

    I need someone to make up my mind for me — ich brauche jemanden, der die Entscheidung für mich trifft

    she works for a bank (in the bank) — sie arbeitet bei or in einer Bank; (outside the bank) sie arbeitet für eine Bank

    4) (= in defence, in favour of) für

    I'm all for itich bin ganz or sehr dafür

    I'm all for helping him —


    (= with regard to) anxious for sb — um jdn besorgt

    as for him/that — was ihn/das betrifft

    warm/cold for the time of year — warm/kalt für die Jahreszeit

    6) (= because of) aus

    he did it for fear of being left — er tat es aus Angst, zurückgelassen zu werden

    he is famous for his jokes/his big nose — er ist für seine Witze bekannt/wegen seiner großen Nase berühmt

    do it for metu es für mich

    7) (= in spite of) trotz (+gen or (inf) +dat)

    for all that, you should have warned me — Sie hätten mich trotz allem warnen sollen

    8) (= in exchange) für

    to pay four euros for a ticketvier Euro für eine Fahrkarte zahlen

    he'll do it for ten pounds —


    (= in contrast) for every job that is created, two are lost — für jede Stelle, die neu geschaffen wird, gehen zwei verloren

    10) (in time) seit; (with future tense) für

    I had/have known her for years — ich kannte/kenne sie schon seit Jahren

    he won't be back for a weeker wird erst in einer Woche zurück sein

    can you get it done for Monday/this time next week? — können Sie es bis or für Montag/bis in einer Woche fertig haben?

    for a while/time — (für) eine Weile/einige Zeit


    (distance) the road is lined with trees for two miles — die Straße ist auf or über zwei Meilen mit Bäumen gesäumt


    (with verbs) to pray for peace — für den or um Frieden beten

    → vbs
    13) (after n: indicating liking, aptitude etc) für

    his knack for saying the wrong thing — sein Talent, das Falsche zu sagen


    (with infin clauses) for this to be possible — damit dies möglich wird

    it's easy for him to do it — für ihn ist es leicht, das zu tun, er kann das leicht tun

    I brought it for you to see — ich habe es mitgebracht, damit Sie es sich (dat) ansehen können

    the best thing would be for you to leave — das Beste wäre, wenn Sie weggingen

    their one hope is for him to return — ihre einzige Hoffnung ist, dass er zurückkommt


    (phrases) to do sth for oneself — etw alleine tun

    2. conj
    3. adj pred
    (= in favour) dafür

    17 were for, 13 against — 17 waren dafür, 13 dagegen

    II abbr frei Bahn
    * * *
    for [fɔː(r); unbetont fə(r)]
    A präp
    1. allg für:
    it was very awkward for her es war sehr peinlich für sie, es war ihr sehr unangenehm;
    he spoilt their holidays (bes US vacation) for them er verdarb ihnen den ganzen Urlaub;
    she brought a letter for me to sign sie brachte mir einen Brief zur Unterschrift
    2. für, zugunsten von:
    a gift for him ein Geschenk für ihn;
    this letter is for me dieser Brief ist an mich;
    for and against für und wider; academic.ru/69264/speak_for">speak for 1
    3. für, (mit der Absicht) zu, um (… willen):
    apply for the post sich um die Stellung bewerben;
    die for a cause für eine Sache sterben;
    come for dinner zum Essen kommen
    4. (Wunsch, Ziel) nach, auf (akk):
    a claim for sth ein Anspruch auf eine Sache;
    the desire for sth der Wunsch oder das Verlangen nach etwas;
    call for sb nach jemandem rufen;
    wait for sth auf etwas warten;
    oh, for a car! ach, hätte ich doch nur ein Auto!
    b) (bestimmt) für oder zu:
    tools for cutting Werkzeuge zum Schneiden, Schneidewerkzeuge;
    the right man for the job der richtige Mann für diesen Posten
    6. (Mittel) gegen:
    treat sb for cancer jemanden gegen oder auf Krebs behandeln;
    there is nothing for it but to give in es bleibt nichts (anderes) übrig, als nachzugeben
    8. (als Entgelt) für, gegen, um:
    I sold it for £10 ich verkaufte es für 10 Pfund
    9. (im Tausch) für, gegen:
    10. (Betrag, Menge) über (akk):
    a postal order for £2
    11. (Grund) aus, vor (dat), wegen:
    for this reason aus diesem Grund;
    die for grief aus oder vor Gram sterben;
    weep for joy aus oder vor Freude weinen;
    I can’t see for the fog ich kann nichts sehen wegen des Nebels oder vor lauter Nebel;
    she couldn’t speak for laughing sie konnte vor (lauter) Lachen nicht sprechen
    12. (als Strafe etc) für, wegen:
    13. dank, wegen:
    were it not for his energy wenn er nicht so energisch wäre, dank seiner Energie;
    if it wasn’t for him wenn er nicht wäre, ohne ihn; he would never have done it, if it hadn’t been for me talking him into it wenn ich ihn nicht dazu überredet hätte
    14. für, in Anbetracht (gen), im Hinblick auf (akk), im Verhältnis zu:
    he is tall for his age er ist groß für sein Alter;
    it is rather cold for July es ist ziemlich kalt für Juli;
    for a foreigner he speaks English fairly well für einen Ausländer spricht er recht gut Englisch
    15. (Begabung, Neigung) für, (Hang) zu:
    an eye for beauty Sinn für das Schöne
    16. (zeitlich) für, während, auf (akk), für die Dauer von, seit:
    for a week eine Woche (lang);
    come for a week komme auf oder für eine Woche;
    for hours stundenlang;
    for a ( oder some) time past seit längerer Zeit;
    for a long time past schon seit Langem;
    not for a long time noch lange nicht;
    the first picture for two months der erste Film in oder seit zwei Monaten;
    for months ahead auf Monate (hinaus)
    17. (Strecke) weit, lang:
    run for a mile eine Meile (weit) laufen
    18. nach, auf (akk), in Richtung auf (akk):
    the train for London der Zug nach London;
    the passengers for Rome die nach Rom reisenden Passagiere;
    start for Paris nach Paris abreisen;
    now for it! Br umg jetzt (nichts wie) los oder drauf!, jetzt gilt’s!
    19. für, anstelle von (oder gen), (an)statt:
    20. für, in Vertretung oder im Auftrag oder im Namen von (oder gen):
    act for sb in jemandes Auftrag handeln
    21. für, als:
    books for presents Bücher als Geschenk;
    they were sold for slaves sie wurden als Sklaven verkauft;
    take that for an answer nimm das als Antwort
    22. trotz (gen oder dat), ungeachtet (gen):
    for all that trotz alledem;
    for all his wealth trotz seines ganzen Reichtums, bei allem Reichtum;
    for all you may say sage, was du willst
    23. as for was … betrifft:
    as for me was mich betrifft oder an(be)langt;
    as for that matter was das betrifft;
    for all I know soviel ich weiß;
    for all of me meinetwegen, von mir aus
    24. nach adj und vor inf:
    it is too heavy for me to lift es ist so schwer, dass ich es nicht heben kann;
    it is impossible for me to come es ist mir unmöglich zu kommen, ich kann unmöglich kommen;
    it seemed useless for me to continue es erschien mir sinnlos, noch weiterzumachen
    25. mit s oder pron und inf:
    it is time for you to go home es ist Zeit, dass du heimgehst; es ist Zeit für dich heimzugehen;
    it is for you to decide die Entscheidung liegt bei Ihnen;
    a) es ist nicht deine Sache zu inf,
    b) es steht dir nicht zu inf;
    he called for the girl to bring him some tea er rief nach dem Mädchen und bat es, ihm Tee zu bringen;
    don’t wait for him to turn up yet wartet nicht darauf, dass er noch auftaucht;
    there is no need for anyone to know es braucht niemand zu wissen
    that’s a wine for you das ist vielleicht ein Weinchen, das nenne ich einen Wein
    27. US nach:
    B konj denn, weil, nämlich
    * * *
    1. preposition
    1) (representing, on behalf of, in exchange against) für; (in place of) für; anstelle von

    what is the German for "buzz"? — wie heißt "buzz" auf Deutsch?

    2) (in defence, support, or favour of) für

    be for doing something — dafür sein, etwas zu tun

    it's each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt

    4) (with a view to) für; (conducive[ly] to) zu

    they invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen

    what is it for? — wofür/wozu ist das?

    6) (to obtain, win, save)

    take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen

    run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.

    7) (to reach) nach

    set out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen

    be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein

    have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben

    enough... for — genug... für

    too... for — zu... für

    there is nothing for it but to do something — es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit, als etwas zu tun

    cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund

    11) (to affect, as if affecting) für

    things don't look very promising for the business — was die Geschäfte angeht, sieht das alles nicht sehr vielversprechend aus

    it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut

    it's hopeless for me to try and explain the system — es ist sinnlos, dir das System erklären zu wollen

    12) (as being) für

    I/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil

    13) (on account of, as penalty of) wegen

    famous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas

    jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien

    were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage

    for all... — trotz...

    for all that,... — trotzdem...

    for fear of... — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)

    but for..., except for... — wenn nicht... gewesen wäre, [dann]...

    for all I know/care... — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,...

    for one thing,... — zunächst einmal...

    19) (during) seit

    we've/we haven't been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen

    we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang

    sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen

    walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen


    be for it(coll.) dran sein (ugs.); sich auf was gefasst machen können (ugs.)

    2. conjunction
    (since, as proof) denn
    * * *
    als konj.
    denn konj.
    für konj.
    nach konj.
    zu konj.

    English-german dictionary > for

  • 9 alboroto

    1 din (ruido).
    2 fuss, to-do (jaleo).
    3 lot of noise, brawl, riot, bustle.
    4 frolic, noise, hullabaloo.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: alborotar.
    * * *
    1 (gritería) din, racket, row
    2 (desorden) uproar, commotion, disturbance
    3 (sobresalto) shock, alarm
    * * *
    noun m.
    2) riot
    * * *
    1) (=disturbio) disturbance; (=vocerío) racket, row; (=jaleo) uproar; (=motín) riot; (=pelea) brawl
    2) (=susto) scare, alarm
    3) pl alborotos CAm (=rosetas de maíz) popcorn sing
    * * *
    a) (agitación, nerviosismo) agitation; ( excitación) excitement
    b) ( ruido) racket
    c) (disturbio, jaleo) disturbance, commotion; ( motín) riot
    * * *
    = fuss, buzz, hype, the, uproar, hoopla, hue and cry, hubbub, spin, commotion, hilarity, rumpus, racket, fracas, hustle and bustle, hurly-burly, riot.
    Ex. Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Turf wars in the playback software arena: Microsoft Netshow, Windows Multimedia Player, and all that buzz'.
    Ex. However, given the hype about the networking of public libraries in the US, it is perhaps surprising to note that only 21% have some form of connection to the Internet.
    Ex. The film tells of the uproar the librarian created when he extended an invitation to an advocate of theories on black inferiority to address a high school assembly.
    Ex. Amid the hoopla, she hasn't forgotten its roots.
    Ex. There was no great hue and cry from the coastal community when the two papers appeared in print.
    Ex. And arming himself with patience and piety he tarried awhile until the hubbub was stilled.
    Ex. In our media saturated world of high-blown hype and suffocating spin they do their best to tell you the truth.
    Ex. She pleaded, futilely, in broken French, until an elderly man, hearing the commotion, came to her rescue.
    Ex. The author combines southern warmth with unabashed emotion and side-splitting hilarity.
    Ex. Then reading of this story aloud to young children as they look at the pictures, needs a firm, quiet voice, until that glorious wordless pictorial passage showing the 'wild rumpus,' when at least one reader discovers it is necessary to give a one-man vocal performance of some rumbustious classical music as accompaniment to the viewing of those pages.
    Ex. He says the library science degree is a racket; that there's nothing taught in library school that can't be better learned on the job.
    Ex. There are, as I see it, approximately three positions one can take on the matter, each with its own adherents in the current fracas.
    Ex. The article ' Hustle and bustle or solemn silence?' argues that changes in society require a re-examination of the library's role.
    Ex. No, the hurly-burly of politics holds no enchantment for me, I in fact have a deep rooted scepticism and I am disillusioned about politics.
    Ex. The subjects referred to recur frequently in the writings of the 'socially committed' -- drugs, sex, racism, student unrest, riots, scandals in government, conservation, the role of women in society are among them.
    * causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * * *
    a) (agitación, nerviosismo) agitation; ( excitación) excitement
    b) ( ruido) racket
    c) (disturbio, jaleo) disturbance, commotion; ( motín) riot
    * * *
    = fuss, buzz, hype, the, uproar, hoopla, hue and cry, hubbub, spin, commotion, hilarity, rumpus, racket, fracas, hustle and bustle, hurly-burly, riot.

    Ex: Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.

    Ex: The article is entitled 'Turf wars in the playback software arena: Microsoft Netshow, Windows Multimedia Player, and all that buzz'.
    Ex: However, given the hype about the networking of public libraries in the US, it is perhaps surprising to note that only 21% have some form of connection to the Internet.
    Ex: The film tells of the uproar the librarian created when he extended an invitation to an advocate of theories on black inferiority to address a high school assembly.
    Ex: Amid the hoopla, she hasn't forgotten its roots.
    Ex: There was no great hue and cry from the coastal community when the two papers appeared in print.
    Ex: And arming himself with patience and piety he tarried awhile until the hubbub was stilled.
    Ex: In our media saturated world of high-blown hype and suffocating spin they do their best to tell you the truth.
    Ex: She pleaded, futilely, in broken French, until an elderly man, hearing the commotion, came to her rescue.
    Ex: The author combines southern warmth with unabashed emotion and side-splitting hilarity.
    Ex: Then reading of this story aloud to young children as they look at the pictures, needs a firm, quiet voice, until that glorious wordless pictorial passage showing the 'wild rumpus,' when at least one reader discovers it is necessary to give a one-man vocal performance of some rumbustious classical music as accompaniment to the viewing of those pages.
    Ex: He says the library science degree is a racket; that there's nothing taught in library school that can't be better learned on the job.
    Ex: There are, as I see it, approximately three positions one can take on the matter, each with its own adherents in the current fracas.
    Ex: The article ' Hustle and bustle or solemn silence?' argues that changes in society require a re-examination of the library's role.
    Ex: No, the hurly-burly of politics holds no enchantment for me, I in fact have a deep rooted scepticism and I am disillusioned about politics.
    Ex: The subjects referred to recur frequently in the writings of the 'socially committed' -- drugs, sex, racism, student unrest, riots, scandals in government, conservation, the role of women in society are among them.
    * causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.

    * * *
    1 (agitación, nerviosismo) agitation; (excitación) excitement
    2 (ruido) racket
    1 (disturbio, jaleo) disturbance, commotion, ruckus ( AmE colloq)
    2 (motín) riot
    * * *

    Del verbo alborotar: ( conjugate alborotar)

    alboroto es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    alborotó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    alborotar ( conjugate alborotar) verbo intransitivo
    to make a racket
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( agitar) to agitate, get … agitated;

    ( excitar) to get … excited

    alborotarse verbo pronominal
    a) ( agitarse) to get agitated o upset;

    ( excitarse) to get excited

    alboroto sustantivo masculino
    a) (agitación, nerviosismo) agitation;

    ( excitación) excitement

    c) (disturbio, jaleo) disturbance, commotion;

    ( motín) riot
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (causar agitación) to agitate, work up
    2 (revolver, desordenar) to make untidy, turn upside down
    II vi (causar jaleo) to kick up a racket
    alboroto sustantivo masculino
    1 (jaleo) din, racket
    2 (disturbios) disturbance, uproar
    ' alboroto' also found in these entries:
    - armar
    - gresca
    - mogollón
    - organizarse
    - barullo
    - bochinche
    - bronca
    - escándalo
    - jaleo
    - tumulto
    - disturbance
    - excitement
    - fuss
    - hubbub
    - pandemonium
    - rowdy
    - uproar
    - up
    * * *
    1. [ruido] din;
    había mucho alboroto en la calle there was a lot of noise in the street
    2. [jaleo] fuss, to-do;
    se armó un gran alboroto there was a huge fuss;
    se produjeron alborotos callejeros there were street disturbances
    alborotos nmpl
    CAm popcorn
    * * *
    m commotion
    * * *
    1) : disturbance, ruckus
    2) motín: riot
    * * *
    1. (jaleo) racket
    2. (disturbio) disturbance / riot

    Spanish-English dictionary > alboroto

  • 10 jaleo

    1 row, rumpus (alboroto).
    armar jaleo to kick up a row o fuss
    2 mess, confusion.
    3 cheering (aplausos, gritos).
    4 fuss, babel, racket, row.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: jalear.
    * * *
    1 (alboroto) din, racket
    2 (escándalo) fuss, commotion
    3 (riña) row
    4 (confusión) muddle
    * * *
    1) * (=ruido) row, racket
    2) * (=confusión) mess, muddle; (=problema) hassle
    3) * (=juerga) binge *
    4) (Mús) shouting and clapping ( to encourage dancers)
    5) (Caza) hallooing
    * * *
    masculino (fam)
    a) (alboroto, ruido) racket (colloq), row (colloq)
    b) ( confusión) muddle, mess; ( desorden) mess; ( problemas) hassle (colloq)
    d) ( riña) brawl
    * * *
    = fireworks, buzz, rumpus, hoopla, hubbub, ruckus, commotion, racket, palaver.
    Ex. 'You know, Tom, if I ever find another job -- and I'm already looking -- there will be some fireworks around here before I leave, I can guarantee you that!'.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Turf wars in the playback software arena: Microsoft Netshow, Windows Multimedia Player, and all that buzz'.
    Ex. Then reading of this story aloud to young children as they look at the pictures, needs a firm, quiet voice, until that glorious wordless pictorial passage showing the 'wild rumpus,' when at least one reader discovers it is necessary to give a one-man vocal performance of some rumbustious classical music as accompaniment to the viewing of those pages.
    Ex. Amid the hoopla, she hasn't forgotten its roots.
    Ex. And arming himself with patience and piety he tarried awhile until the hubbub was stilled.
    Ex. Sometime back a heroine created a ruckus by saying that the actor acted fresh with her by biting her lips in a smooching scene.
    Ex. She pleaded, futilely, in broken French, until an elderly man, hearing the commotion, came to her rescue.
    Ex. He says the library science degree is a racket; that there's nothing taught in library school that can't be better learned on the job.
    Ex. Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
    * ¡qué jaleo! = what a palaver!.
    * * *
    masculino (fam)
    a) (alboroto, ruido) racket (colloq), row (colloq)
    b) ( confusión) muddle, mess; ( desorden) mess; ( problemas) hassle (colloq)
    d) ( riña) brawl
    * * *
    = fireworks, buzz, rumpus, hoopla, hubbub, ruckus, commotion, racket, palaver.

    Ex: 'You know, Tom, if I ever find another job -- and I'm already looking -- there will be some fireworks around here before I leave, I can guarantee you that!'.

    Ex: The article is entitled 'Turf wars in the playback software arena: Microsoft Netshow, Windows Multimedia Player, and all that buzz'.
    Ex: Then reading of this story aloud to young children as they look at the pictures, needs a firm, quiet voice, until that glorious wordless pictorial passage showing the 'wild rumpus,' when at least one reader discovers it is necessary to give a one-man vocal performance of some rumbustious classical music as accompaniment to the viewing of those pages.
    Ex: Amid the hoopla, she hasn't forgotten its roots.
    Ex: And arming himself with patience and piety he tarried awhile until the hubbub was stilled.
    Ex: Sometime back a heroine created a ruckus by saying that the actor acted fresh with her by biting her lips in a smooching scene.
    Ex: She pleaded, futilely, in broken French, until an elderly man, hearing the commotion, came to her rescue.
    Ex: He says the library science degree is a racket; that there's nothing taught in library school that can't be better learned on the job.
    Ex: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
    * ¡qué jaleo! = what a palaver!.

    * * *
    ( fam)
    1 (alboroto, ruido) racket ( colloq), row ( colloq), ruckus ( AmE colloq)
    2 (confusión) muddle, mess; (desorden) mess; (problemas) hassle ( colloq)
    me armo un jaleo con estas calles I get into a muddle o I get confused with these streets
    perdón por este jaleo, es que acabo de llegar de viaje excuse the mess, I've just got back from a trip
    (actividad intensa): hemos tenido mucho jaleo en casa everything's been very hectic at home
    con todo el jaleo de la mudanza with all the upheaval of the move
    4 (riña) brawl
    aquí no quiero jaleos I don't want any brawling here
    * * *

    Del verbo jalear: ( conjugate jalear)

    jaleo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    jaleó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    jaleo sustantivo masculino (fam)
    a) (alboroto, ruido) racket (colloq), row (colloq)

    ( desorden) mess;
    ( problemas) hassle (colloq)

    con todo el jaleo de la mudanza with all the upheaval of the move
    d) ( riña) brawl

    jalear vtr (animar) to cheer (on)
    jaleo sustantivo masculino
    1 (ruido) din, racket
    armar jaleo, to make a racket
    2 (situación confusa) muddle
    3 (bronca) row
    ' jaleo' also found in these entries:
    - alboroto
    - buena
    - bueno
    - bulla
    - cacao
    - escándalo
    - folclore
    - follón
    - lomo
    - meter
    - montarse
    - ruido
    - taco
    - zarabanda
    - armar
    - gresca
    - pelotera
    - quilombo
    - revuelta
    - din
    - fuss
    - racket
    - ruckus
    - rumpus
    - to-do
    - ructions
    - to
    * * *
    jaleo nm
    1. [lío] mess, confusion;
    había un jaleo enorme a la entrada del estadio it was utter chaos outside the stadium;
    no encuentro el documento entre tanto jaleo de papeles I can't find the document amongst all this muddle o jumble of papers;
    tengo mucho jaleo en la oficina things are pretty hectic for me at the office just now;
    un jaleo de cifras a jumble of figures;
    en menudo jaleo te has metido that's a real mess you've landed yourself in;
    con este programa me armo mucho jaleo this program is a nightmare
    2. [alboroto] row, rumpus;
    armar jaleo to kick up a row o fuss
    3. [ruido] racket, row;
    [aplausos, gritos] cheering;
    armar jaleo to make a racket
    * * *
    1 ( ruido) racket, uproar;
    armar jaleo fam kick up a fuss fam
    2 ( lío) mess, muddle
    * * *
    jaleo nm, fam
    1) : uproar, ruckus, racket
    2) fam : confusion, hassle
    3) : cheering and clapping (for a dance)
    * * *
    1. (ruido) racket / row
    ¡no arméis tanto jaleo! stop making such a racket!
    2. (problemas) trouble
    como se entere tu padre, habrá jaleo there'll be trouble if your dad finds out

    Spanish-English dictionary > jaleo

  • 11 gustar

    1 to be pleasing.
    me gusta ir al cine I like going to the cinema
    me gustan las novelas I like novels
    así me gusta, has hecho un buen trabajo that's what I like to see, you've done a fine job
    hazlo como más te guste do it whichever way you see fit, do it however you like
    El buen vino gusta mucho Good wine is pleasing.
    2 to taste, to try.
    3 to like, to be fond of, to enjoy, to dig.
    Me gusta el buen vino I like a good wine.
    4 to like to, to enjoy, to love to, to go in for.
    Nos gusta viajar We like to travel.
    5 to be desirable, to be desired.
    El cuadro caro gusta The expensive picture is desirable.
    6 to like it.
    Nos gusta We like it.
    * * *
    1 (agradar) to like
    2 (probar) to taste, try
    1 (tener complacencia) to enjoy (de, -)
    cuando guste / cuando gustes formal whenever you want
    ¿gustas? formal would you like some?
    ¿Ud. gusta? formal would you like some?
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VI
    1) [con complemento personal]
    a) [con sustantivo]

    ¿te gustó México? — did you like Mexico?

    le gustan mucho los niños — she loves children, she's very fond of children, she likes children a lot

    ¿te ha gustado la película? — did you enjoy the film?

    eso es, así me gusta — that's right, that's the way I like it

    me gusta como canta — I like the way she sings

    b) + infin

    ¿te gusta jugar a las cartas? — do you like playing cards?

    no me gusta nada levantarme temprano — I hate getting up early, I don't like getting up early at all

    no me gustaría nada estar en su lugarI'd hate to be o I really wouldn't like to be in his place o shoes

    le gusta mucho jugar al fútbol — he's a keen footballer, he likes playing o to play football


    gustar que + subjun

    no me gustó que no invitaran a mi hija a la bodaI didn't like the fact that o I was annoyed that my daughter wasn't invited to the wedding

    ¿te gustaría que te llevara al cine? — would you like me to take you to the cinema?, would you like it if I took you to the cinema?

    d) (=sentir atracción por)

    a mi amiga le gusta Carlosmy friend fancies * o likes o is keen on Carlos

    2) [sin complemento explícito]
    3) [en frases de cortesía]

    ¿gusta usted? — would you like some?, may I offer you some?

    si usted gusta — if you please, if you don't mind

    como usted guste — as you wish, as you please

    cuando gusten[invitando a pasar] when you're ready


    gustar de algo — to like sth

    gustar de hacer algo — to like to do sth

    Josechu, como gustan de llamarlo en su familia — Josechu, as his family like to call him

    2. VT
    1) (=probar) to taste, sample
    2) LAm

    ¿gustaría un poco de vino? — would you like some wine?

    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿te gustó el libro? — did you like o enjoy the book?

    no me/te/nos gustan los helados — I/you/we don't like ice cream

    es el que más me gusta — he's/it's the one I like best


    gustarle a alguien + inf: le gusta tocar la guitarra she likes to play the guitar (AmE), she likes playing the guitar (BrE); le gusta mucho viajar she's very fond of traveling (colloq); me gusta mucho jugar al tenis I love playing o to play tennis; nos gusta dar un paseo después de comer we like to have a walk after lunch; ¿te gustaría visitar el castillo? — would you like to visit the castle?


    gustarle a alguien que + subj: no le gusta que le toquen sus papeles he doesn't like people touching o to touch his papers; me gustaría que vinieras temprano — I'd like you to come early

    a) ( en frases de cortesía) to wish (frml)

    puede llamar o escribir, como guste — you may call or write, as you wish

    ¿usted gusta? están muy buenas — would you like some? they're very nice


    gustar de + inf — to like to + inf (AmE), to like -ing (BrE)

    gusta de jugar a las cartashe likes to play o he likes playing cards

    gustar vt
    a) (liter) ( saborear) to taste
    b) (AmL) ( querer) to like

    ¿gustan tomar algo? — would you like something to drink?

    * * *
    = appreciate, be fond of, like, wish, love, please, have + a liking for, be keen on, be into, strike + Posesivo + fancy, fancy, get + a buzz from, take + a fancy to, take + a shine to, take + a liking to.
    Ex. Most users would appreciate disciplines placed adjacent to related disciplines.
    Ex. MARIAN EVANS, who wrote as GEORGE ELIOT, was at times fond of identifying herself as MRS. GEORGE HENRY LEWES, and eventually actually became MRS. JOHN WALTER CROSS.
    Ex. But the incompleteness of information can be turned into an asset by challenging students to specify what additional information they would like and how they would attempt to get it.
    Ex. Step 1 Familiarisation: A searcher must be adequately familiar with that which he wishes to retrieve.
    Ex. All these novels are about young women meeting handsome men, at first disliking them and then discovering that they love them, with the inescapable 'happy ending' which means matrimony in these cases.
    Ex. By polar contrast the book for the mass culture reader, the 'consumer', simply aims to please.
    Ex. I have a liking for novels which use techniques for disturbing the usual steady flow of sequential narrative with perhaps a flashback or two.
    Ex. Librarians were most keen on the self-help aspects of community information.
    Ex. As one librarian summarized, 'people are not into the stuffed looking, dingy, dust smelling type of libraries anymore... they expect atmospheres more like coffeehouses or nice bookstores'.
    Ex. Most books for children are selected by looking along the shelf until an attractive cover, familiar author's name or familiar title strikes the reader's fancy.
    Ex. He was popular because he was good at sport and talked a lot about girls he fancied.
    Ex. How anyone can get a buzz from laying into someone is beyond me; it's not nice to see it happen - too many times have I seen people beaten up over nothing.
    Ex. He is a collector who wants to form a collection by making his own paintings of pictures he has taken a fancy to in other people's houses.
    Ex. She took a shine to Sheldon, and before he knows what has happened, the misanthropic physicist finds himself with a girlfriend.
    Ex. He quickly took a liking to American clothing stores and acquired a taste for fast-food restaurants.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * ciertamente me gustaría = I sure wish.
    * dejar de gustar = go off.
    * empezar a gustar la idea = warm up to + the idea.
    * gustar la ceremonia = stand on + ceremony.
    * gustar la idea de = fancy + the idea of.
    * gustar las faldas = be a bit of a lad.
    * gustarle a uno algo = be amused by, be amused by.
    * gustar los formalismos = stand on + ceremony.
    * gustar muchísimo = love + Nombre + to bits.
    * gustar mucho = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * gustar mucho las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].
    * gustar mucho lo dulce = have + a sweet tooth.
    * gustar una hartá = love + Nombre + to bits.
    * gustar + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * me gustaría = I shoud like.
    * me gustaría muchísimo = I sure wish.
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * nos gusten o no = like them or not.
    * nos guste o no = like it or not.
    * persona que no le gusta leer = aliterate.
    * ser lo que a Uno le gusta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * si no te gusta, te aguantas = like it or lump it, if you don't like it you can lump it.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿te gustó el libro? — did you like o enjoy the book?

    no me/te/nos gustan los helados — I/you/we don't like ice cream

    es el que más me gusta — he's/it's the one I like best


    gustarle a alguien + inf: le gusta tocar la guitarra she likes to play the guitar (AmE), she likes playing the guitar (BrE); le gusta mucho viajar she's very fond of traveling (colloq); me gusta mucho jugar al tenis I love playing o to play tennis; nos gusta dar un paseo después de comer we like to have a walk after lunch; ¿te gustaría visitar el castillo? — would you like to visit the castle?


    gustarle a alguien que + subj: no le gusta que le toquen sus papeles he doesn't like people touching o to touch his papers; me gustaría que vinieras temprano — I'd like you to come early

    a) ( en frases de cortesía) to wish (frml)

    puede llamar o escribir, como guste — you may call or write, as you wish

    ¿usted gusta? están muy buenas — would you like some? they're very nice


    gustar de + inf — to like to + inf (AmE), to like -ing (BrE)

    gusta de jugar a las cartashe likes to play o he likes playing cards

    gustar vt
    a) (liter) ( saborear) to taste
    b) (AmL) ( querer) to like

    ¿gustan tomar algo? — would you like something to drink?

    * * *
    = appreciate, be fond of, like, wish, love, please, have + a liking for, be keen on, be into, strike + Posesivo + fancy, fancy, get + a buzz from, take + a fancy to, take + a shine to, take + a liking to.

    Ex: Most users would appreciate disciplines placed adjacent to related disciplines.

    Ex: MARIAN EVANS, who wrote as GEORGE ELIOT, was at times fond of identifying herself as MRS. GEORGE HENRY LEWES, and eventually actually became MRS. JOHN WALTER CROSS.
    Ex: But the incompleteness of information can be turned into an asset by challenging students to specify what additional information they would like and how they would attempt to get it.
    Ex: Step 1 Familiarisation: A searcher must be adequately familiar with that which he wishes to retrieve.
    Ex: All these novels are about young women meeting handsome men, at first disliking them and then discovering that they love them, with the inescapable 'happy ending' which means matrimony in these cases.
    Ex: By polar contrast the book for the mass culture reader, the 'consumer', simply aims to please.
    Ex: I have a liking for novels which use techniques for disturbing the usual steady flow of sequential narrative with perhaps a flashback or two.
    Ex: Librarians were most keen on the self-help aspects of community information.
    Ex: As one librarian summarized, 'people are not into the stuffed looking, dingy, dust smelling type of libraries anymore... they expect atmospheres more like coffeehouses or nice bookstores'.
    Ex: Most books for children are selected by looking along the shelf until an attractive cover, familiar author's name or familiar title strikes the reader's fancy.
    Ex: He was popular because he was good at sport and talked a lot about girls he fancied.
    Ex: How anyone can get a buzz from laying into someone is beyond me; it's not nice to see it happen - too many times have I seen people beaten up over nothing.
    Ex: He is a collector who wants to form a collection by making his own paintings of pictures he has taken a fancy to in other people's houses.
    Ex: She took a shine to Sheldon, and before he knows what has happened, the misanthropic physicist finds himself with a girlfriend.
    Ex: He quickly took a liking to American clothing stores and acquired a taste for fast-food restaurants.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * ciertamente me gustaría = I sure wish.
    * dejar de gustar = go off.
    * empezar a gustar la idea = warm up to + the idea.
    * gustar la ceremonia = stand on + ceremony.
    * gustar la idea de = fancy + the idea of.
    * gustar las faldas = be a bit of a lad.
    * gustarle a uno algo = be amused by, be amused by.
    * gustar los formalismos = stand on + ceremony.
    * gustar muchísimo = love + Nombre + to bits.
    * gustar mucho = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * gustar mucho las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].
    * gustar mucho lo dulce = have + a sweet tooth.
    * gustar una hartá = love + Nombre + to bits.
    * gustar + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * me gustaría = I shoud like.
    * me gustaría muchísimo = I sure wish.
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * nos gusten o no = like them or not.
    * nos guste o no = like it or not.
    * persona que no le gusta leer = aliterate.
    * ser lo que a Uno le gusta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * si no te gusta, te aguantas = like it or lump it, if you don't like it you can lump it.

    * * *
    gustar [A1 ]
    1 (+ me/te/le etc):
    ¿te gustó el libro? did you like o enjoy the book?
    me gusta su compañía I enjoy her company, I like being with her
    no me/te/nos gustan los helados I/you/we don't like ice cream
    le gusta mucho la música he's very fond of music, he likes music very much
    ¡así me gusta! that's what I like to see ( o hear etc)!, that's the spirit!
    creo que a Juan le gusta María I think Juan likes María, I think Juan fancies o is keen on María ( BrE colloq)
    me gusta como sonríe I like the way she smiles
    hazlo como te guste do it however you like
    un cantante que gusta mucho a very popular singer
    éste es el que más me gusta this is the one I like best
    2 gustarle a algn + INF:
    le gusta tocar la guitarra she likes to play the guitar ( AmE), she likes playing the guitar ( BrE)
    le gusta mucho viajar she's very fond of traveling o ( BrE) keen on travelling ( colloq)
    me gusta mucho jugar al tenis I'm a keen tennis player, I love playing o to play tennis
    nos gusta dar un paseo después de comer we like to have a walk after lunch
    ¿te gustaría visitar el castillo? would you like to visit the castle?
    3 gustarle a algn QUE + SUBJ:
    no le gusta que le toquen sus papeles he doesn't like people touching o to touch his papers
    no me gusta que salgas con ellos I don't like you going out o to go out with them
    me gustaría que vinieras temprano I'd like you to come early, I'd like for you to come early ( AmE)
    B «persona»
    puede llamar o escribir, como guste you may call or write, as you wish o whichever you prefer
    pásese por nuestras oficinas cuando usted guste please call at our offices when convenient
    para lo que usted guste mandar ( ant); at your service ( frml)
    ¿gusta? están muy buenas would you like some? they're very nice
    2 gustar DE algo to like sth
    es muy serio, no gusta de bromas he is very serious, he doesn't like jokes
    no gusta de alabanzas she doesn't like to be praised, she doesn't like o enjoy being praised
    gusta de la chica de pelo largo ( RPl); he likes the girl with long hair, he is keen on the girl with long hair ( BrE colloq)
    gustar DE + INF to like to + INF ( AmE), to like -ING ( BrE)
    gusta de jugar a las cartas he likes to play o he likes playing cards
    ■ gustar
    1 ( liter) (saborear) to taste
    gustaron las mieles del triunfo they tasted the fruits of victory ( liter)
    2 ( AmL) (querer) to like
    ¿gustan tomar algo? would you like something to drink?
    si gustan pasar a la mesa would you like to go through to eat?
    * * *


    gustar ( conjugate gustar) verbo intransitivo
    1 (+ me/te/le etc):
    ¿te gustó el libro? did you like o enjoy the book?;

    me gusta su compañía I enjoy her company;
    los helados no me/te/nos gustan I/you/we don't like ice cream;
    le gusta mucho la música he likes music very much;
    a Juan le gusta María Juan likes María;
    le gusta tocar la guitarra she likes to play the guitar (AmE), she likes playing the guitar (BrE);
    le gusta mucho viajar she's very fond of traveling (colloq);
    nos gusta dar un paseo después de comer we like to have a walk after lunch;
    ¿te gustaría visitar el castillo? would you like to visit the castle?;
    me gustaría que vinieras temprano I'd like you to come early
    2 ( en frases de cortesía) to wish (frml);

    cuando usted guste whenever it is convenient for you
    verbo transitivo (AmL) ( querer) to like;
    ¿gustan tomar algo? would you like something to drink?

    I verbo intransitivo 1 me gusta el pan, I like bread
    me gustaba su compañía, I used to like his company
    (con infinitivo) me gusta escribir, I like to write o I like writing
    me gustaría ir, I would like to go ➣ Ver nota abajo
    2 frml cortesía: cuando gustes, whenever you like
    ¿gustas?, would you like some?
    3 frml (sentir agrado o afición) gustar de, to enjoy: gusta de salir a pasear por las mañanas, he likes to have a walk in the morning
    II vtr (degustar, probar) to taste
    Gustar se traduce por to like: Me gusta esta música. I like this music. Sin embargo, recuerda que en español el sujeto del verbo gustar es lo que nos gusta (esta música), mientras que en inglés el sujeto del verbo to like es I.
    Si quieres añadir un verbo como complemento del verbo to like (me gusta nadar), debes emplear el gerundio, que siempre sugiere algo placentero: I like swimming. Pero si más que gustarte simplemente te parece una buena idea o lo haces por tu propio bien puedes usar el infinitivo: I like to go to the dentist twice a year. Me gusta ir al dentista dos veces al año. Sería muy difícil que alguien dijera I like going to the dentist, porque significaría que disfruta haciéndolo.
    En el modo condicional ( I would like) sólo se puede usar el infinitivo: I would like to go out tonight. Me gustaría salir esta noche.

    ' gustar' also found in these entries:
    - apetecer
    - chiflar
    - encantar
    - enloquecer
    - entusiasmar
    - privar
    - satisfacer
    - tirar
    - atraer
    - latir
    - tincar
    care for
    - like
    - thrive
    - grow
    - turn
    * * *
    1. [agradar]
    me gusta esa chica I like that girl;
    me/te/le gustan las novelas I like/you like/she likes novels;
    las fresas me gustan con locura I'm mad about strawberries, I adore strawberries;
    ¿te gustó la película? did you like o enjoy the movie o Br film?;
    no me gustó nada I didn't like it at all;
    no me gusta la playa I don't like the seaside;
    me gusta ir al cine I like going to the cinema;
    me gusta hacer las cosas bien I like to do things properly;
    me hubiera gustado ser famoso como él I would have liked to be famous, like him;
    me gusta como juega I like the way he plays;
    sus declaraciones no gustaron a los dirigentes del partido her comments didn't go down too well with the party leaders;
    el tipo de película que gusta al público the sort of film that the audience likes;
    la comedia no gustó the comedy didn't go down well;
    no nos gusta que pongas la música tan fuerte we don't like you playing your music so loud;
    así me gusta, has hecho un buen trabajo that's what I like to see, you've done a fine job;
    hazlo como más te guste do it whichever way you see fit, do it however you like
    2. [atraer]
    me gustas mucho I like you a lot, I really like you;
    Andrés y Lidia se gustan Andrés and Lidia fancy each other o are pretty keen on each other
    3. [en fórmulas de cortesía]
    como/cuando guste as/whenever you wish;
    ¿gustas? [¿quieres?] would you like some?
    4. Formal
    gustar de hacer algo to like o enjoy doing sth;
    gusta de pasear por las mañanas she likes o enjoys going for a walk in the mornings;
    no gusta de bromas durante el horario laboral he doesn't like people joking around during working hours;
    gusta de recordar sus tiempos de embajador he likes to reminisce about his time as ambassador
    1. [saborear, probar] to taste, to try;
    gustó el vino y dio su aprobación she tasted o tried the wine and said it was fine
    2. Am Formal [querer]
    ¿gusta sentarse? would you like to sit down?
    * * *
    me gusta de viajar I like to travel, I like o enjoy traveling;
    ¿te gusta el ajo? do you like garlic?;
    no me gusta I don’t like it;
    me gusta Ana I like Ana, Br tb I fancy Ana fam ;
    me gustaría … I would like …;
    cuando guste whenever you like;
    ¿Vd. gusta? would you like some?
    II v/t taste
    * * *
    gustar vt
    1) : to taste
    2) : to like
    ¿gustan pasar?: would you like to come in?
    gustar vi
    1) : to be pleasing
    me gustan los dulces: I like sweets
    a María le gusta Carlos: Maria is attracted to Carlos
    no me gusta que me griten: I don't like to be yelled at
    gustar de : to like, to enjoy
    no gusta de chismes: she doesn't like gossip
    como guste : as you wish, as you like
    * * *
    gustar vb
    1. (en general) to like
    ¿te gustó la película? sí, me gustó mucho did you like the film? yes, I liked it a lot
    2. (persona) to like / to fancy [pt. & pp. fancied]
    ¿cuál te gusta más? which one do you prefer?

    Spanish-English dictionary > gustar

  • 12 colpo

    m blow
    (fig) blow, shock
    medicine stroke
    colpo apoplettico apoplectic fit
    colpo di calore heat stroke
    colpo di sole sunstroke
    colpo di stato coup d'état
    colpo di telefono phone call
    fare colpo make an impact
    sul colpo, di colpo suddenly
    * * *
    colpo s.m.
    1 blow, stroke: un colpo di martello, the stroke of a hammer; uccidere un uomo con un colpo di spada, to kill a man with the stroke of one's sword; fu punito con dodici colpi di frusta, he was punished with twelve lashes of the whip; dare, vibrare un colpo a qlcu., to give (o deal o strike) s.o. a blow; un colpo in testa, a blow on the (o one's) head; se l'è cavata con un colpo in testa, all he got was a blow on his head // ( scherma): colpo di piatto, flat stroke; colpo di punta, thrust; colpo di taglio, cut blow // ( tennis): colpo al volo, volley; colpo diritto, forehand drive; colpo rovescio, backhand drive; colpo schiacciato, smash; colpo smorzato, drop shot // colpo di remi, oarstroke // un colpo di spazzola, a brushstroke // un colpo di pettine, a quick comb: mi do un colpo di pettine ed esco, I'll give my hair a quick comb and then go out // colpo di sole, sunstroke; colpi di sole ( nei capelli) highlights // colpo di vento, gust (of wind) // colpo di fulmine, stroke of lightning; (fig.) love at first sight // colpo di timone, tug of the tiller; (fig.) change of course // colpo di coda, flick of the tail; (fig.) sudden change // colpo da maestro, masterstroke // colpo fortunato, lucky stroke (o hit) // colpo basso, blow under the belt (anche fig.) // colpo di fortuna, stroke (o piece) of luck: che colpo di fortuna!, what a piece (o stroke) of luck! // colpo di grazia, finishing stroke // colpo di telefono, call (o ring): dammi un colpo di telefono non appena hai un minuto, give me a ring as soon as you can // (mil.): colpo di stato, coup d'état; colpo di mano, coup de main (o sudden attack) // colpo di testa, ( calcio) header, (fig.) rash act: non fare colpi di testa, don't act rashly; ha segnato con un colpo di testa, he scored with a header // colpo di genio, stroke of genius // colpo d'occhio, ( occhiata) quick glance; ( veduta) view; le case e il fiume sono un colpo d'occhio meraviglioso, the houses and the river are a marvellous view; a colpo d'occhio, at a glance // colpo di scena, coup de théâtre (o stage trick); un improvviso colpo di scena mise la polizia sulla pista giusta, a sudden, unexpected turn of events set the police on the right track // ( idraulica) colpo d'ariete, water hammer // a colpo sicuro, ( senza esitazione) without any hesitation (o unhesitatingly), ( senza alcun rischio) without any risk // di colpo, suddenly (o all of a sudden) // d'un colpo solo, tutto d'un colpo, all in one go // sul colpo, on the spot: morire sul colpo, to drop dead on the spot (o there and then), ( in un incidente) to be killed outright (o instantly) // dare un colpo al cerchio e uno alla botte, to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds // dare un colpo di spugna a qlco., to pass the sponge over sthg. // incassare, ricevere un colpo, (fig.) to take a blow; accusare, incassare il colpo, (fig.) to feel the blow // far colpo, to make a sensation; far colpo su qlcu., to make a hit with s.o. // senza colpo ferire, without any resistance // la morte dell'amico fu per lui un colpo fatale, the death of his friend came to him as a fatal blow
    2 ( d'arma da fuoco) shot: colpo di cannone, gun shot; colpo di fucile, rifle shot; colpo di rimbalzo, ricocheting shot; colpo a salve, blank shot // fallire il colpo, to miss the target
    3 ( apoplettico) (apoplectic) stroke: temevo gli venisse un colpo, I was afraid he would have a stroke // mi è venuto un colpo quando mi hanno presentato il conto, I got a shock when I was given the bill // mi venga un colpo se lo faccio!, I'll be damned if I do it! // ti venisse un colpo!, damn you! (o hang you!) // mi venisse un colpo se me ne sono ricordato, I couldn't for the life of me remember
    4 ( giornalistico) scoop: l'articolo sul segretario del partito è stato un bel colpo, that article on the Party Leader was a real scoop
    5 ( rapina) robbery: il colpo del secolo, the robbery of the century; fare un colpo, to pull off a robbery; hanno fatto un colpo in banca ieri mattina, they robbed the bank yesterday morning.
    * * *
    1. sm
    1) (aggressivo) blow, (urto) knock, (fig : affettivo) blow, shock

    prendere un colpo in o alla testa — to bump one's head

    un colpo di coda (di cavallo) a flick of the tail

    3) Med stroke
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile
    1) (urto) blow, hit, stroke

    ricevere un colpo in testato get a bang o knock on the head

    2) (di ascia) stroke, chop, fall; (di spada) stroke, slash, thrust

    un colpo di martello — a hammer blow, a knock with a hammer

    3) (sparo) shot

    sparare un colpo di — to let off [fucile, pistola]

    sparare un colpo su o contro qcn., qcs. — to fire o take a shot at sb., sth

    4) (rumore) bang, bump, thud, thump

    dare un colpo di ferro a qcs. — to run the iron over sth., to give sth. an iron

    colpo di clacson — beep, honk, hoot, peep

    6) (batosta) blow, knock

    essere un duro colpo, un colpo terribile — to be a blow (per qcn. to, for sb.)

    7) sport (nel tennis, golf) shot, stroke; (nel karate) chop; (di remi) pull, stroke
    8) colloq. (rapina) job
    9) colloq. stroke
    10) di colpo all of a sudden, suddenly
    11) in un colpo (solo) at a single stroke, in one (go)
    12) sul colpo [ morire] instantly

    colpo apopletticomed. stroke

    colpo basso (nella boxe) blow below the belt (anche fig.)

    colpo di fortunalucky break o strike, stroke of luck

    colpo di fulmine — coup de foudre, love at first sight

    colpo di genio — stroke of genius, masterstroke

    colpo di grazia — coup de grâce, death blow

    colpo di scena — twist, turnup for the books BE

    colpo di sole — sunstroke, insolation

    colpo di telefono — buzz, ring

    - i di solecosmet. highlights


    senza esclusione di -i — [ lotta] with the gloves off

    fare colpo su qcn. — to make a hit with o an impression on sb.

    perdere -i — [ motore] to miss

    * * *
    sostantivo m.
     1 (urto) blow, hit, stroke; ricevere un colpo in testa to get a bang o knock on the head; ho preso un brutto colpo al ginocchio my knee got a nasty bang
     2 (di ascia) stroke, chop, fall; (di spada) stroke, slash, thrust; un colpo di martello a hammer blow, a knock with a hammer
     3 (sparo) shot; colpo d'arma da fuoco gunshot; sparare un colpo di to let off [fucile, pistola]; sparare un colpo su o contro qcn., qcs. to fire o take a shot at sb., sth.
     4 (rumore) bang, bump, thud, thump; un colpo alla porta a knock at the door
     5 (movimento rapido) dare un colpo di ferro a qcs. to run the iron over sth., to give sth. an iron; colpo di clacson beep, honk, hoot, peep; colpo di pennello (brush)stroke
     6 (batosta) blow, knock; essere un duro colpo, un colpo terribile to be a blow (per qcn. to, for sb.); ricevere un brutto colpo to take a knock
     7 sport (nel tennis, golf) shot, stroke; (nel karate) chop; (di remi) pull, stroke; colpo di testa (nel calcio) header
     8 colloq. (rapina) job; fare un colpo in banca to do a bank job
     9 colloq. stroke; (che) mi prenda un colpo se lo so! hanged if I know! mi ha fatto venire un colpo! it gave me quite a turn o a nasty turn! a mamma piglierà un colpo my mum's going to have a cow scherz.
     10 di colpo all of a sudden, suddenly
     11 in un colpo (solo) at a single stroke, in one (go)
     12 sul colpo [ morire] instantly; ucciso sul colpo killed outright
    senza esclusione di -i [ lotta] with the gloves off; senza colpo ferire without striking a blow; fare colpo su qcn. to make a hit with o an impression on sb.; ha passato l'esame di guida al primo colpo she passed her driving test first time round; a colpo sicuro without fail; perdere -i [ motore] to miss; stai perdendo -i! you're slipping! fare un colpo di testa to have a rush of blood to the head
    colpo apoplettico med. stroke; colpo d'aria chill; colpo basso (nella boxe) blow below the belt (anche fig.); colpo di calore heat exhaustion o stroke; colpo di fortuna lucky break o strike, stroke of luck; colpo di frusta whiplash injury; colpo di fulmine coup de foudre, love at first sight; colpo di genio stroke of genius, masterstroke; colpo di grazia coup de grâce, death blow; colpo d'occhio glance; a colpo d'occhio at a glance; colpo di scena twist, turnup for the books BE; colpo di sole sunstroke, insolation; colpo di Stato coup (d'état); colpo della strega back strain; colpo di telefono buzz, ring; - i di sole cosmet. highlights.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > colpo

  • 13 get

    This much-used verb has no multi-purpose equivalent in French and therefore is very often translated by choosing a synonym: to get lunch = to prepare lunch = préparer le déjeuner. get is used in many idiomatic expressions ( to get something off one's chest etc) and translations will be found in the appropriate entry (chest etc). This is also true of offensive comments ( get stuffed etc) where the appropriate entry would be stuff. Remember that when get is used to express the idea that a job is done not by you but by somebody else ( to get a room painted etc) faire is used in French followed by an infinitive ( faire repeindre une pièce etc). When get has the meaning of become and is followed by an adjective (to get rich/drunk etc) devenir is sometimes useful but check the appropriate entry (rich, drunk etc) as a single verb often suffices ( s'enrichir, s'enivrer etc). For examples and further uses of get see the entry below.
    A vtr ( p prés - tt- ; prét got ; pp got, gotten US)
    1 ( receive) recevoir [letter, school report, grant] ; recevoir, percevoir [salary, pension] ; TV, Radio capter [channel, programme] ; did you get much for it? est-ce que tu en as tiré beaucoup d'argent? ; what did you get for your car? combien as-tu revendu ta voiture? ; we get a lot of rain il pleut beaucoup ici ; our garden gets a lot of sun notre jardin est bien ensoleillé ; we get a lot of tourists nous avons beaucoup de touristes ; you get lots of attachments with this cleaner il y a beaucoup d'accessoires fournis avec cet aspirateur ; you get what you pay for il faut y mettre le prix ; he's getting help with his science il se fait aider en sciences ;
    2 ( inherit) to get sth from sb lit hériter qch de qn [article, money] ; fig tenir qch de qn [trait, feature] ;
    3 ( obtain) ( by applying) obtenir [permission, divorce, custody, licence] ; trouver [job] ; ( by contacting) trouver [plumber, accountant] ; appeler [taxi] ; ( by buying) acheter [food item, clothing] (from chez) ; avoir [theatre seat, ticket] ; to get something for nothing/at a discount avoir qch gratuitement/avec une réduction ; to get sb sth, to get sth for sb ( by buying) acheter qch à qn ; I'll get sth to eat at the airport je mangerai qch à l'aéroport ;
    4 ( subscribe to) acheter [newspaper] ;
    5 ( acquire) se faire [reputation] ; he got his money in oil il s'est fait de l'argent dans le pétrole ;
    6 ( achieve) obtenir [grade, mark, answer] ; he got it right ( of calculation) il a obtenu le bon résultat ; ( of answer) il a répondu juste ; how many do I need to get? ( when scoring) il me faut combien? ; he's got four more points to get il faut encore qu'il obtienne quatre points ;
    7 ( fetch) chercher [object, person, help] ; go and get a chair/Mr Matthews va chercher une chaise/M. Matthews ; to get sb sth, to get sth for sb aller chercher qch pour qn ; get her a chair va lui chercher une chaise ; can I get you your coat? est-ce que je peux vous apporter votre manteau? ;
    8 (manoeuvre, move) to get sb/sth upstairs/downstairs faire monter/descendre qn/qch ; a car to me is just something to get me from A to B pour moi une voiture ne sert qu'à aller de A à B ; I'll get them there somehow je les ferai parvenir d'une façon ou d'une autre ; can you get between the truck and the wall? est-ce que tu peux te glisser entre le camion et le mur? ;
    9 ( help progress) is this discussion getting us anywhere? est-ce que cette discussion est bien utile? ; I listened to him and where has it got me? je l'ai écouté mais à quoi ça m'a avancé? ; this is getting us nowhere ça ne nous avance à rien ; where will that get you? à quoi ça t'avancera? ;
    10 ( contact) did you manage to get Harry on the phone? tu as réussi à avoir Harry au téléphone? ;
    11 ( deal with) I'll get it ( of phone) je réponds ; ( of doorbell) j'y vais ;
    12 ( prepare) préparer [breakfast, lunch etc] ;
    13 ( take hold of) attraper [person] (by à) ; I've got you, don't worry je te tiens, ne t'inquiète pas ; to get sth from ou off prendre qch sur [shelf, table] ; to get sth from ou out of prendre qch dans [drawer, cupboard] ;
    14 ( oblige to give) to get sth from ou out of sb faire sortir qch à qn [money] ; fig obtenir qch de qn [truth] ;
    15 ( catch) gen arrêter [escapee] ; got you! gen je t'ai eu! ; ( caught in act) vu! ; a shark got him un requin l'a eu ; when I get you, you won't find it so funny quand tu auras affaire à moi, tu trouveras ça moins drôle ;
    16 Med attraper [disease] ; he got the measles from his sister sa sœur lui a passé la rougeole ;
    17 ( use as transport) prendre [bus, train] ;
    18 ( have) to have got avoir [object, money, friend etc] ; I've got a headache/bad back j'ai mal à la tête/au dos ;
    19 ( start to have) to get (hold of) the idea ou impression that se mettre dans la tête que ;
    20 ( suffer) to get a surprise être surpris ; to get a shock avoir un choc ; to get a bang on the head recevoir un coup sur la tête ;
    21 ( be given as punishment) prendre [five years etc] ; avoir [fine] ; to get (a) detention être collé ;
    22 ( hit) to get sb/sth with toucher qn/qch avec [stone, arrow, ball] ; got it! ( of target) touché! ; the arrow got him in the heel la flèche l'a touché au talon ;
    23 (understand, hear) comprendre ; I didn't get what you said/his last name je n'ai pas compris ce que tu as dit/son nom de famille ; did you get it? tu as compris? ; now let me get this right… alors si je comprends bien… ; ‘where did you hear that?’-‘I got it from Paul’ ‘où est-ce que tu as entendu ça?’-‘c'est Paul qui me l'a dit’ ; get this! he was arrested this morning tiens-toi bien! il a été arrêté ce matin ;
    24 (annoy, affect) what gets me is… ce qui m'agace c'est que… ; what really got me was… ce que je n'aimais pas c'était… ;
    25 (learn, learn of) to get to do finir par faire ; to get to like sb finir par apprécier qn ; how did you get to know ou hear of our organization? comment avez-vous entendu parler de notre organisation? ; we got to know them last year on a fait leur connaissance l'année dernière ;
    26 ( have opportunity) to get to do avoir l'occasion de faire ; do you get to use the computer? est-ce que tu as l'occasion d'utiliser l'ordinateur? ; it's not fair, I never get to drive the tractor ce n'est pas juste, on ne me laisse jamais conduire le tracteur ; when do we get to eat the cake? quand est-ce qu'on va pouvoir manger le gâteau? ;
    27 ( start) to get (to be) commencer à devenir ; he's getting to be proficient ou an expert il commence à devenir expert ; it got to be quite unpleasant ça a commencé à devenir plutôt désagréable ; he's getting to be a big boy now c'est un grand garçon maintenant ; to get to doing commencer à faire ; we got to talking/dreaming about the holidays on a commencé à parler/rêver des vacances ; then I got to thinking that puis je me suis dit que ; we'll have to get going il va falloir y aller ;
    28 ( must) to have got to do devoir faire [homework, chore] ; it's got to be done il faut le faire ; you've got to realize that il faut que tu te rendes compte que ; if I've got to go, I will s'il faut que j'y aille, j'irai ; there's got to be a reason il doit y avoir une raison ;
    29 ( persuade) to get sb to do demander à qn de faire ; I got her to talk about her problems j'ai réussi à la faire parler de ses problèmes ; did you get anything out of her? est-ce que tu as réussi à la faire parler? ;
    30 ( have somebody do) to get sth done faire faire qch ; to get the car repaired/valeted faire réparer/nettoyer la voiture ; to get one's hair cut se faire couper les cheveux ; how do you ever get anything done? comment est-ce que tu arrives à travailler? ;
    31 ( cause) to get the car going faire démarrer la voiture ; to get the dishes washed faire la vaisselle ; this won't get the dishes washed! la vaisselle ne se fera pas toute seule! ; to get sb pregnant mettre qn enceinte ; as hot/cold as you can get it aussi chaud/froid que possible ; to get one's socks wet mouiller ses chaussettes ; to get one's finger trapped se coincer le doigt.
    B vi ( p prés - tt- ; prét got ; pp got, gotten US)
    1 ( become) devenir [suspicious, rich, old] ; how lucky/stupid can you get! il y en a qui ont de la chance/qui sont vraiment stupides! ; it's getting late il se fait tard ; how did he get like that? comment est-ce qu'il en est arrivé là? ;
    2 ( forming passive) to get (oneself) killed/trapped se faire tuer/coincer ; to get hurt être blessé ;
    3 ( become involved in) to get into ( as hobby) se mettre à [astrology etc] ; ( as job) commencer dans [teaching, publishing] ; fig to get into a fight se battre ;
    4 ( arrive) to get there arriver ; to get to the airport/Switzerland arriver à l'aéroport/en Suisse ; to get (up) to the top ( of hill etc) arriver au sommet ; how did your coat get here? comment est-ce que ton manteau est arrivé là? ; how did you get here? ( by what miracle) comment est-ce que tu es arrivé là? ; ( by what means) comment est-ce que tu es venu? ; where did you get to? où est-ce que tu étais passé? ; we've got to page 5 nous en sommes à la page 5 ;
    5 ( progress) it got to 7 o'clock il était plus de 7 heures ; I'd got as far as underlining the title j'en étais à souligner le titre ; I'm getting nowhere with this essay je n'avance pas dans ma dissertation ; are you getting anywhere with your investigation? est-ce que votre enquête avance? ; now we're getting somewhere ( making progress) on avance vraiment ; ( receiving fresh lead) voilà quelque chose d'intéressant ; it's a slow process but we're getting there c'est un processus lent, mais on avance ; it's not perfect yet but we're getting there ce n'est pas encore parfait mais on avance ;
    6 ( put on) to get into mettre [pyjamas, overalls].
    get ! fiche-moi le camp ! ; get along with you ! ne sois pas ridicule! ; get away with you ! arrête de raconter n'importe quoi ! ; get her ! regarde-moi ça! ; get him in that hat! regarde-le avec ce chapeau! ; he got his ( was killed) il a cassé sa pipe ; I'll get you for that je vais te le faire payer ; I'm getting there je progresse ; it gets me right here! tu vas me faire pleurer! ; I've/he's got it bad je suis/il est vraiment mordu ; I've got it je sais ; to get above oneself commencer à avoir la grosse tête ; to get it together se ressaisir ; to get it up bander , avoir une érection ; to get one's in US prendre sa revanche ; to tell sb where to get off envoyer qn promener ; to get with it se mettre dans le coup ; what's got into her/them? qu'est-ce qui lui/leur a pris? ; where does he get off ? pour qui se prend-il? ; you've got me there! alors là tu me poses une colle !
    1 ( manage to move) se déplacer (by doing en faisant) ; she doesn't get about very well now elle a du mal à se déplacer maintenant ;
    2 ( travel) voyager, se déplacer ; do you get about much in your job? vous voyagez beaucoup pour votre travail? ; he gets about a bit ( travels) il voyage pas mal ; ( knows people) il connaît du monde ;
    3 ( be spread) [news] se répandre ; [rumour] courir, se répandre ; it got about that la nouvelle s'est répandue que, le bruit a couru que.
    1 ( pass to other side) traverser ;
    2 ( be communicated) [message] passer ;
    get across [sth] ( cross) traverser [river, road etc] ;
    get [sth] across
    1 ( transport) how will we get it across? (over stream, gap etc) comment est-ce qu'on le/la fera passer de l'autre côté? ; I'll get a copy across to you (in separate office, building etc) je vous en ferai parvenir un exemplaire ;
    2 ( communicate) faire passer [message, meaning] (to à) ;
    get across [sb] US ( annoy) se mettre [qn] à dos [person].
    1 ( make progress) [person] progresser ; to get ahead of prendre de l'avance sur [competitor] ;
    1 ( progress) how's the project getting along? comment est-ce que le projet se présente? ; how are you getting along? ( in job) comment ça se passe? ; ( to sick or old person) comment ça va? ; ( in school subject) comment est-ce que ça se passe? ;
    2 ( cope) s'en sortir ; we can't get along without a computer/him on ne s'en sortira pas sans ordinateur/lui ;
    3 ( be suited as friends) bien s'entendre (with avec) ;
    4 (go) I must be getting along il faut que j'y aille.
    1 (move, spread) = get about ;
    2 to get around to doing: she'll get around to visiting us eventually elle va bien finir par venir nous voir ; I must get around to reading his article il faut vraiment que je lise son article ; I haven't got around to it yet je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de m'en occuper ;
    get around [sth] ( circumvent) contourner [problem, law] ; there's no getting around it il n'y a rien à faire.
    get at :
    get at [sb /sth]
    1 ( reach) atteindre [object] ; arriver jusqu'à [person] ; fig découvrir [truth] ; let me get at her ( in anger) laissez-moi lui régler son compte ;
    2 ( spoil) the ants have got at the sugar les fourmis ont attaqué le sucre ;
    3 ( criticize) être après [person] ;
    4 ( intimidate) intimider [witness] ;
    5 ( insinuate) what are you getting at? où est-ce que tu veux en venir?
    get away:
    1 ( leave) partir ;
    2 ( escape) [person] s'échapper ; the fish got away le poisson s'est échappé ;
    3 fig ( escape unpunished) to get away with a crime échapper à la justice ; you'll never get away with it! tu ne vas pas t'en tirer comme ça! ; he mustn't be allowed to get away with it il ne faut pas qu'il s'en tire à si bon compte ; she can get away with bright colours elle peut se permettre de porter des couleurs vives ;
    get [sb/sth] away ( for break) emmener [qn] se changer les idées ; to get sb away from a bad influence tenir qn à l'écart d'une mauvaise influence ; to get sth away from sb retirer qch à qn [weapon, dangerous object].
    get away from [sth]
    1 ( leave) quitter [town] ; I must get away from here ou this place! il faut que je parte d'ici! ; ‘get away from it all’ ( in advert) ‘évadez-vous de votre quotidien’ ;
    2 fig ( deny) nier [fact] ; there's no getting away from it on ne peut pas le nier ;
    3 fig ( leave behind) abandonner [practice, method] ;
    get away from [sb] lit, fig échapper à.
    get back:
    1 ( return) gen rentrer ; ( after short time) revenir ; when we get back à notre retour ;
    2 ( move backwards) reculer ; get back! reculez! ;
    3 ( take revenge) to get back at se venger de [aggressor] ;
    get back to [sth]
    1 ( return to) rentrer à [house, city] ; revenir à [office, centre, point] ; we got back to Belgium nous sommes rentrés en Belgique ; when we get back to London à notre retour à Londres ;
    2 ( return to former condition) revenir à [teaching, publishing] ; to get back to sleep se rendormir ; to get back to normal redevenir normal ;
    3 ( return to earlier stage) revenir à [main topic, former point] ; to get back to your problem,… pour en revenir à votre problème,… ;
    get back to [sb]
    1 ( return to) revenir à [group, person] ;
    2 ( on telephone) I'll get right back to you je vous rappelle tout de suite ;
    get [sb/sth] back
    1 ( return) ( personally) ramener [object, person] ; ( by post etc) renvoyer ; Sport ( in tennis etc) renvoyer [ball] ; when they got him back to his cell quand ils l'ont ramené dans sa cellule ;
    2 ( regain) récupérer [lost object, loaned item] ; fig reprendre [strength] ; she got her money back elle a été remboursée ; she got her old job back on lui a redonné son travail ; he got his girlfriend back il s'est remis avec sa petite amie .
    get behind ( delayed) prendre du retard ;
    get behind [sth] se mettre derrière [hedge, sofa etc].
    get by
    1 ( pass) passer ;
    2 ( survive) se débrouiller (on, with avec) ; we'll never get by without him/them nous ne nous en sortirons jamais sans lui/eux.
    get down:
    1 ( descend) descendre (from, out of de) ;
    2 ( leave table) quitter la table ;
    3 ( lower oneself) ( to floor) se coucher ; ( to crouching position) se baisser ; to get down on one's knees s'agenouiller ; to get down to ( descend to reach) arriver à [lower level etc] ; atteindre [trapped person etc] ; ( apply oneself to) se mettre à [work] ; to get down to the pupils' level fig se mettre à la portée des élèves ; let's get down to business parlons affaires ; when you get right down to it quand on regarde d'un peu plus près ; to get down to doing se mettre à faire ;
    get down [sth] descendre [slope] ; if we get down the mountain alive si nous arrivons vivants en bas de la montagne ; when we got down the hill quand nous nous sommes retrouvés en bas de la colline ;
    get [sth] down, get down [sth]
    1 ( from height) descendre [book, jar etc] ;
    2 ( swallow) avaler [medicine, pill] ;
    3 ( record) noter [speech, dictation] ;
    get [sb] down
    1 ( from height) faire descendre [person] ;
    2 ( depress) déprimer [person].
    get in:
    get in
    1 lit ( to building) entrer ; ( to vehicle) monter ;
    2 fig ( participate) to get in on réussir à s'introduire dans [project, scheme] ; to get in on the deal faire partie du coup ;
    3 ( return home) rentrer ;
    4 ( arrive at destination) [train, coach] arriver ;
    5 ( penetrate) [water, sunlight] pénétrer ;
    6 Pol [Labour, Tories etc] passer ; [candidate] être élu ;
    7 Sch, Univ [applicant] être admis ;
    8 ( associate) to get in with se mettre bien avec [person] ; he's got in with a bad crowd il traîne avec des gens peu recommandables ;
    get [sth] in, get in [sth]
    1 ( buy in) acheter [supplies] ;
    2 ( fit into space) I can't get the drawer in je n'arrive pas à faire rentrer le tiroir ;
    3 Agric ( harvest) rentrer [crop] ;
    4 Hort ( plant) planter [bulbs etc] ;
    5 (deliver, hand in) rendre [essay, competition entry] ;
    6 ( include) (in article, book) placer [section, remark, anecdote] ; he got in a few punches il a distribué quelques coups ;
    7 ( fit into schedule) faire [tennis, golf] ; I'll try to get in a bit of tennis j'essayerai de faire un peu de tennis ;
    get [sb] in faire entrer [person].
    get into:
    get into [sth]
    1 ( enter) entrer dans [building] ; monter dans [vehicle] ;
    2 ( be admitted) ( as member) devenir membre de [club] ; ( as student) être admis à [school, university] ; I didn't know what I was getting into fig je ne savais pas dans quoi je m'embarquais ;
    3 ( squeeze into) rentrer dans [garment, size] ; ⇒ debt, habit, trouble ;
    get [sb/sth] into faire entrer [qn/qch] dans [good school, building, room, space].
    get off:
    get off
    1 ( from bus etc) descendre (at à) ;
    2 ( start on journey) partir ;
    3 ( leave work) finir ;
    4 ( escape punishment) s'en tirer (with avec) ;
    5 to get off to partir pour [destination] ; did they get off to school OK? est-ce qu'ils sont partis sans problèmes pour l'école? ; ( make headway) to get off to a good/poor start prendre un bon/mauvais départ ; to get off to sleep s'endormir ; to get off on doing péj ( get buzz from) prendre plaisir à faire ; to get off with, GB rencontrer, ramasser pej [person] ;
    get off [sth]
    1 ( climb down from) descendre de [wall, ledge] ;
    2 ( alight from) descendre de [bus etc] ;
    3 ( remove oneself from) get off my nice clean floor/the grass ne marche pas sur mon sol tout propre/la pelouse ;
    4 fig ( depart from) s'écarter de [subject] ;
    get off [sb] ( leave hold) get off me! lâche-moi! ;
    get [sb/sth] off
    1 ( lift down) descendre [object] ; faire descendre [person] ;
    2 ( dispatch) envoyer [parcel, letter, person] ; I've got the children off to school j'ai envoyé les enfants à l'école ;
    3 ( remove) enlever [stain] ;
    4 ( send to sleep) endormir [baby].
    get on:
    get on
    1 ( climb aboard) monter (at à) ;
    2 ( work) get on a bit faster/more sensibly travaille un peu plus vite/plus sérieusement ;
    3 ( continue with work) let's get on! continuons! ;
    4 GB ( like each other) bien s'entendre ;
    5 ( fare) how did you get on? comment est-ce que ça s'est passé? ;
    6 ( cope) how are you getting on? comment est-ce que tu t'en sors? ;
    7 GB ( approach) he's getting on for 40 il approche des quarante ans ; it's getting on for midnight il est presque minuit ; there are getting on for 80 people il y a presque 80 personnes ;
    8 ( grow late) time's getting on le temps passe ;
    9 ( grow old) to be getting on a bit commencer à vieillir ;
    get on [sth] ( board) monter dans [vehicle] ;
    get [sth] on, get on [sth] ( put on) mettre [boots, clothing] ; monter [tyre] ; mettre [lid, tap washer etc].
    get onto:
    get onto [sth]
    1 ( board) monter dans [vehicle] ;
    2 ( be appointed) être nommé à [Board] ;
    3 ( start to discuss) arriver à parler de [topic, subject] ;
    4 GB ( contact) contacter ; I'll get on to the authorities je contacterai les autorités.
    get on with [sth] ( continue to do) to get on with one's work/with preparing the meal continuer à travailler/à préparer le repas ; let's get on with the job! au travail! ;
    get on with [sb] GB s'entendre avec [person].
    get out:
    get out
    1 ( exit) sortir (through, by par) ; get out and don't come back! va-t'en et ne reviens pas! ; they'll never get out alive ils ne s'en sortiront jamais vivants ;
    2 ( make social outing) sortir ; you should get out more tu devrais sortir plus ;
    3 (resign, leave) partir ;
    4 ( alight) descendre ;
    5 ( be let out) [prisoner] être libéré ; he gets out on the 8th il sera libéré le 8 ;
    6 ( leak) [news] être révélé ;
    get [sth] out, get out [sth]
    1 ( bring out) sortir [handkerchief, ID card] ;
    2 ( extract) retirer [cork, stuck object] ; extraire [tooth] ;
    3 ( erase) enlever [stain] ;
    4 ( take on loan) emprunter [library book] ;
    5 ( produce) sortir [plans, product] ;
    6 ( utter) I couldn't get the words out les mots ne voulaient pas sortir ;
    7 ( solve) faire [puzzle] ;
    get [sb] out ( release) faire libérer [prisoner] ; to get sb out of sth ( free from detention) ( personally) libérer qn de qch ; ( by persuasion) faire libérer qn de qch [prisoner] ; to get sth out of sth ( bring out) sortir qch de qch [handkerchief etc] ; ( find and remove) récupérer qch dans qch [required object, stuck object] ; I can't get it out of my mind je ne peux pas l'effacer de mon esprit.
    get out of [sth]
    1 ( exit from) sortir de [building, bed] ;
    2 ( alight from) descendre de [vehicle] ;
    3 ( leave at end of) sortir de [meeting] ;
    4 ( be freed from) être libéré de [prison] ;
    5 ( withdraw from) quitter [organization] ; échapper à [responsibilities] ; he's got out of oil ( as investment) il a vendu toutes ses actions dans le pétrole ;
    6 ( avoid doing) s'arranger pour ne pas aller à [appointment, meeting] ; I'll try to get out of it j'essaierai de me libérer ; I accepted the invitation and now I can't get out of it j'ai accepté l'invitation et maintenant je ne peux pas me défiler ; to get out of doing s'arranger pour ne pas faire ;
    7 ( no longer do) perdre [habit] ;
    8 ( gain from) what do you get out of your job? qu'est-ce que ton travail t'apporte? ; what will you get out of it? qu'est-ce que vous en retirerez?
    get over:
    get over ( cross) passer ;
    get over [sth]
    1 ( cross) traverser [bridge, stream] ;
    2 ( recover from) se remettre de [illness, shock] ; to get over the fact that se remettre du fait que ; I can't get over it ( in amazement) je n'en reviens pas ; I couldn't get over how she looked ça m'a fait un choc de la voir comme ça ; I can't get over how you've grown je n'en reviens pas de ce que tu as grandi ;
    3 ( surmount) surmonter [problem] ; to get sth over with en finir avec qch ; let's get it over with finissons-en ;
    4 ( stop loving) oublier ; she never got over him elle ne l'a jamais oublié ;
    get [sb/sth] over
    1 ( cause to cross) faire passer [injured person, object] ; faire passer [qn/ qch] au-dessus de [bridge, wall etc] ;
    2 ( cause to arrive) get the plumber over here at once faites venir tout de suite le plombier ;
    3 ( communicate) faire passer [message].
    get round GB:
    get round [sth] = get around [sth] ;
    get round [sb] persuader [qn], avoir [qn] au sentiment ; can't you get round him? est-ce que tu ne peux pas le persuader? ; she easily gets round her father elle fait tout ce qu'elle veut de son père.
    1 ( squeeze through) passer ;
    2 Telecom to get through to sb avoir qn au téléphone ; I couldn't get through je n'ai pas réussi à l'avoir ;
    3 to get through to ( communicate with) convaincre [person] ;
    4 ( arrive) [news, supplies] arriver ;
    5 ( survive) s'en sortir (by doing en faisant) ;
    6 Sch, Univ [examinee] réussir ;
    get through [sth]
    1 ( make way through) traverser [checkpoint, mud] ;
    2 ( reach end of) terminer [book, revision] ; finir [meal, task] ; [actor] finir [performance] ;
    3 ( survive mentally) I thought I'd never get through the week j'ai cru que je ne tiendrais pas la semaine ;
    4 ( complete successfully) [candidate, competitor] réussir à [exam, qualifying round] ; I got through the interview l'entretien s'est bien passé ;
    5 (consume, use) manger [supply of food] ; boire [supply of drink] ; dépenser [money] ; I get through two notebooks a week il me faut or j'use deux carnets par semaine ;
    get [sb/sth] through
    1 ( squeeze through) faire passer [car, object, person] ;
    2 ( help to endure) [pills, encouragement, strength of character] aider [qn] à continuer ; her advice/these pills got me through the day ses conseils/ces comprimés m'ont aidé à tenir le coup ;
    3 ( help through frontier etc) faire passer [person, imported goods] ;
    4 Sch, Univ ( help to pass) permettre à [qn] de réussir [candidate] ;
    5 Pol faire passer [bill].
    get together ( assemble) se réunir (about, over pour discuter de) ;
    get [sb/sth] together, get together [sb/sth]
    1 ( assemble) réunir [different people, groups] ;
    2 ( accumulate) réunir [money] ; rassembler [food parcels, truckload] ;
    3 ( form) former [company, action group].
    get under:
    get under passer en-dessous ;
    get under [sth] passer sous [barrier, floorboards etc].
    get up:
    get up
    1 (from bed, chair etc) se lever (from de) ; get up off the grass! ne reste pas sur l'herbe! ;
    2 (on horse, ledge etc) monter ; how did you get up there? comment est-ce que tu es monté là-haut? ;
    3 Meteorol [storm] se préparer ; [wind] se lever ;
    4 to get up to ( reach) arriver à [page, upper floor] ; what did you get up to? fig ( sth enjoyable) qu'est-ce que tu as fait de beau? ; ( sth mischievous) qu'est-ce que tu as fabriqué ? ;
    get up [sth]
    1 arriver en haut de [hill, ladder] ;
    2 ( increase) augmenter [speed] ;
    3 (start, muster) former [group] ; faire [petition] ; obtenir [support, sympathy] ;
    get [sth] up organiser ;
    get [oneself] up in mettre [outfit].

    Big English-French dictionary > get

  • 14 decir

    1 to say.
    decir que sí/no to say yes/no
    dice que no viene she says (that) she is not coming
    ¿cómo se dice “estación” en inglés? how do you say “estación” in English?
    dicen que va a ser un verano muy seco they say it's going to be a very dry summer
    Ella dijo la razón She said the reason.
    Ella dijo incongruencias She said=uttered inconsistencies.
    Esa historia dice algo cierto That story says something that is true.
    2 to tell.
    ¿quién te lo ha dicho? who told you that?
    ¿qué quieres que te diga? what do you want me to say?, what can I say?
    decir a alguien que haga algo to tell somebody to do something
    decir la verdad to tell the truth
    Decirle la verdad a Ricardo To tell the truth to Richard= To tell Richard the truth.
    Le dije I told him.
    3 to recite, to read.
    4 to tell, to show.
    eso lo dice todo that says it all
    decir mucho (en favor) de to say a lot for
    5 to call.
    le dicen la carretera de la muerte they call it the road of death
    6 to say to.
    Ella había dicho hacer eso She had said to do that.
    7 to say about.
    Ese estudio dice mil años That study says about one thousand years.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    di (tú), diga (él/Vd.), digamos (nos.), decid (vos.), digan (ellos/Vds.).
    Past Participle
    * * *
    2) tell
    * * *
    DECIR ¿"Say" o "tell"? Decir se puede traducir por say o por tell. Por regla general, say simplemente {dice} y tell {informa} u {ordena hacer algo}. Decir generalmente se traduce por say en estilo directo. Normalmente no lleva un complemento de persona pero si se menciona a quién se está dirigiendo el hablante, el complemento de persona tiene que ir precedido por la preposición to: "Ya son las tres", dije "It's already three o'clock," I said "¡Qué tiempo más malo!" Eso fue lo único que me dijo "What awful weather!" That's all he said to me ► En estilo indirecto, decir se puede traducir por say cuando simplemente se cuenta lo que alguien ha dicho. Si say lleva complemento de persona, este se coloca después del complemento directo: Dijo que se tenía que marchar He said he had to leave Me dijo algo que no entendí He said something to me that I didn't understand ► Decir se traduce por tell cuando se {informa} o se {ordena hacer algo}. Suele llevar un objeto de persona sin la preposición to: Me dijo que tenía una entrevista de trabajo He told me he had a job interview ¡Te he dicho que no lo toques! I told you not to touch it! ► Hay algunos usos idiomáticos en los que decir se traduce por tell aunque no lleva complemento de persona. Por ejemplo: to tell the truth (decir la verdad) y to tell a lie (decir una mentira). Otros verbosSi decir va acompañado de un calificativo en español, a menudo se puede traducir al inglés por otros verbos que no sean say o tell: "Lo he perdido todo", dijo entre sollozos "I've lost everything," she sobbed Dijo con voz ronca algo sobre necesitar un médico He croaked something about needing a doctor Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada Para otras expresiones con el participio, ver dicho.
    1) (=afirmar) to say

    ya sabe decir varias palabras — she can already say several words, she already knows several words

    - tengo prisa -dijo — "I'm in a hurry," she said

    viene y dice: -estás despedido — * he goes, "you're fired" *

    olvídalo, no he dicho nada — forget I said anything

    ¿decía usted? — you were saying?

    [como] dicen los madrileños — as they say in Madrid

    como iba diciendo... — as I was saying...

    ¿cómo ha dicho usted? — pardon?, what did you say?

    decir para {o} entre [sí] — to say to o.s.

    decir que to say (that)

    dicen que... — they say (that)..., people say (that)...

    el cartel dice claramente que... — the sign says clearly {o} clearly states that...

    decir que sí/no — to say yes/no

    -¿viene? -dice que sí — "is she coming?" - "she says she is {o} she says so"

    la miré y me dijo que sí/no con la cabeza — I looked at her and she nodded/shook her head

    adiós 2.

    ¿quién te lo dijo? — who told you?

    se lo dije bien claro, pero no me hizo caso — I told her quite clearly, but she didn't take any notice of me

    tengo algo que decirte — there's something I want to tell you, I've got something to tell you

    hoy nos dicen las notas — they're telling {o} giving us our results today

    decir a algn que ({+ indic}) to tell sb (that)

    ¿no te digo que no puedo ir? — I've already told you I can't go

    decir a algn que ({+ subjun}) (=ordenar) to tell sb to ({+ infin}); (=pedir) to ask sb to ({+ infin})
    3) (=contar) [+ mentiras, verdad, secreto] to tell
    verdad 1)
    4) (=llamar) to call

    ¿cómo le dicen a esto en Perú? — what do they call this in Peru?

    se llama Francisco, pero le dicen Paco — his name is Francisco, but he's known as Paco

    le dicen "el torero" — he's known as "el torero"

    en México se le dice "recámara" al dormitorio — in Mexico they say "recámara" instead of "dormitorio"

    me dijo de [todo] — he called me all the names under the sun

    5) (=opinar) to say

    podemos ir a Portugal, ¿tú qué dices? — we could go to Portugal, what do you say?

    ¿tu familia qué dice de la boda? — what does your family say about the wedding?

    6) [rectificando]

    había 8, digo 9 — there were 8, I mean 9

    ¡qué digo! — what am I saying?

    7) [texto] to say

    como dice el [refrán]... — as the saying goes...

    8) [+ misa] to say
    9) [locuciones en indicativo]

    digo... — Méx well, er...

    mis súbditos se presentarán ante mí ¡he dicho! — my subjects shall appear before me: I have spoken!

    y dice [bien] — and he is quite right

    [como quien] dice — (=de alguna manera) so to speak; (=aproximadamente) in a way, more or less

    aunque no es el director es, como quien dice, el que manda en la empresa — although he isn't the manager, he's the person in charge, so to speak, of the company

    está, como quien dice, aquí al lado — it's just round the corner, as they say

    como quien no dice nada — quite casually, as though it wasn't important

    [lo mismo] digo — likewise

    - gracias por todo -lo mismo digo — "thank you for everything" - "likewise!" {o} "thanks to you too!"

    pero dice [mal] — but he is wrong

    pues si esto te parece mucha gente, no te digo [nada] en verano — if you think this is a lot of people, you should see it in summer

    no lo digo [por] ti — I'm not referring to you, I'm not getting at you

    sí, [porque tú] lo digas — yes, sir, aye, aye, captain! iró

    ¿[qué me] dices? — [sorpresa] you don't say!, well I never!; [incredulidad] come off it!

    [si tú] lo dices — if you say so

    eso digo [yo] — that's (just) what I say

    deberías buscar trabajo, vamos, digo yo — you ought to look for a job, that's what I say, if you ask me, you ought to look for a job

    ¡si te lo digo yo! — of course it's true!

    ¡lo digo yo y basta! — you will do it because I say so!

    ¡[y que] lo digas! — you can say that again!

    10) [locuciones en infinitivo]

    [dar] que decir (a la gente) — to make people talk, set tongues wagging

    [es] decir — that is (to say)

    mi prima, es decir, la hija de Ana — my cousin, that is (to say) Ana's daughter

    [ir] a decir, ¡a mí me lo vas a decir! — you're telling me!

    es [mucho] decir — that's saying something

    [ni que] decir tiene que... — it goes without saying that...

    [no hay más] que decir — there's nothing more to say

    para decirlo con otras [palabras] — to put it another way, in other words

    decir [por] decir — to talk for talking's sake

    [por así] decirlo — so to speak

    [querer] decir — to mean

    ¿qué quiere decir "spatha"? — what does "spatha" mean?

    ¿qué quiere usted decir con eso? — what do you mean by that?

    ¿querrás decir un millón, no un billón? — do you mean a million rather than a billion?

    [ya es] decir — that's saying something

    les ha costado más cara que mi casa, y eso ya es decir — it cost them more than my house did, and that's saying something

    11) [locuciones en subjuntivo, imperativo]

    no es que yo lo diga, pero... — it's not because I say so, but...

    es, digamos, un comerciante — he's a dealer, for want of a better word, he's a sort of dealer

    ¡haberlo dicho!, ¡me lo hubieras dicho! — you could have told me {o} said!

    digámoslo [así] — so to speak, for want of a better word

    digan [lo que] digan — whatever they say

    y [no] digamos... — not to mention...

    y su madre, no digamos — not to mention his mother

    no es muy guapa [que] digamos — she's not what you'd call pretty, she's not exactly pretty

    no estuvo muy cortés, que digamos — he wasn't what you'd call polite, he wasn't exactly polite

    ¡[no me] digas! — [sorpresa] you don't say!, well I never!; [incredulidad] come off it!

    ¿qué [quieres] que te diga? — what can I say?

    12) [locuciones en condicional]

    ¿cómo (lo) diría yo? — how shall I put it?

    ¿cómo diríamos? — how shall I put it?

    ¡quién lo diría! — would you believe it!, who would have thought it!

    se preocupa mucho por el qué dirán — she's always worried about what people will say {o} think

    1) [invitando a hablar]

    -¿te puedo pedir un favor? -dime — "can I ask you a favour?" - "go ahead"

    ¿diga?, ¿dígame? — [al teléfono] hello?

    usted dirá[invitando a hablar] go ahead; [sirviendo bebida] say when; [en tienda] can I help you?

    -¿te gustaría cambiar de coche? -¡hombre, ya me dirás! — "would you like a new car?" - "you bet I would!"

    2) (=indicar)

    su mirada lo dice todo — her expression says it all {o} speaks volumes

    eso dice mucho [de] su personalidad — that says a lot about her personality

    * * *

    ¿cientos de personas? - bueno, es un decir — hundreds of people? - well, figuratively speaking

    II 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) <palabra/frase/poema> to say; <mentira/verdad> to tell

    ya dice `mamá' — he says `mama' now

    no digas esas cosas, por favor — please don't say things like that

    ¿cómo pudiste decir eso? — how could you say that?

    ¿eso lo dices por mí? — are you referring to me?

    dicen or se dice que es el hombre más rico del país — he is said to be the richest man in the country

    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' — it isn't `andé', it's `anduve'

    ¿cómo se dice `amor' en ruso? — how do you say `love' in Russian?

    bonita, lo que se dice bonita, no es — she's not what you would call pretty

    es el sábado; ni que decir tiene que estás invitado — it's on Saturday; you're invited, but that goes without saying

    ¿tendrá tiempo de hacerlo? - dice que sí — will he have time to do it? - he says he will

    ¿no lo encontró? - dice que no — didn't he find it? - no, he says he didn't

    ¿qué tal? ¿qué decís? — (RPl fam) hi, how are things? (colloq)


    ¿sabes qué me dijo? — do you know what he told me?; (expresando sorpresa, indignación, etc) do you know what he said to me?

    fue algo espantoso, todo lo que te diga es poco — it was terrible, I can't begin to tell you how terrible

    a) (expresando o transmitiendo órdenes, deseos, advertencias)

    decirle a alguien que + subj — to tell somebody to + inf

    4) ( por escrito) to say

    ¿qué dice aquí? — what does it say here?

    5) ( llamar) to call
    6) (sugerir, comunicar)

    la forma de vestir dice mucho de una persona — the way someone dresses says a lot/tells you a lot about them

    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? — does that name mean anything to you?


    ¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? — what does this word mean?

    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? — what do you mean by that?

    ¿quieres decir que ya no te interesa? — do you mean (to say) that you're no longer interested?

    9) (opinar, pensar) to think

    ¿y los padres qué dicen? — what do her parents think of it?, how do her parents feel about it?

    habría que regalarle algo, no sé, digo yo — we ought to buy her a present, well, I think so anyway

    es muy fácil - si tú lo dices... — it's very easy - if you say so...

    a decir verdad — to tell you the truth, to be honest

    con decirte que: no me lo perdonó nunca, con decirte que ni me saluda... he's never forgiven me, he won't even say hello to me; decir por decir: lo dijo por decir he didn't really mean it; es decir that is; mi cuñada, es decir la mujer de Rafael my sister-in-law, Rafael's wife that is; es mucho decir: es la mejor película del año - eso ya es mucho decir it's the best movie of the year - I wouldn't go that far; he dicho! that's that o final!; no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! (colloq); por así decirlo so to speak; que digamos: no es muy inteligente que digamos he's not exactly o he's hardly what you'd call intelligent; que no se diga! shame on you!; que no se diga que no somos capaces! I don't want people saying that we can't do it; y (ya) no digamos or (AmL) y no se diga: le cuestan mucho las matemáticas y no digamos la física he finds mathematics very difficult, and as for physics...; el qué dirán (fam): siempre le ha importado el qué dirán — she's always been worried what other people (might) think; ver tb dicho I

    decir vi

    papá - dime, hijo — dad - yes, son?

    quería pedirle un favor - usted dirá — I wanted to ask you a favor - certainly, go ahead

    tome asiento, usted dirá — (frml) take a seat, and now, what can I do for you?

    ¿diga? or ¿dígame? — hello?

    decirse v pron
    a) (refl) to say... to oneself
    b) (recípr) to say.... to each other
    c) (enf)
    * * *
    = declare, put, read, say, state, tell, volunteer, make + the point that, let + Nombre + know, let + it be known, observe, bid, reflect, utter, tender, hip, call + the tune.
    Ex. 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.
    Ex. As one respondent from this end of the information spectrum put it, 'Context is all in the information world'.
    Ex. This error message is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and reads: DAWT008, 107, DFCR....
    Ex. In conclusion, it should not be necessary to say that instructions and guiding must be as brief as possible.
    Ex. Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.
    Ex. Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.
    Ex. 'Anything wrong?' 'Oh, I'm okay, I guess,' volunteered Datto cautiously.
    Ex. However, they do make the very important point that the notation is not an essential part of the scheme.
    Ex. Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.
    Ex. It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.
    Ex. 'All this is not very likely,' she observed at last, 'not only because of the strength of the selection process -- its imperviousness to proof before an arbitrator'.
    Ex. 'Sit down please,' he bade her.
    Ex. 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.
    Ex. The ideal was forever etched in his consciousness from the day Crane uttered it: a good librarian working anywhere is a credit and benefit to libraries everywhere.
    Ex. 'Well,' Stanton tendered, 'one candidate clearly has the superior experience -- Kass'.
    Ex. He was aghast after having been hipped to the fact there are hookers on the Internet.
    Ex. As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
    * ¡eso se dice pronto! = easier said than done.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be kidding!.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * arriesgarse a decir = hazard.
    * atreverse a decir = go + (as/so) far as to say.
    * aunque a decir verdad = Mind you.
    * aventurarse a decir = venture.
    * baste decir que = suffice (it) to say.
    * como dice el dicho = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como dice el refrán = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * continuar diciendo = go on.
    * cumplir lo que se dice = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * decían las malas lenguas que = rumour had it that.
    * decir adiós = bid + Nombre + goodbye, bid + adieu, kiss + Nombre + goodbye, bid + farewell, wave + a bye.
    * decir adiós (a) = say + goodbye (to).
    * decir adiós al pasado = bid + farewell + to the past.
    * decir adiós con la mano = wave + goodbye.
    * decir adiós con un gesto = signal + goodbye.
    * decir a favor de = say in + favour of.
    * decir Algo = break + the news.
    * decir Algo a Alguien = let + Nombre + in on.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir Algo que es obvio por sí mismo = state + the obvious.
    * decir balbuceando = splutter, sputter.
    * decir bolas = fib.
    * decir bromeando = quip.
    * decir chorradas = bullshit.
    * decir con desdén = sneer.
    * decir con desprecio = sneer.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con mal humor = spit out.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con voz + Adjetivo = say in + a + Adjetivo + voice.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * decir disparates = shoot off + at the mouth, talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir en confianza = confide.
    * decir en defensa de = say in + defence of.
    * decir entrecordamente = splurt out.
    * decir en voz alta = say + out loud, say in + a loud voice.
    * decir en voz baja = say under + Posesivo + breath, say in + a low voice, say in + a quiet voice.
    * decir + esperar = express + hope.
    * decir estupideces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir gilipolleces = talk + nonsense, talk + rubbish, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir humorísticamente = quip.
    * decir inesperadamente = blurt out, pipe.
    * decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.
    * decir la verdad = tell + the truth, speak + the truth, come + clean.
    * decir la verdad sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * decirlo = come out with + it.
    * decir lo que Uno piensa = speak up, speak out.
    * decir mentirijillas = fib.
    * decir mentirillas = fib.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * decir pamplinas = bullshit.
    * decir + poseer = claim.
    * decir que Uno se siente cómodo con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno se siente confortable con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno siente lo que le ha pasado a Otra Persona = express + sympathy for.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * decir resoplando = snort.
    * decir sandeces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decirse = grapevine + carry + the story, make out to be, word + go (a)round.
    * decirse que = be reputed to.
    * decir suspirando = sigh.
    * decir tonterías = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir una grosería = make + rude remark.
    * demostrar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * dicen las malas lenguas que = rumour has it that.
    * digamos por ejemplo = let us say, say.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * el tiempo dirá = time will tell.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * enterarse de lo que Uno quiere decir = catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift.
    * es decir = i.e. (latín - id est), in other words, that is, that is to say, which is to say.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * hablar sin decir nada = waffle.
    * hacer lo que uno dice que es capaz de hacer = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * huelga decir = needless to say.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!.
    * me atrevo a decir = may I say.
    * ni que decir tiene que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * ¡no digas palabrotas! = watch your language!.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no saber qué decir = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.
    * para decir la verdad = to be honest.
    * por decirlo así = so to speak, in a manner of speaking.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por no decir algo peor = to put it mildly.
    * por no decir nada de = to say nothing of.
    * por no decir nunca = if ever.
    * por no decir otra cosa peor = to say the least.
    * predecible en cuanto a lo que dice = platitudinous.
    * probar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * qué me dices de... = what about....
    * querer decir = mean.
    * quién iba a decir entonces que... = little did + Verbo + then that....
    * quién + Pronombre + iba a decir que... = little did + Pronombre + know that....
    * recalcar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * resaltar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * se decía que = rumour had it that.
    * se dice = so the story goes.
    * se dice pronto, pero no es tan fácil = easier said than done.
    * se dice que = rumour has it that, the saying + be + that.
    * según se dice = reportedly, so the argument goes, reputedly.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * yo me atrevería a decir = dare I say.
    * * *

    ¿cientos de personas? - bueno, es un decir — hundreds of people? - well, figuratively speaking

    II 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) <palabra/frase/poema> to say; <mentira/verdad> to tell

    ya dice `mamá' — he says `mama' now

    no digas esas cosas, por favor — please don't say things like that

    ¿cómo pudiste decir eso? — how could you say that?

    ¿eso lo dices por mí? — are you referring to me?

    dicen or se dice que es el hombre más rico del país — he is said to be the richest man in the country

    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' — it isn't `andé', it's `anduve'

    ¿cómo se dice `amor' en ruso? — how do you say `love' in Russian?

    bonita, lo que se dice bonita, no es — she's not what you would call pretty

    es el sábado; ni que decir tiene que estás invitado — it's on Saturday; you're invited, but that goes without saying

    ¿tendrá tiempo de hacerlo? - dice que sí — will he have time to do it? - he says he will

    ¿no lo encontró? - dice que no — didn't he find it? - no, he says he didn't

    ¿qué tal? ¿qué decís? — (RPl fam) hi, how are things? (colloq)


    ¿sabes qué me dijo? — do you know what he told me?; (expresando sorpresa, indignación, etc) do you know what he said to me?

    fue algo espantoso, todo lo que te diga es poco — it was terrible, I can't begin to tell you how terrible

    a) (expresando o transmitiendo órdenes, deseos, advertencias)

    decirle a alguien que + subj — to tell somebody to + inf

    4) ( por escrito) to say

    ¿qué dice aquí? — what does it say here?

    5) ( llamar) to call
    6) (sugerir, comunicar)

    la forma de vestir dice mucho de una persona — the way someone dresses says a lot/tells you a lot about them

    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? — does that name mean anything to you?


    ¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? — what does this word mean?

    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? — what do you mean by that?

    ¿quieres decir que ya no te interesa? — do you mean (to say) that you're no longer interested?

    9) (opinar, pensar) to think

    ¿y los padres qué dicen? — what do her parents think of it?, how do her parents feel about it?

    habría que regalarle algo, no sé, digo yo — we ought to buy her a present, well, I think so anyway

    es muy fácil - si tú lo dices... — it's very easy - if you say so...

    a decir verdad — to tell you the truth, to be honest

    con decirte que: no me lo perdonó nunca, con decirte que ni me saluda... he's never forgiven me, he won't even say hello to me; decir por decir: lo dijo por decir he didn't really mean it; es decir that is; mi cuñada, es decir la mujer de Rafael my sister-in-law, Rafael's wife that is; es mucho decir: es la mejor película del año - eso ya es mucho decir it's the best movie of the year - I wouldn't go that far; he dicho! that's that o final!; no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! (colloq); por así decirlo so to speak; que digamos: no es muy inteligente que digamos he's not exactly o he's hardly what you'd call intelligent; que no se diga! shame on you!; que no se diga que no somos capaces! I don't want people saying that we can't do it; y (ya) no digamos or (AmL) y no se diga: le cuestan mucho las matemáticas y no digamos la física he finds mathematics very difficult, and as for physics...; el qué dirán (fam): siempre le ha importado el qué dirán — she's always been worried what other people (might) think; ver tb dicho I

    decir vi

    papá - dime, hijo — dad - yes, son?

    quería pedirle un favor - usted dirá — I wanted to ask you a favor - certainly, go ahead

    tome asiento, usted dirá — (frml) take a seat, and now, what can I do for you?

    ¿diga? or ¿dígame? — hello?

    decirse v pron
    a) (refl) to say... to oneself
    b) (recípr) to say.... to each other
    c) (enf)
    * * *
    = declare, put, read, say, state, tell, volunteer, make + the point that, let + Nombre + know, let + it be known, observe, bid, reflect, utter, tender, hip, call + the tune.

    Ex: 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.

    Ex: As one respondent from this end of the information spectrum put it, 'Context is all in the information world'.
    Ex: This error message is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and reads: DAWT008, 107, DFCR....
    Ex: In conclusion, it should not be necessary to say that instructions and guiding must be as brief as possible.
    Ex: Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.
    Ex: Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.
    Ex: 'Anything wrong?' 'Oh, I'm okay, I guess,' volunteered Datto cautiously.
    Ex: However, they do make the very important point that the notation is not an essential part of the scheme.
    Ex: Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.
    Ex: It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.
    Ex: 'All this is not very likely,' she observed at last, 'not only because of the strength of the selection process -- its imperviousness to proof before an arbitrator'.
    Ex: 'Sit down please,' he bade her.
    Ex: 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.
    Ex: The ideal was forever etched in his consciousness from the day Crane uttered it: a good librarian working anywhere is a credit and benefit to libraries everywhere.
    Ex: 'Well,' Stanton tendered, 'one candidate clearly has the superior experience -- Kass'.
    Ex: He was aghast after having been hipped to the fact there are hookers on the Internet.
    Ex: As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
    * ¡eso se dice pronto! = easier said than done.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be kidding!.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * arriesgarse a decir = hazard.
    * atreverse a decir = go + (as/so) far as to say.
    * aunque a decir verdad = Mind you.
    * aventurarse a decir = venture.
    * baste decir que = suffice (it) to say.
    * como dice el dicho = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como dice el refrán = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * continuar diciendo = go on.
    * cumplir lo que se dice = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * decían las malas lenguas que = rumour had it that.
    * decir adiós = bid + Nombre + goodbye, bid + adieu, kiss + Nombre + goodbye, bid + farewell, wave + a bye.
    * decir adiós (a) = say + goodbye (to).
    * decir adiós al pasado = bid + farewell + to the past.
    * decir adiós con la mano = wave + goodbye.
    * decir adiós con un gesto = signal + goodbye.
    * decir a favor de = say in + favour of.
    * decir Algo = break + the news.
    * decir Algo a Alguien = let + Nombre + in on.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir Algo que es obvio por sí mismo = state + the obvious.
    * decir balbuceando = splutter, sputter.
    * decir bolas = fib.
    * decir bromeando = quip.
    * decir chorradas = bullshit.
    * decir con desdén = sneer.
    * decir con desprecio = sneer.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con mal humor = spit out.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con voz + Adjetivo = say in + a + Adjetivo + voice.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * decir disparates = shoot off + at the mouth, talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir en confianza = confide.
    * decir en defensa de = say in + defence of.
    * decir entrecordamente = splurt out.
    * decir en voz alta = say + out loud, say in + a loud voice.
    * decir en voz baja = say under + Posesivo + breath, say in + a low voice, say in + a quiet voice.
    * decir + esperar = express + hope.
    * decir estupideces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir gilipolleces = talk + nonsense, talk + rubbish, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir humorísticamente = quip.
    * decir inesperadamente = blurt out, pipe.
    * decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.
    * decir la verdad = tell + the truth, speak + the truth, come + clean.
    * decir la verdad sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * decirlo = come out with + it.
    * decir lo que Uno piensa = speak up, speak out.
    * decir mentirijillas = fib.
    * decir mentirillas = fib.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * decir pamplinas = bullshit.
    * decir + poseer = claim.
    * decir que Uno se siente cómodo con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno se siente confortable con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno siente lo que le ha pasado a Otra Persona = express + sympathy for.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * decir resoplando = snort.
    * decir sandeces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decirse = grapevine + carry + the story, make out to be, word + go (a)round.
    * decirse que = be reputed to.
    * decir suspirando = sigh.
    * decir tonterías = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir una grosería = make + rude remark.
    * demostrar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * dicen las malas lenguas que = rumour has it that.
    * digamos por ejemplo = let us say, say.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * el tiempo dirá = time will tell.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * enterarse de lo que Uno quiere decir = catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift.
    * es decir = i.e. (latín - id est), in other words, that is, that is to say, which is to say.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * hablar sin decir nada = waffle.
    * hacer lo que uno dice que es capaz de hacer = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * huelga decir = needless to say.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!.
    * me atrevo a decir = may I say.
    * ni que decir tiene que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * ¡no digas palabrotas! = watch your language!.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no saber qué decir = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.
    * para decir la verdad = to be honest.
    * por decirlo así = so to speak, in a manner of speaking.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por no decir algo peor = to put it mildly.
    * por no decir nada de = to say nothing of.
    * por no decir nunca = if ever.
    * por no decir otra cosa peor = to say the least.
    * predecible en cuanto a lo que dice = platitudinous.
    * probar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * qué me dices de... = what about....
    * querer decir = mean.
    * quién iba a decir entonces que... = little did + Verbo + then that....
    * quién + Pronombre + iba a decir que... = little did + Pronombre + know that....
    * recalcar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * resaltar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * se decía que = rumour had it that.
    * se dice = so the story goes.
    * se dice pronto, pero no es tan fácil = easier said than done.
    * se dice que = rumour has it that, the saying + be + that.
    * según se dice = reportedly, so the argument goes, reputedly.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * yo me atrevería a decir = dare I say.

    * * *
    (manera de expresarse): en el decir popular in popular speech
    ¿cientos de personas? — bueno, es un decir hundreds of people? — well, it's just a manner of speaking o a figure of speech
    supongamos, es un decir, que … let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that …
    al decir de la gente, el clima está cambiando people say the climate is changing
    2 decires mpl (dichos) sayings (pl); (rumores) talk
    no son más que decires it's just talk
    decir2 [ I24 ]
    ■ decir (verbo transitivo)
    A decir: palabra, mentira etc
    B decirle algo a alguien
    1 transmitiendo órdenes, deseos etc
    2 decir adiós
    D por escrito
    E llamar
    F sugerir, comunicar
    G decir misa
    1 querer decir
    2 digo (al rectificar)
    I opinar, pensar
    J en locuciones
    ■ decir (verbo intransitivo)
    1 invitando a hablar
    2 al contestar el teléfono
    B decir bien/mal de
    ■ decirse (verbo pronominal)
    1 reflexivo
    2 recíproco
    3 para enfatizar
    A ‹palabra/frase› to say; ‹mentira/verdad› to tell; ‹poema› to say, recite; ‹oración› to say
    [ para ejemplos con complemento indirecto ver división 2] ya dice `mamá' he says ‘mama’ now
    no digas esas cosas, por favor please don't say things like that
    no digas estupideces/barbaridades don't talk nonsense o ( AmE) garbage o ( BrE) rubbish
    ¿cómo pudiste decir semejante disparate? how could you say such a stupid thing o make such a stupid comment?
    no me dejó decir ni una palabra he didn't let me get a word in edgeways
    ¿eso lo dices por mí? are you referring to me?
    no sé qué decir … un millón de gracias I don't know what to say … thank you very much indeed
    ¡qué callado estás! ¡no dices nada! you're very quiet, you've hardly said a word!
    ¡no lo dirás en serio! you can't be serious!
    ¡no irás a decir que no lo sabías! don't try and tell me you didn't know!
    —no puedo hacer nada —dijo Juan there is nothing I can do, said Juan o Juan said
    como dice el refrán/mi abuela as the saying goes/as my grandmother says
    lo dijeron por la radio they said it o it was announced on the radio
    no eran ricos, digamos que vivían bien I don't mean they were rich, let's just say they lived well
    dicen que de joven fue muy guapa they say she was very beautiful when she was young
    dicen que es el hombre más rico del país he is said to be the richest man in the country
    ¿qué se dice? — gracias/por favor what do you say? — thank you/please
    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' it isn't `andé', it's `anduve'
    ¡eso no se dice! you mustn't say that!
    ¿cómo se dice `te quiero' en ruso? how do you say `I love you' in Russian?, what's the Russian for `I love you'?
    bonita, lo que se dice bonita, no es she's not what you would call pretty
    estoy harta, lo que se dice harta ¿me oyes? I'm fed up, absolutely fed up, do you hear?
    eso se dice pronto, pero no es tan fácil that's easier said than done
    palatal: dícese del sonido cuya articulación … palatal: of, relating to or denoting a sound articulated …
    es el sábado; ni que decir tiene que estás invitado it's on Saturday; you're invited, of course, but that goes without saying o but I don't need to tell you that
    haberlo dicho antes why didn't you say so before?, you might have said so before!
    ¿tendrá tiempo de hacerlo? — dice que sí will he have time to do it? — he says he will
    ¿no lo encontró? — dice que no didn't he find it? — no, he says he didn't
    digan lo que digan no matter what people say, whatever people say
    ¿qué tal? ¿qué decís? ( RPl fam); hi, how are things? ( colloq), hi, what's up? ( AmE colloq)
    decirle algo a algn to tell sb sth
    eso no es lo que me dijo a mí that's not what he told me, that's not what he said to me
    ¿sabes qué me dijo? do you know what he told me?; (expresando sorpresa, indignación, etc) do you know what he said to me?
    se lo voy a decir a papá I'm going to tell Dad
    hoy nos dicen el resultado they're going to give us the result today
    me dijo una mentira he told me a lie, he lied to me
    Andrés me dijo lo de tu hermano Andrés told me about your brother
    ¡a mí me lo vas a decir! you're telling me!, you don't have to tell me!
    ¿sabes lo que te digo? por mí que se muera look, as far as I'm concerned he can drop dead! ( colloq)
    ¿no te digo? éste se cree que yo soy la sirvienta see what I mean? he thinks I'm his servant
    ¿no te digo or no te estoy diciendo que hasta le pega? I'm telling you, he even hits her!
    ¿tú qué me aconsejas? — ¿qué quieres que te diga? tienes que tomar tú la decisión what do you think I should do? — well, to be quite frank o honest, I think you have to decide for yourself
    ya te decía yo que no era verdad I told you it wasn't true, didn't I?
    fue algo espantoso, todo lo que te diga es poco it was terrible, I just can't describe it o I can't begin to tell you
    hace mal tiempo en verano, y no te digo nada en invierno … in summer the weather's bad, and as for the winter …
    ¡no me digas que no es precioso! isn't it beautiful?
    a lo mejor te ofrecen el puesto ¿quién te dice? (CS); you never know, they might offer you the job
    me resultó ¿cómo te diría? … violento I found it … how shall I put it? o I don't know … rather embarrassing
    ¡ya me dirás qué le cuesta escribirnos una carta! I mean, surely it's not too much trouble for him to write us a letter
    no te creas todo lo que te dicen don't believe everything people tell you o everything you hear
    dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres you can judge a man by the company he keeps
    (transmitiendo órdenes, deseos, advertencias): ¡porque lo digo yo! because I say so!
    a mí nadie me dice lo que tengo que hacer nobody tells me what to do
    harás lo que yo diga you'll do as I say
    manda decir mi mamá que si le puede prestar el martillo ( AmL); mom says can she borrow your hammer?
    Fernando pregunta si puede venir con nosotrosdile que sí Fernando wants to know if he can come with us — yes, tell him he can o say yes
    decir QUE + SUBJ:
    dice papá que vayas Dad wants you
    dice que llames cuando llegues she says (you are) to phone when you get there
    dijo que tuviéramos cuidado she said to be careful, she said we should be careful
    decirle a algn QUE + SUBJ to tell sb to + INF
    diles que empiecen tell them to start
    le dije que no lo hiciera I told him not to do it
    nos dijeron que esperáramos they told us o we were told to wait
    te digo que vengas aquí enseguida I said, come here at once
    decir adiós to say goodbye
    vino a decirme adiós she came to say goodbye (to me)
    di adiós a tu vida de estudiante that's the end of your student days, you'd better say goodbye to your student days
    ¿se lo prestaste? ¡ya le puedes decir adiós! you mean you lent it to him? well, you can kiss that goodbye! ( colloq)
    D (por escrito) to say
    ¿qué dice aquí? what does it say here?
    el diario no dice nada sobre el asunto there's nothing in the paper about it
    E (llamar) to call
    le dicen `Dumbo' por las orejas they call him `Dumbo' because of his ears
    se llama Rosario pero le dicen Charo her name is Rosario but people call her Charo
    no me digas de usted there's no need to call me `usted'
    (sugerir, comunicar): la forma de vestir dice mucho de una persona the way someone dresses says a lot o tells you a lot about them
    el tiempo lo dirá time will tell
    por afuera la casa no dice nada the house doesn't look much from the outside
    el poema no me dice nada the poem doesn't do anything for me
    algo me decía que no iba a ser fácil something told me it wasn't going to be easy
    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? does that name mean anything to you?
    la tarta estaba diciendo cómeme the cake was just asking to be eaten
    decir misa to say mass
    querer decir to mean
    ¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? what does this word mean?
    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?
    no entendiste lo que quise decir you didn't understand what I meant
    ¿quieres decir que ya no te interesa? do you mean (to say) that you're no longer interested?
    sólo quería decirte que … I just wanted to say that …
    el presupuesto asciende a diez mil, digo cien mil de euros we have a budget of ten thousand, (sorry,) I mean a hundred thousand euros
    I (opinar, pensar) to think
    ¿y los padres qué dicen? what do her parents think of it?, how do her parents feel about it?
    podríamos ir mañana ¿tú qué dices? we could go tomorrow, what do you think?
    ¡quién lo hubiera dicho! who would have thought o believed it?
    podría haber mencionado al resto del equipo, vamos, digo yo … he could have mentioned the rest of the team … well I'd have thought so, anyway
    habría que regalarle algo, no sé, digo yo we ought to buy her a present, well, I think so anyway
    es muy fácil — si tú lo dices … it's very easy — if you say so …
    a decir verdad to tell you the truth, to be honest
    como quien dice so to speak
    el nuevo tren está, como quien dice, a la vuelta de la esquina the new train is, so to speak o to coin a phrase, just around the corner
    la granja es, como quien dice, la razón de su vida I suppose you could say the farm is his whole reason for living
    con decirte que: no me lo perdonó nunca, con decirte que ni me saluda … he's never forgiven me, he won't even say hello to me
    decir por decir: lo dijo por decir he didn't really mean it
    ¡digo! ( Esp fam): ¡qué calor hace! — ¡digo! it's so hot! — you can say that again o I'll say! ( colloq)
    ¿y te gusta? — ¡digo! do you like it? — you bet I do o ( AmE) I sure do! ( colloq)
    es decir that is
    mi cuñada, es decir la mujer de Rafael my sister-in-law, Rafael's wife that is
    no sé si voy a poder ires decir que no vas a ir I don't know if I'll be able to go — you mean you're not going
    es mucho decir: es la mejor película del añoeso ya es mucho decir it's the best movie of the year — I wouldn't go that far
    ¡he dicho! that's that!, that's final!
    lo mismo digo: mucho gusto en conocerlelo mismo digo pleased to meet you — pleased to meet you o likewise
    ¡qué alegría verte! — lo mismo digo it's great to see you! — and you o you too
    ¡no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! ( colloq)
    ¿sabes que se casa Lola? — ¡no me digas! do you know Lola's getting married? — no! o you're joking! o really? o never!
    por así decirlo so to speak
    es, por así decirlo, el alma-máter de la empresa he is, so to speak o as it were, the driving force behind the company
    que digamos: no es muy inteligente que digamos he's not exactly o he's hardly what you'd call intelligent
    ¿qué me dices?: saqué el primer puesto ¿qué me dices? I came first, how about that then?
    ¿y qué me dices de lo de Carlos? and what about Carlos then?
    ¿sabes que lo van a derribar? — ¿qué me dices? do you know they're going to demolish it? — what? o you're kidding!
    ¡que no se diga! shame on you!
    ¿te ganó un niño de seis años? ¡que no se diga! you were beaten by a six-year-old child? shame on you!
    ¡que no se diga que no somos capaces! I don't want people saying that we can't do it
    costó $20.000 ¡se dice pronto! it cost $20,000, which is no mean sum
    lleva dos meses enferma, que se dice pronto she has been ill for two months, and that's a long time
    ¡y que lo digas! ( Esp); you can say that again!, you're telling me!, don't I know it!
    y (ya) no digamos or ( AmL) y no se diga: le cuestan mucho las matemáticas y no digamos la física he finds mathematics very difficult, and as for physics …
    el/la que te dije ( fam hum); you-know-who
    el qué dirán ( fam): siempre le ha importado el qué dirán she's always been worried what other people (might) think
    ¿por qué te preocupa tanto el qué dirán? why do you worry about what people will o might say?
    ver tb dicho1 (↑ dicho (1))
    ■ decir
    (invitando a hablar): papá — dime, hijo dad — yes, son?
    quería pedirle un favorusted dirá ( frml); I wanted to ask you a favor — certainly, go ahead
    tome asiento — gracias — usted dirá ( frml); take a seat — thank you — now, what can I do for you?
    ( Esp) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] (al contestar el teléfono): ¿diga? or ¿dígame? hello?
    decir bien/mal de algn/algo: sus trabajos dicen bien de él his work has created a good impression
    la manera en que se comportó no dice muy bien de él the way he behaved doesn't show him in a very good light o doesn't say very much for him
    1 ( reflexivo) to say to oneself
    se dijo que no lo volvería a hacer he said to himself o he told himself that he wouldn't do it again
    me dije para mis adentros que allí había gato encerrado I said o thought to myself, there's something fishy going on here
    2 ( recíproco) to say to each other
    se decían secretos al oído they were whispering secrets to each other
    se dijeron de todo they called each other every name under the sun
    3 ( enf):
    tú hazme caso que yo sé lo que me digo you listen to me, I know what I'm talking about
    no sé para qué me preguntas, si tú te lo dices todo I don't know why you're asking me, you seem to have all the answers
    * * *


    decir 1 sustantivo masculino:
    ¿cientos de personas? — bueno, es un decir hundreds of people? — well, figuratively speaking

    decir 2 ( conjugate decir) verbo transitivo
    a)palabra/frase/poema to say;

    mentira/verdad to tell;
    para ejemplos con complemento indirecto ver división 2

    ¿eso lo dices por mí? are you referring to me?;
    ¡no lo dirás en serio! you can't be serious!;
    dijo que sí con la cabeza he nodded;
    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' it isn't `andé', it's `anduve';
    ¡eso no se dice! you mustn't say that!;
    ¿cómo se dice `amor' en ruso? how do you say `love' in Russian?;
    ¿lo encontró? — dice que sí/no did he find it? — he says he did/he didn't

    2 decirle algo a algn to tell sb sth;
    voy a decirle a papá que … I'm going to tell Dad …;

    ¡ya te lo decía yo! I told you so!
    a) (expresando órdenes, deseos, advertencias):

    ¡porque lo digo yo! because I say so!;

    harás lo que yo diga you'll do as I say;
    dice que llames cuando llegues she says (you are) to phone when you get there;
    dijo que tuviéramos cuidado she said to be careful;
    diles que empiecen tell them to start;
    le dije que no lo hiciera I told him not to do it

    a) (opinar, pensar) to think;

    ¡quién lo hubiera dicho! who would have thought o believed it?;
    es muy fácil — si tú lo dices … it's very easy — if you say so …
    b) (sugerir, comunicar):

    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? does that name mean anything to you?
    querer decir [palabra/persona] to mean;

    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?
    6 ( en locs)

    como quien dice so to speak;
    es decir that is;
    ¡he dicho! that's that o final!;
    ni que decir tiene que … it goes without saying that …;
    ¡no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! (colloq);
    por así decirlo so to speak;
    el qué dirán (fam) what other people (might) think;
    ver tb dicho 1
    verbo intransitivo

    papá — dime, hijo dad — yes, son?;

    quería pedirle un favorusted dirá I wanted to ask you a favor — certainly, go ahead
    b) (Esp) ( al contestar el teléfono): ¿diga? or ¿dígame? hello?

    decirse verbo pronominal
    a) ( refl) to say … to oneself

    b) ( recípr) to say …. to each other;

    I m (dicho, sentencia) saying: es sólo un decir, it's just a manner of speaking
    II verbo transitivo
    1 to say: está diciendo una mentira/la verdad, she's telling a lie/the truth
    no dijo nada, he said nothing
    2 (con complemento indirecto) to tell: no le dije mi opinión, I didn't tell him my opinion
    les dijo que esperaran un rato, she told them to wait for a while
    3 (opinar, afirmar, proponer) ¿qué me dices de mi nuevo corte de pelo?, what do you think of my new haircut?, te digo que es una extravagancia, I think it's quite weird
    yo digo que vayamos a Cuenca, I suggest going to Cuenca
    4 (suscitar interés, una idea) to mean, appeal: ese libro no me dice nada, that book doesn't appeal to me
    ¿le dice algo esta cara?, does this face mean anything to you?
    5 (mostrar, indicar) to say, show: lo que hizo dice mucho en su favor, what he did says a lot for him
    su cara de decepción lo dice todo, his long face says it all
    ♦ Locuciones: Tel Esp diga o dígame, hello?
    digamos, let's say
    digo yo, in my opinion
    el qué dirán, what people will say
    es decir, that is (to say)
    ni que decir tiene, needless to say
    no decir esta boca es mía, not to say a word
    ¡no me digas!, really!
    por así decirlo, as it were o so to speak
    querer decir, to mean
    ¡y que lo digas!, you bet! ➣ Ver nota en mean
    ¿To tell
    o to say?
    Observa que to tell menciona a la persona a la cual va dirigida una frase: Dime tu nombre. Tell me your name. Les dijo que se fueran. He told them to go away.
    Por el contrario, to say se centra en el contenido del mensaje, sin importarnos a quién va dirigido: ¿Qué has dicho? What did you say? Dijo que sí. He said yes. ➣ Ver nota en tell.
    ' decir' also found in these entries:
    - amén
    - amohinarse
    - año
    - apéndice
    - atinar
    - bala
    - barbaridad
    - bastante
    - burrada
    - callar
    - chorrada
    - colmo
    - comenzar
    - confiar
    - cosa
    - declarar
    - delirar
    - descargo
    - despedirse
    - dilucidar
    - disparate
    - entender
    - excusada
    - excusado
    - flexible
    - fluir
    - ir
    - haber
    - hablar
    - holgar
    - honestamente
    - hoy
    - lengua
    - maravilla
    - mu
    - nada
    - obviedad
    - pelagatos
    - pío
    - precisamente
    - puño
    - querer
    - rezar
    - restar
    - rey
    - saciedad
    - señor
    - significar
    - soltar
    - abuse
    - afraid
    - anything
    - bid
    - bite back
    - blurt out
    - buzz off
    - caller
    - clear off
    - dash off
    - devil
    - dinner
    - distinctly
    - drone
    - enjoy
    - eventual
    - ever
    - few
    - flatter
    - flounder
    - fortune
    - gasp out
    - get
    - get at
    - go
    - go on
    - hand
    - heart
    - hotly
    - i.e.
    - keep in
    - know
    - lip
    - loss
    - mean
    - mention
    - mildly
    - mind
    - miserably
    - mouth
    - move
    - need
    - needless
    - neither
    - no
    - nonsense
    - O
    - occasion
    - oops!
    * * *
    1. [en general] to say;
    siempre digo lo que pienso I always say what I think;
    es muy callado, nunca dice nada he's very quiet, he never says anything o a word;
    ¿qué dice la etiqueta? what does the label say?;
    no digas tonterías don't talk nonsense;
    no digas tacos delante de los niños don't swear in front of the children;
    lo dijo en broma she meant it as a joke;
    ¿quién te lo ha dicho? who told you that?;
    me da igual lo que diga la gente I don't care what people say;
    al decir esto, se marchó with these words o with that, he left;
    no sabía qué decir I didn't know what to say, I was lost for words;
    decir que sí/no to say yes/no;
    dice que no viene she says (that) she's not coming;
    como dice el refrán,… as the saying goes,…;
    dicen que va a ser un verano muy seco they say it's going to be a very dry summer;
    ¡díjolo Blas, punto redondo! sure, whatever!, yes, sure!;
    donde dije digo, digo Diego: ayer dijiste que me lo dejarías – sí, pero no puedo – ya, donde dije digo, digo Diego yesterday you told me you'd lend it to me – yes, but I can't now – you're always saying one thing one minute and another the next
    2. [contar] to tell;
    se lo voy a decir a la profesora I'm going to tell the teacher;
    no se lo digas a nadie don't breathe a word of it to anyone;
    ¿qué quieres que te diga? what do you want me to say?, what can I say?;
    ya te lo había dicho yo, es demasiado caro I told you it's too expensive;
    decir la verdad to tell the truth;
    decir mentiras to tell lies;
    pregunta si le dejas salir – dile que sí/no she wants to know if she can go out – tell her she can/can't;
    quiere saber si hemos terminado – dile que sí/no he wants to know if we've finished – tell him we have/haven't;
    dile que estoy ocupado tell him I'm busy;
    dígame lo que pasó tell me what happened;
    eso no es lo que me dijo a mí that's not what she told me;
    tengo que hacerte una pregunta – dime I need to ask you a question – go ahead;
    dígame en qué puedo ayudarle what can I do for you?
    3. [ordenar] to tell;
    la ley dice que es obligatorio el uso del casco according to the law, it is compulsory to wear a crash helmet, the law says that it is compulsory to wear a crash helmet;
    decir a alguien que haga algo to tell sb to do sth;
    haz lo que te digan y no protestes do as you're told and don't complain;
    dile que venga tell her to come;
    nos dijeron que nos fuéramos they told us to go away;
    lo vas a hacer porque lo digo yo you'll do it because I say so
    4. [recitar] [de memoria] to recite;
    [leyendo] to read
    5. [revelar] to tell, to show;
    eso lo dice todo that says it all;
    decir mucho (en favor) de to say a lot for;
    sus ropas dicen bastante sobre su situación económica her clothes say a lot about her financial situation;
    su violenta reacción dice mucho sobre su personalidad his violent reaction tells us o reveals a lot about his personality
    6. [llamar] to call;
    me dicen Paco they call me Paco;
    le dicen la carretera de la muerte they call it the road of death
    7. [asegurar] to tell, to assure;
    te digo que ella no está mintiendo I tell you o assure you (that) she isn't lying;
    dice que llegará mañana sin falta she says (that) she'll definitely arrive tomorrow
    8. [en frases]
    a decir verdad, no me apetece nada ir a la boda to tell (you) the truth o to be honest, I don't really feel like going to the wedding;
    como quien no dice nada as if it were nothing;
    olvídalo, como si no hubiera dicho nada forget I ever mentioned it;
    con decirte que me marché a los diez minutos, te puedes imaginar como fue la fiesta if I tell you that I left after ten minutes, you can imagine what the party was like;
    cualquiera diría que no le dan de comer en casa anyone would o you'd think she never gets fed at home;
    decir para sí to say to oneself;
    decir por decir to talk for the sake of talking;
    no te lo tomes en serio, lo dijo por decir don't take it seriously, she didn't really mean it;
    decirle a alguien cuatro verdades to tell sb a few home truths;
    es decir that is, that's to say;
    aracnofobia, es decir miedo a las arañas arachnophobia, that is o that's to say, fear of spiders;
    tengo otra cita – es decir, que no vendrás a la inauguración I've got another engagement – you mean o in other words you're not coming to the opening ceremony;
    encantado de conocerte – lo mismo digo pleased to meet you – likewise;
    tu primer examen estaba muy mal, y lo mismo digo del segundo you did very poorly in your first exam, and the same goes for the second one;
    ni que decir tiene needless to say;
    yo no digo o [m5]no quiero decir nada, pero… it's not for me to say, but…;
    ¿sabías que Santiago se ha casado? – ¡no me digas! did you know that Santiago got married? – no! o never!;
    ¡no me digas que no te gusta! don't tell me you don't like it!;
    el tenis/este cuadro no me dice nada tennis/this picture doesn't do anything for me;
    no hay más que decir that's all there is to it, that's that;
    (o) mejor dicho or rather;
    por más que digas, no le veo nada especial a esta ciudad whatever you say, I don't see what's so special about this city;
    por decirlo así, por así decirlo in other words, so to speak;
    RP Fam
    ¿qué decís? how are you doing?, how are things?;
    preocuparse por el qué dirán to worry about what people will say;
    no está lloviendo mucho que digamos it's not exactly raining hard;
    él no es muy inteligente que digamos he isn't what you'd call intelligent;
    ha sufrido un infarto – ¡qué me dices! she's had a heart attack – no! o surely not!;
    ¡quién lo diría! tan rico y sin embargo tan humilde who would have thought it, such a rich person and yet so humble!;
    tardarán en construirlo cinco años, ¡se dice pronto! they're going to take five years, no less, to build it!;
    yo lo hago en cinco minutos – eso se dice pronto, no sabes lo difícil que es I'll have it done in five minutes – that's easily said, you've no idea how difficult it is;
    si tú lo dices if you say so;
    ¡tú lo has dicho! you said it!;
    ¡y que lo digas! you can say that again!;
    y no digamos, Am [m5]ya no se diga, Am [m5] ni se diga to say nothing of;
    no le gusta el pescado y no digamos el pollo she doesn't like fish, to say nothing of chicken
    como quien dice, como si dijéramos so to speak;
    es, como si dijéramos, una mezcla de danza y teatro it's a sort of mixture of dance and theatre;
    es, como quien dice, el alma de la empresa he is, so to speak, the soul of the company;
    ¿diga?, ¿dígame? [al teléfono] hello?;
    ¡digo! [¡ya lo creo!] of course!;
    [¡madre mía!] I say!;
    tenemos muchas ganas de ir de vacaciones, y nuestros hijos, no digamos we can't wait to go on holiday, and as for our children…
    * * *
    <part dicho>
    I v/t
    1 say; ( contar) tell;
    decir misa say mass;
    decir que sí say yes;
    decir que no say no;
    se dice que … they say that …, it’s said that …;
    diga lo que diga whatever he says;
    ¿qué quieres que te diga? what do you expect me to say?;
    para sí say to o.s.
    es decir in other words;
    dar que decir set people talking;
    ni que decir tiene (que) it goes without saying (that);
    por así decirlo so to speak;
    ya es decir that’s saying something;
    que ya es decir which is really something;
    es mucho decir that’s saying a lot
    ¡quién hubiera dicho que María se iba casar! who would have thought that Maria would get married!;
    dicho y hecho no sooner said than done;
    mejor dicho or rather;
    dicho sea de paso incidentally;
    está dicho, lo dicho as I have already said
    no es rico, que digamos let’s say he’s not rich;
    ¡no me digas! you’re kidding!;
    ¡dímelo a mí! tell me about it!, you’re telling me!;
    como quien dice so to speak;
    y que lo digas you bet;
    ¿y qué me dices de …? so what do you think of …?;
    usted dirá how can I help you?;
    ya decía yo que iba a acabar mal I knew it would end badly;
    ¡quién lo diría! who would believe it!;
    ¡cualquiera diría que tiene setenta años! who would have thought he was seventy!, you wouldn’t think o believe he was seventy!
    II v/i
    ¡diga!, ¡dígame! Esp
    TELEC hello
    III m saying;
    es un decir it’s just a figure of speech
    * * *
    decir {23} vt
    1) : to say
    dice que no quiere ir: she says she doesn't want to go
    2) : to tell
    dime lo que estás pensando: tell me what you're thinking
    3) : to speak, to talk
    no digas tonterías: don't talk nonsense
    4) : to call
    me dicen Rosy: they call me Rosy
    es decir : that is to say
    querer decir : to mean
    * * *
    decir1 n saying
    decir2 vb
    1. (en general) to say [pt. & pp. said]
    ¿qué ha dicho? what did he say?
    ¿cómo se dice "biblioteca" en inglés? how do you say "biblioteca" in English?
    2. (a alguien) to tell [pt. & pp. told]
    4. (llamar) to call
    le dicen "Chapi" people call him "Chapi"
    dime / dígame (en tienda etc) yes?
    es decir that is / that is to say
    ¿diga? / ¿dígame? (por teléfono) hello?

    Spanish-English dictionary > decir

  • 15 sin

    buscan gente sin experiencia previa they are looking for people with no o without previous experience
    sin alcohol alcohol-free
    ha escrito cinco libros sin (contar) las novelas he has written five books, not counting his novels
    está sin hacer it hasn't been done yet
    estamos sin vino we're out of wine
    muchos se quedaron sin casa a lot of people were left homeless, a lot of people lost their homes
    lleva tres noches sin dormir she hasn't slept for three nights
    sin que without
    sin que nadie se enterara without anyone noticing
    sin más (ni más) just like that
    INS, Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    * * *
    1 (carencia) without
    2 (además de) not counting
    estar sin algo to be out of something
    estar sin + inf not to have been + past participle
    quedarse sin algo to run out of something
    seguir sin to still not
    sin casar unmarried
    sin lo cual otherwise
    sin más ni más without further ado
    sin que + subjuntivo without + - ing
    sin querer accidentally, by mistake
    sin vergüenza shameless
    * * *
    * * *
    1. PREP
    1) [seguido de sustantivo, pronombre] without

    ¿puedes abrirla sin llave? — can you open it without a key?

    llevamos diez meses sin noticias — it's been ten months since we've had any news, we've been ten months without news

    parejas jóvenes, sin hijos — young couples with no children

    cerveza sin alcohol — alcohol-free beer, non-alcoholic beer

    estar sin algo, estuvimos varias horas sin luz — we had no electricity for several hours

    quedarse sin algo — (=terminarse) to run out of sth; (=perder) to lose sth

    sin papeles SMF illegal immigrant

    2) (=no incluyendo) not including, excluding

    ese es el precio de la bañera sin los grifos — that is the price of the bath, excluding o not including the taps

    cuesta 550 euros, sin IVA — it costs 550 euros, exclusive of VAT o not including VAT

    3) + infin
    a) [indicando acción]

    nos despedimos, no sin antes recordarles que... — (TV) before saying goodnight we'd like to remind you that...

    no me gusta estar sin hacer nada — I don't like having nothing to do, I don't like doing nothing

    b) [indicando continuidad]

    llevan mucho tiempo sin hablarse — they haven't spoken to each other for a long time

    seguir sin, las camas seguían sin hacer — the beds still hadn't been made

    c) [tras sustantivo pasivo]

    sin que+ subjun without

    sin que él lo sepa — without him knowing, without his knowing

    SF (=cerveza sin alcohol) alcohol-free beer
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *
    Ex. Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.
    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *

    Ex: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.

    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.

    * * *
    A without
    lo tomo con leche y sin azúcar I take milk but no sugar
    reserva garantizada sin recargo guaranteed reservation at no extra cost
    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news
    solicite más información sin compromiso send for more details without obligation
    sin previo aviso with no advance warning
    ¡tírate! ¡sin miedo! jump! don't be scared!
    ¿qué harías tú sin mí? what would you do without me?
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer
    una pareja sin hijos a couple with no children, a childless couple
    un vuelo sin escalas a non-stop o direct flight
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread
    se quedó sin trabajo he lost his job
    una persona totalmente sin escrúpulos a completely unscrupulous person
    1 sin + INF (con significado activo) without -ING
    se fue sin pagar she left without paying
    lo mandaron a la cama sin cenar they sent him to bed without any dinner
    somos diez sin contarlos a ellos there are ten of us not counting them
    estuvo una semana entera sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a whole week, she went a whole week without speaking to me
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot
    2 sin + INF
    (con significado pasivo): una camisa sin planchar an unironed shirt, a shirt that hasn't/hadn't been ironed
    esto está aún sin terminar this still isn't finished
    C sin QUE + SUBJ:
    los días pasan sin que dé señales de vida the days go by and there is still no word from him, the days go by with no word from him o without any word from him
    no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited
    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing
    * * *


    sin preposición
    1 without;

    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news;
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water;
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer;
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread

    estuvo una semana sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a week;
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand;
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot

    esto está aún sin terminar it still isn't finished
    3 sin que + subj:

    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing;
    See Also→ embargo 2
    sin preposición without: se marchó sin ellos, he left without them
    costó mil pesetas, sin contar el IVA, it cost one thousand pesetas, not including VAT
    el edificio estaba sin terminar, the building was unfinished
    entre sin llamar, come in without knocking
    saldré sin que me vea, I'll go out without him seeing
    una bebida sin alcohol, a non-alcoholic drink
    ' sin' also found in these entries:
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - accidental
    - acéfala
    - acéfalo
    - agotar
    - agotada
    - agotado
    - agreste
    - ahora
    - ahorcarse
    - ajena
    - ajeno
    - alguna
    - alguno
    - aliento
    - alquilar
    - ambages
    - amorfa
    - amorfo
    - aparente
    - asesinar
    - aviso
    - ayunas
    - bagatela
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bañera
    - berrido
    - bien
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bocado
    - bregar
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - burbuja
    - caldo
    - calle
    - callejón
    - calva
    - camino
    - caprichosa
    - caprichoso
    - causa
    - cazo
    - cero
    - accident
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - accustom
    - ado
    - afraid
    - age
    - agree
    - aimless
    - aimlessly
    - all-time
    - ammunition
    - another
    - antsy
    - anyhow
    - arrogant
    - at
    - attach
    - away
    - AWOL
    - babble
    - backbencher
    - backing
    - bare
    - barge in
    - basic
    - bat
    - bean
    - begin
    - behave
    - beyond
    - blank
    - blind alley
    - blue
    - blunt
    - bluntly
    - blurt out
    - boarding card
    - boarding pass
    - book
    - boorish
    - bootstrap
    - bottomless
    - break
    - breath
    - breathless
    - broke
    - busywork
    - buzz off
    * * *
    SIN nf
    1. (abrev de Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional del Perú) = Peruvian national intelligence department
    2. (abrev de Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización) INS [US Immigration and Naturalization Service]
    * * *
    prp without;
    sin preguntar without asking;
    sin decir nada without (saying) a word;
    sin paraguas without an umbrella;
    sin que without;
    y sin más and without further ado;
    me lo dijo así, sin más that’s all he said to me, just that
    * * *
    sin prep
    1) : without
    sin querer: unintentionally
    sin refinar: unrefined
    sin que : without
    lo hicimos sin que él se diera cuenta: we did it without him noticing
    * * *
    sin prep
    1. (en general) without

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin

  • 16 fue

    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    ir, ser1 (↑ ser (1))
    * * *

    Del verbo ir: ( conjugate ir)

    fue es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Del verbo ser: ( conjugate ser)

    fue es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    fue see
    ir, ser

    ir ( conjugate ir) verbo intransitivo
    a) (trasladarse, desplazarse) to go;

    iban a caballo/a pie they were on horseback/on foot;
    fue por mar to go by sea;
    ¡Fernando! — ¡voy! Fernando! — (just) coming! o I'll be right there!;
    el fue y venir de los invitados the coming and going of the guests;
    vamos a casa let's go home;
    ¿adónde va este tren? where's this train going (to)?;
    fue de compras/de caza to go shopping/hunting;
    ya vamos para allá we're on our way;
    ¿por dónde se va a …? how do you get to …?;
    fue por or (Esp) a por algo/algn to go to get sth/sb;
    voy (a) por pan I'm going to get some bread

    ya va al colegio she's already at school
    2 ( expresando propósito) fue a + inf:
    ¿has ido a verla? have you been to see her?;

    ve a ayudarla go and help her;
    ver tb fue v aux 1
    3 (al arrojar algo, arrojarse):
    tírame la llave — ¡allá va! throw me the key — here you are o there you go!;

    tírate del trampolín — ¡allá voy! jump off the board! — here I go/come!
    4 [ comentario]:

    eso va por ti también that goes for you too, and the same goes for you
    1 (+ compl) ( sin énfasis en el movimiento):

    ¿van cómodos? are you comfortable?;
    íbamos sentados we were sitting down;
    vas muy cargada you have a lot to carry;
    yo iba a la cabeza I was in the lead
    2 ( refiriéndose al atuendo):

    voy a fue de Drácula I'm going to go as Dracula;
    iba de verde she was dressed in green
    3 ( en calidad de) fue de algo to go (along) as sth;

    1 [camino/sendero] ( llevar) fue a algo to lead to sth, to go to sth
    2 (extenderse, abarcar):

    el período que va desde … hasta … the period from … to …
    1 (marchar, desarrollarse):
    ¿cómo va el nuevo trabajo? how's the new job going?;

    va de mal en peor it's going from bad to worse;
    ¿cómo te va? how's it going?, how are things? (colloq), what's up? (AmE colloq);
    ¿cómo les fue en Italia? how was Italy?, how did you get on in Italy?;
    me fue mal/bien en el examen I did badly/well in the exam;
    ¡que te vaya bien! all the best!, take care!;
    ¡que te vaya bien (en) el examen! good luck in the exam
    2 ( en competiciones):
    ¿cómo van? — 3-1 what's the score?3-1;

    voy ganando yo I'm ahead, I'm winning
    3 ( en el desarrollo de algo):
    ¿por dónde van en historia? where have you got (up) to in history?;

    ¿todavía vas por la página 20? are you still on page 20?
    4 ( estar en camino):
    ¡vamos para viejos! we're getting on o old!;

    va para los cincuenta she's going on fifty;
    ya va para dos años que … it's getting on for two years since …
    5 (sumar, hacer):

    con este van seis six, counting this one
    6 ( haber transcurrido): en lo que va del or (Esp) de año/mes so far this year/month
    1 ( deber colocarse) to go;
    ¿dónde van las toallas? where do the towels go?;

    ¡qué va! (fam): ¿has terminado? — ¡qué va! have you finished?you must be joking!;
    ¿se disgustó? — ¡qué va! did she get upset?not at all!;
    vamos a perder el avión — ¡qué va! we're going to miss the planeno way!
    a) ( combinar) fue con algo to go with sth

    b) (sentar bien, convenir) (+ me/te/le etc):

    te fueá bien un descanso a rest will do you good
    3 (Méx) (tomar partido por, apoyar) fuele a algo/algn to support sth/sb;


    a) (expresando incredulidad, fastidio):

    ¡vamos! ¿eso quién se lo va a creer? come off it o come on! who do you think's going to believe that?

    b) (intentando tranquilizar, animar, dar prisa):

    vamos, mujer, dile algo go on, say something to him;

    ¡vamos, date prisa! come on, hurry up!
    c) (al aclarar, resumir):

    eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo that would be a stupid thing to do, well, that's what I think anyway;

    vamos, que no es una persona de fiar basically, he's not very trustworthy;
    es mejor que el otro, vamos it's better than the other one, anyway

    a) (expresando sorpresa, contrariedad):

    ¡vaya! ¡tú por aquí! what a surprise! what are you doing here?;

    ¡vaya! ¡se ha vuelto a caer! oh no o (colloq) damn! it's fallen over again!
    b) (Esp) ( para enfatizar):

    ¡vaya cochazo! what a car!

    fue v aux fue a + inf:
    a) (para expresar tiempo futuro, propósito) to be going to + inf;

    va a hacer dos años que … it's getting on for two years since …
    b) (en propuestas, sugerencias):

    vamos a ver ¿cómo dices que te llamas? now then, what did you say your name was?;

    bueno, vamos a trabajar all right, let's get to work
    2 (al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones):

    cuidado, no te vayas a caer mind you don't fall (colloq);
    lleva el paraguas, no vaya a ser que llueva take the umbrella, in case it rains
    3 ( expresando un proceso paulatino):

    ya puedes fue haciéndote a la idea you'd better get used to the idea;
    la situación ha ido empeorando the situation has been getting worse and worse
    irse verbo pronominal
    1 ( marcharse) to leave;
    ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? why are you leaving o going so soon?;

    vámonos let's go;
    bueno, me voy right then, I'm taking off (AmE) o (BrE) I'm off;
    no te vayas don't go;
    vete a la cama go to bed;
    se fue de casa/de la empresa she left home/the company;
    vete de aquí get out of here;
    se han ido de viaje they're away, they've gone away
    2 (consumirse, gastarse):
    ¡cómo se va el dinero! I don't know where the money goes!;

    se me va medio sueldo en el alquiler half my salary goes on the rent
    3 ( desaparecer) [mancha/dolor] to go;

    (+ me/te/le etc)
    ¿se te ha ido el dolor de cabeza? has your headache gone?

    4 (salirse, escaparse) [líquido/gas] to escape;
    se le está yendo el aire al globo the balloon's losing air o going down

    5 (caerse, perder el equilibrio) (+ compl):
    fuese de boca/espaldas to fall flat on one's face/back;

    me iba para atrás I was falling backwards;
    frenó y nos fuimos todos para adelante he braked and we all went flying forwards
    ser ( conjugate ser) cópula
    1 ( seguido de adjetivos) to be
    ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1 es bajo/muy callado he's short/very quiet;

    es sorda de nacimiento she was born deaf;
    es inglés/católico he's English/(a) Catholic;
    era cierto it was true;
    sé bueno, estate quieto be a good boy and keep still;
    que seas muy feliz I hope you'll be very happy;

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    ver tb imposible, difícil etc
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    es viuda she's a widow;
    ver tb estar 1 cópula 2
    3 (seguido de nombre, pronombre) to be;

    ábreme, soy yo open the door, it's me
    4 (con predicado introducido por `de'):

    soy de Córdoba I'm from Cordoba;
    es de los vecinos it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors';
    no soy de aquí I'm not from around here
    5 (hipótesis, futuro):

    ¿será cierto? can it be true?
    verbo intransitivo

    b) (liter) ( en cuentos):

    érase una vez … once upon a time there was …

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir):

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? where did the accident happen?

    ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him;

    ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq);
    ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? what will become of us?
    3 ( sumar):
    ¿cuánto es (todo)? how much is that (altogether)?;

    son 3.000 pesos that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos;
    somos diez en total there are ten of us altogether
    4 (indicando finalidad, adecuación) fue para algo to be for sth;

    ( en locs)
    a no ser que (+ subj) unless;

    ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq);
    como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what;
    hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done;
    el lunes o cuando sea next Monday or whenever;
    puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like;
    de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml);
    ¡eso es! that's it!, that's right!;
    es que …: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?;
    es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim;
    lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something;
    estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes;
    o sea: en febrero, o sea hace un mes in February, that is to say a month ago;
    o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested;
    o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out;
    (ya) sea …, (ya) sea … either …, or …;
    sea como sea at all costs;
    sea cuando sea whenever it is;
    sea donde sea no matter where;
    sea quien sea whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por … if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for …
    ( en el tiempo) to be;
    ¿qué fecha es hoy? what's the date today?, what's today's date;

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived;
    ver tb v impers
    fue v impers to be;

    fue v aux ( en la voz pasiva) to be;
    fue construido en 1900 it was built in 1900
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    a) ( ente) being;

    fue humano/vivo human/living being

    b) (individuo, persona):

    2 ( naturaleza):

    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (dirigirse a un lugar) to go: ¡vamos!, let's go!
    voy a París, I'm going to Paris ➣ Ver nota en go
    2 (acudir regularmente) to go: va al colegio, he goes to school
    van a misa, they go to church
    3 (conducir a) to lead, go to: el sendero va a la mina, the path goes to the mine
    esta carretera va a Londres, this road leads to London
    4 (abarcar) to cover: la finca va desde la alambrada al camino, the estate extends from the wire fence to the path
    las lecciones que van desde la página 1 a la 53, the lessons on pages 1 to 53
    5 (guardarse habitualmente) va al lado de éste, it goes beside this one
    6 (mantener una posición) to be: va el primero, he's in first place
    7 (tener un estado de ánimo, una apariencia) to be: iba furioso/radiante, he was furious/radiant
    vas muy guapa, you look very smart o pretty
    8 (desenvolverse) ¿cómo te va?, how are things? o how are you doing?
    ¿cómo te va en el nuevo trabajo?, how are you getting on in your new job?
    9 (funcionar) to work (properly): el reloj no va, the clock doesn't go o work
    10 (sentar bien) to suit: ese corte de pelo no te va nada, that haircut doesn't suit you at all
    11 (combinar) to match, go: el rojo no va con el celeste, red doesn't go with pale blue
    12 (vestir) to wear
    ir con abrigo, to wear a coat
    ir de negro/de uniforme, to be dressed in black/in uniform
    la niña irá de enfermera, the little girl will dress up as a nurse
    13 fam (importar, concernir) to concern: eso va por ti también, and the same goes for you
    ni me va ni me viene, I don't care one way or the other
    14 (apostar) to bet: va un café a que no viene, I bet a coffee that he won't come
    15 (ir + de) fam (comportarse de cierto modo) to act
    ir de listo por la vida, to be a smart ass
    (tratar) to be about: ¿de qué va la película?, what's the film about?
    16 (ir + detrás de) to be looking for: hace tiempo que voy detrás de un facsímil de esa edición, I've been after a facsimile of that edition for a long time
    17 (ir + por) ir por la derecha, to keep (to the) right
    (ir a buscar) ve por agua, go and fetch some water
    (haber llegado) voy por la página noventa, I've got as far as page ninety
    18 (ir + para) (tener casi, estar cercano a) va para los cuarenta, she's getting on for forty
    ya voy para viejo, I'm getting old
    (encaminarse a) iba para ingeniero, she was studying to be an engineer
    este niño va para médico, this boy's going to become a doctor
    II verbo auxiliar
    1 (ir + gerundio) va mejorando, he's improving
    ir caminando, to go on foot
    2 (ir + pp) ya van estrenadas tres películas de Almodóvar, three films by Almodovar have already been released
    3 ( ir a + infinitivo) iba a decir que, I was going to say that
    va a esquiar, she goes skiing
    va a nevar, it's going to snow
    vas a caerte, you'll fall
    ♦ Locuciones: a eso iba, I was coming to that
    ¡ahí va!, catch!
    en lo que va de año, so far this year
    ¡qué va!, of course not! o nothing of the sort!
    ¡vamos a ver!, let's see!
    van a lo suyo, they look after their own interests
    ¡vaya!, fancy that
    ¡vaya cochazo!, what a car!
    ir a parar, to end up
    I sustantivo masculino
    1 being: es un ser despreciable, he's despicable
    ser humano, human being
    ser vivo, living being
    2 (esencia) essence: eso forma parte de su ser, that is part of him
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (cualidad) to be: eres muy modesto, you are very modest
    2 (fecha) to be: hoy es lunes, today is Monday
    ya es la una, it's one o'clock
    3 (cantidad) eran unos cincuenta, there were about fifty people
    (al pagar) ¿cuánto es?, how much is it?
    son doscientas, it is two hundred pesetas
    Mat dos y tres son cinco, two and three make five
    4 (causa) aquella mujer fue su ruina, that woman was his ruin
    5 (oficio) to be a(n): Elvira es enfermera, Elvira is a nurse
    6 (pertenencia) esto es mío, that's mine
    es de Pedro, it is Pedro's
    7 (afiliación) to belong: es del partido, he's a member of the party
    es un chico del curso superior, he is a boy from the higher year
    8 (origen) es de Málaga, she is from Málaga
    ¿de dónde es esta fruta? where does this fruit come from?
    9 (composición, material) to be made of: este jersey no es de lana, this sweater is not (made of) wool
    10 ser de, (afinidad, comparación) lo que hizo fue de tontos, what she did was a foolish thing
    11 (existir) Madrid ya no es lo que era, Madrid isn't what it used to be
    12 (suceder) ¿qué fue de ella?, what became of her?
    13 (tener lugar) to be: esta tarde es el entierro, the funeral is this evening 14 ser para, (finalidad) to be for: es para pelar patatas, it's for peeling potatoes
    (adecuación, aptitud) no es una película para niños, the film is not suitable for children
    esta vida no es para ti, this kind of life is not for you
    15 (efecto) era para llorar, it was painful
    es (como) para darle una bofetada, it makes me want to slap his face
    no es para tomárselo a broma, it is no joke
    16 (auxiliar en pasiva) to be: fuimos rescatados por la patrulla de la Cruz Roja, we were rescued by the Red Cross patrol
    17 ser de (+ infinitivo) era de esperar que se marchase, it was to be expected that she would leave
    ♦ Locuciones: a no ser que, unless
    como sea, anyhow
    de no ser por..., had it not been for
    es más, furthermore
    es que..., it's just that...
    lo que sea, whatever
    o sea, that is (to say)
    sea como sea, in any case o be that as it may
    ser de lo que no hay, to be the limit
    ' fue' also found in these entries:
    - absolución
    - acoger
    - acto
    - actuación
    - actual
    - adaptar
    - adiós
    - agachar
    - amarre
    - antológica
    - antológico
    - aparato
    - aquello
    - bajeza
    - bancarrota
    - baño
    - bárbara
    - bárbaro
    - batir
    - bloque
    - boato
    - bobada
    - bombazo
    - brillante
    - buscar
    - caballero
    - cabecilla
    - cacicada
    - campal
    - captar
    - causante
    - chiripa
    - cobarde
    - cómplice
    - condenada
    - condenado
    - conjura
    - contienda
    - cruenta
    - cruento
    - cuento
    - de
    - delicadeza
    - deliciosa
    - delicioso
    - delirio
    - desastre
    - desgraciada
    - desgraciado
    - accomplice
    - accusation
    - achievement
    - acquit
    - actual
    - adjourn
    - alert
    - allocate
    - also
    - ambition
    - amusement
    - annihilate
    - applicant
    - astray
    - auspice
    - badly
    - barbarian
    - barbaric
    - be
    - beeline
    - belief
    - best
    - blackmail
    - blank
    - blubber
    - blunder
    - bomb
    - bury
    - bust
    - buy
    - buzz off
    - by
    - campaign
    - carbon copy
    - carry off
    - carve
    - caution
    - ceremony
    - chancellor
    - charge
    - cheer
    - chorus
    - classic
    - clean
    - clear
    - close
    - complete
    - confine
    - convict
    * * *
    1. ver ir
    2. ver ser
    * * *
    vbir, ser
    * * *
    fue, etc. ir, ser

    Spanish-English dictionary > fue

  • 17 fue

    Del verbo ir: ( conjugate ir) \ \
    fue es: \ \
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
    Del verbo ser: ( conjugate ser) \ \
    fue es: \ \
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
    Multiple Entries: fue     ir     ser
    fue see
    ir, ser

    ir ( conjugate ir) verbo intransitivo 1
    a) (trasladarse, desplazarse) to go;
    iban a caballo/a pie they were on horseback/on foot; fue por mar to go by sea; ¡Fernando! — ¡voy! Fernando! — (just) coming! o I'll be right there!; el fue y venir de los invitados the coming and going of the guests; vamos a casa let's go home; ¿adónde va este tren? where's this train going (to)?; fue de compras/de caza to go shopping/hunting; ya vamos para allá we're on our way; ¿por dónde se va a …? how do you get to …?; fue por or (Esp) a por algo/algn to go to get sth/sb; voy (a) por pan I'm going to get some bread ya va al colegio she's already at school 2 ( expresando propósito) fue a + inf:
    ¿has ido a verla? have you been to see her?;
    ve a ayudarla go and help her; ver tb fue v aux 1 3 (al arrojar algo, arrojarse):
    tírame la llave — ¡allá va! throw me the key — here you are o there you go!;
    tírate del trampolín — ¡allá voy! jump off the board! — here I go/come! 4 [ comentario]: eso va por ti también that goes for you too, and the same goes for you 1 (+ compl) ( sin énfasis en el movimiento): ¿van cómodos? are you comfortable?; íbamos sentados we were sitting down; vas muy cargada you have a lot to carry; yo iba a la cabeza I was in the lead 2 ( refiriéndose al atuendo): voy a fue de Drácula I'm going to go as Dracula; iba de verde she was dressed in green 3 ( en calidad de) fue de algo to go (along) as sth; 1 [camino/sendero] ( llevar) fue a algo to lead to sth, to go to sth 2 (extenderse, abarcar): el período que va desde … hasta … the period from … to … 1 (marchar, desarrollarse):
    ¿cómo va el nuevo trabajo? how's the new job going?;
    va de mal en peor it's going from bad to worse; ¿cómo te va? how's it going?, how are things? (colloq), what's up? (AmE colloq); ¿cómo les fue en Italia? how was Italy?, how did you get on in Italy?; me fue mal/bien en el examen I did badly/well in the exam; ¡que te vaya bien! all the best!, take care!; ¡que te vaya bien (en) el examen! good luck in the exam 2 ( en competiciones):
    ¿cómo van? — 3-1 what's the score?3-1;
    voy ganando yo I'm ahead, I'm winning 3 ( en el desarrollo de algo):
    ¿por dónde van en historia? where have you got (up) to in history?;
    ¿todavía vas por la página 20? are you still on page 20? 4 ( estar en camino):
    ¡vamos para viejos! we're getting on o old!;
    va para los cincuenta she's going on fifty; ya va para dos años que … it's getting on for two years since … 5 (sumar, hacer): con este van seis six, counting this one 6 ( haber transcurrido): en lo que va del or (Esp) de año/mes so far this year/month 1 ( deber colocarse) to go;
    ¿dónde van las toallas? where do the towels go?;
    ¡qué va! (fam): ¿has terminado? — ¡qué va! have you finished?you must be joking!; ¿se disgustó? — ¡qué va! did she get upset?not at all!; vamos a perder el avión — ¡qué va! we're going to miss the planeno way! 2
    a) ( combinar) fue con algo to go with sth
    b) (sentar bien, convenir) (+ me/te/le etc):
    te fueá bien un descanso a rest will do you good 3 (Méx) (tomar partido por, apoyar) fuele a algo/algn to support sth/sb; 1
    a) (expresando incredulidad, fastidio):
    ¡vamos! ¿eso quién se lo va a creer? come off it o come on! who do you think's going to believe that?
    b) (intentando tranquilizar, animar, dar prisa):
    vamos, mujer, dile algo go on, say something to him;
    ¡vamos, date prisa! come on, hurry up!
    c) (al aclarar, resumir):
    eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo that would be a stupid thing to do, well, that's what I think anyway;
    vamos, que no es una persona de fiar basically, he's not very trustworthy; es mejor que el otro, vamos it's better than the other one, anyway 2
    a) (expresando sorpresa, contrariedad):
    ¡vaya! ¡tú por aquí! what a surprise! what are you doing here?;
    ¡vaya! ¡se ha vuelto a caer! oh no o (colloq) damn! it's fallen over again!
    b) (Esp) ( para enfatizar):
    ¡vaya cochazo! what a car!
    fue v aux fue a + inf: 1
    a) (para expresar tiempo futuro, propósito) to be going to + inf;
    va a hacer dos años que … it's getting on for two years since …
    b) (en propuestas, sugerencias):
    vamos a ver ¿cómo dices que te llamas? now then, what did you say your name was?;
    bueno, vamos a trabajar all right, let's get to work 2 (al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones): cuidado, no te vayas a caer mind you don't fall (colloq); lleva el paraguas, no vaya a ser que llueva take the umbrella, in case it rains 3 ( expresando un proceso paulatino): ya puedes fue haciéndote a la idea you'd better get used to the idea; la situación ha ido empeorando the situation has been getting worse and worse irse verbo pronominal 1 ( marcharse) to leave;
    ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? why are you leaving o going so soon?;
    vámonos let's go; bueno, me voy right then, I'm taking off (AmE) o (BrE) I'm off; no te vayas don't go; vete a la cama go to bed; se fue de casa/de la empresa she left home/the company; vete de aquí get out of here; se han ido de viaje they're away, they've gone away 2 (consumirse, gastarse):
    ¡cómo se va el dinero! I don't know where the money goes!;
    se me va medio sueldo en el alquiler half my salary goes on the rent 3 ( desaparecer) [mancha/dolor] to go; (+ me/te/le etc)
    ¿se te ha ido el dolor de cabeza? has your headache gone?
    4 (salirse, escaparse) [líquido/gas] to escape;
    se le está yendo el aire al globo the balloon's losing air o going down
    5 (caerse, perder el equilibrio) (+ compl):
    fuese de boca/espaldas to fall flat on one's face/back;
    me iba para atrás I was falling backwards; frenó y nos fuimos todos para adelante he braked and we all went flying forwards
    ser ( conjugate ser) cópula 1 ( seguido de adjetivos) to be
    ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1 es bajo/muy callado he's short/very quiet;
    es sorda de nacimiento she was born deaf; es inglés/católico he's English/(a) Catholic; era cierto it was true; sé bueno, estate quieto be a good boy and keep still; que seas muy feliz I hope you'll be very happy; (+ me/te/le etc) ver tb imposible, difícil etc 2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be; es viuda she's a widow; ver tb estar 1 cópula 2 3 (seguido de nombre, pronombre) to be; ábreme, soy yo open the door, it's me 4 (con predicado introducido por `de'): soy de Córdoba I'm from Cordoba; es de los vecinos it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors'; no soy de aquí I'm not from around here 5 (hipótesis, futuro): ¿será cierto? can it be true? verbo intransitivo 1
    b) (liter) ( en cuentos):
    érase una vez … once upon a time there was …
    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir):
    ¿dónde fue el accidente? where did the accident happen?
    ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him;
    ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq); ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? what will become of us? 3 ( sumar):
    ¿cuánto es (todo)? how much is that (altogether)?;
    son 3.000 pesos that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos; somos diez en total there are ten of us altogether 4 (indicando finalidad, adecuación) fue para algo to be for sth; ( en locs)
    a no ser que (+ subj) unless;
    ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq); como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what; hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done; el lunes o cuando sea next Monday or whenever; puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like; de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml); ¡eso es! that's it!, that's right!; es que …: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?; es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim; lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something; estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes; o sea: en febrero, o sea hace un mes in February, that is to say a month ago; o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested; o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out; (ya) sea …, (ya) sea … either …, or …; sea como sea at all costs; sea cuando sea whenever it is; sea donde sea no matter where; sea quien sea whoever it is; si no fuera/hubiera sido por … if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for … ( en el tiempo) to be;
    ¿qué fecha es hoy? what's the date today?, what's today's date;
    serían las cuatro cuando llegó it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived; ver tb v impers fue v impers to be; fue v aux ( en la voz pasiva) to be; fue construido en 1900 it was built in 1900 ■ sustantivo masculino 1
    a) ( ente) being;
    fue humano/vivo human/living being
    b) (individuo, persona):
    2 ( naturaleza):
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (dirigirse a un lugar) to go: ¡vamos!, let's go!
    voy a París, I'm going to Paris ➣ Ver nota en go
    2 (acudir regularmente) to go: va al colegio, he goes to school
    van a misa, they go to church
    3 (conducir a) to lead, go to: el sendero va a la mina, the path goes to the mine
    esta carretera va a Londres, this road leads to London
    4 (abarcar) to cover: la finca va desde la alambrada al camino, the estate extends from the wire fence to the path
    las lecciones que van desde la página 1 a la 53, the lessons on pages 1 to 53
    5 (guardarse habitualmente) va al lado de éste, it goes beside this one
    6 (mantener una posición) to be: va el primero, he's in first place
    7 (tener un estado de ánimo, una apariencia) to be: iba furioso/radiante, he was furious/radiant
    vas muy guapa, you look very smart o pretty
    8 (desenvolverse) ¿cómo te va?, how are things? o how are you doing?
    ¿cómo te va en el nuevo trabajo?, how are you getting on in your new job?
    9 (funcionar) to work (properly): el reloj no va, the clock doesn't go o work
    10 (sentar bien) to suit: ese corte de pelo no te va nada, that haircut doesn't suit you at all
    11 (combinar) to match, go: el rojo no va con el celeste, red doesn't go with pale blue
    12 (vestir) to wear
    ir con abrigo, to wear a coat
    ir de negro/de uniforme, to be dressed in black/in uniform
    la niña irá de enfermera, the little girl will dress up as a nurse
    13 fam (importar, concernir) to concern: eso va por ti también, and the same goes for you
    ni me va ni me viene, I don't care one way or the other
    14 (apostar) to bet: va un café a que no viene, I bet a coffee that he won't come
    15 (ir + de) fam (comportarse de cierto modo) to act
    ir de listo por la vida, to be a smart ass (tratar) to be about: ¿de qué va la película?, what's the film about?
    16 (ir + detrás de) to be looking for: hace tiempo que voy detrás de un facsímil de esa edición, I've been after a facsimile of that edition for a long time
    17 (ir + por) ir por la derecha, to keep (to the) right (ir a buscar) ve por agua, go and fetch some water (haber llegado) voy por la página noventa, I've got as far as page ninety
    18 (ir + para) (tener casi, estar cercano a) va para los cuarenta, she's getting on for forty
    ya voy para viejo, I'm getting old (encaminarse a) iba para ingeniero, she was studying to be an engineer
    este niño va para médico, this boy's going to become a doctor
    II verbo auxiliar
    1 (ir + gerundio) va mejorando, he's improving
    ir caminando, to go on foot
    2 (ir + pp) ya van estrenadas tres películas de Almodóvar, three films by Almodovar have already been released
    3 ( ir a + infinitivo) iba a decir que, I was going to say that
    va a esquiar, she goes skiing
    va a nevar, it's going to snow
    vas a caerte, you'll fall Locuciones: a eso iba, I was coming to that
    ¡ahí va!, catch!
    en lo que va de año, so far this year
    ¡qué va!, of course not! o nothing of the sort!
    ¡vamos a ver!, let's see!
    van a lo suyo, they look after their own interests
    ¡vaya!, fancy that
    ¡vaya cochazo!, what a car!
    ir a parar, to end up
    I sustantivo masculino
    1 being: es un ser despreciable, he's despicable
    ser humano, human being
    ser vivo, living being
    2 (esencia) essence: eso forma parte de su ser, that is part of him
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (cualidad) to be: eres muy modesto, you are very modest
    2 (fecha) to be: hoy es lunes, today is Monday
    ya es la una, it's one o'clock
    3 (cantidad) eran unos cincuenta, there were about fifty people (al pagar) ¿cuánto es?, how much is it?
    son doscientas, it is two hundred pesetas Mat dos y tres son cinco, two and three make five
    4 (causa) aquella mujer fue su ruina, that woman was his ruin
    5 (oficio) to be a(n): Elvira es enfermera, Elvira is a nurse
    6 (pertenencia) esto es mío, that's mine
    es de Pedro, it is Pedro's
    7 (afiliación) to belong: es del partido, he's a member of the party
    es un chico del curso superior, he is a boy from the higher year
    8 (origen) es de Málaga, she is from Málaga
    ¿de dónde es esta fruta? where does this fruit come from?
    9 (composición, material) to be made of: este jersey no es de lana, this sweater is not (made of) wool
    10 ser de, (afinidad, comparación) lo que hizo fue de tontos, what she did was a foolish thing
    11 (existir) Madrid ya no es lo que era, Madrid isn't what it used to be
    12 (suceder) ¿qué fue de ella?, what became of her?
    13 (tener lugar) to be: esta tarde es el entierro, the funeral is this evening 14 ser para, (finalidad) to be for: es para pelar patatas, it's for peeling potatoes (adecuación, aptitud) no es una película para niños, the film is not suitable for children
    esta vida no es para ti, this kind of life is not for you
    15 (efecto) era para llorar, it was painful
    es (como) para darle una bofetada, it makes me want to slap his face
    no es para tomárselo a broma, it is no joke
    16 (auxiliar en pasiva) to be: fuimos rescatados por la patrulla de la Cruz Roja, we were rescued by the Red Cross patrol
    17 ser de (+ infinitivo) era de esperar que se marchase, it was to be expected that she would leave Locuciones: a no ser que, unless
    como sea, anyhow
    de no ser por..., had it not been for
    es más, furthermore
    es que..., it's just that...
    lo que sea, whatever
    o sea, that is (to say)
    sea como sea, in any case o be that as it may
    ser de lo que no hay, to be the limit ' fue' also found in these entries: Spanish: abreviar - absolución - acoger - acto - actuación - actual - adaptar - adiós - agachar - amarre - antológica - antológico - aparato - aquello - bajeza - bancarrota - baño - bárbara - bárbaro - batir - bloque - boato - bobada - bombazo - brillante - buscar - caballero - cabecilla - cacicada - campal - captar - causante - chiripa - cobarde - cómplice - condenada - condenado - conjura - contienda - cruenta - cruento - cuento - de - delicadeza - deliciosa - delicioso - delirio - desastre - desgraciada - desgraciado English: acclaim - accomplice - accusation - achievement - acquit - actual - adjourn - alert - allocate - also - ambition - amusement - annihilate - applicant - astray - auspice - badly - barbarian - barbaric - be - beeline - belief - best - blackmail - blank - blubber - blunder - bomb - bury - bust - buy - buzz off - by - campaign - carbon copy - carry off - carve - caution - ceremony - chancellor - charge - cheer - chorus - classic - clean - clear - close - complete - confine - convict

    English-spanish dictionary > fue

  • 18 loco

    1 crazy, cracked, batty, crazed.
    2 crazy.
    madman, crackpot, crazy person, head case.
    * * *
    1 (gen) mad, crazy, insane
    2 (muy ocupado) terribly busy
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 lunatic, insane person
    a lo loco any old how
    como un,-a loco,-a like mad
    estar loco,-a de alegría to be over the moon
    estar loco,-a por alguien to be mad about somebody
    hacer el loco to act wild
    hacerse el/la loco,-a to pretend to know nothing, act dumb
    ¡ni loco,-a! no way!
    volver loco,-a a alguien to drive somebody crazy, drive somebody mad
    volverse loco,-a to go mad
    loco,-a de remate stark raving mad
    * * *
    1. (f. - loca)
    crazy, mad
    2. (f. - loca)
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=no cuerdo) mad, crazy

    ¿estás loco? — are you mad o crazy?

    no seas loco, eso es muy arriesgado — don't be stupid, that's very risky

    una brújula locaa compass whose needle no longer points north

    estaba loco de alegríahe was mad o wild with joy

    andar o estar loco con algo — (=preocupado) to be worried to death about sth; (=contento) to be crazy about sth

    está loco por algn/algo, está loco por esa chica — he's mad o crazy about that girl

    anda o está loca por irse a Inglaterra — she's mad keen to go to England

    tener o traer loco a algn, este asunto me tiene o trae loco — this business is driving me crazy

    volver loco a algn — to drive sb mad, drive sb round the bend

    volverse loco — to go insane, go mad

    2) (=frenético) hectic
    3) * (=enorme)
    SM / F lunatic, madman/madwoman

    el loco de César se ha comprado otro cochethat lunatic o madman César has bought another car

    correr como un loco — to run like mad

    gritar como un loco — to shout like a madman, shout one's head off

    hacerse el loco — to act the fool

    es un loco perdidohe's stark raving mad

    ponerse como un loco — to start acting like a madman/madwoman

    SM Chile abalone, false abalone
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.
    Ex. Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.
    Ex. Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex. Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex. Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex. It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex. When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex. Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex. Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex. The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex. This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex. The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex. This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex. Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex. Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex. The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex. The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex. Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex. 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex. Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex. Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex. A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex. He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex. This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex. Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex. The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex. He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex. Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex. I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex. ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.

    Ex: Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.

    Ex: Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex: Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex: It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex: When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex: Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex: Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex: The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex: The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex: This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex: Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex: Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex: The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex: Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex: 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex: Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex: Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex: A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex: He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex: This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex: Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex: The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex: He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex: Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex: I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex: ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).

    * * *
    loco1 -ca
    1 ( Med, Psic) mad, insane
    2 (chiflado) crazy ( colloq), nuts ( colloq), mad ( BrE colloq)
    este tipo está medio loco ( fam); this guy's not all there ( colloq), this guy's a bit cracked ( colloq)
    ¡pero ustedes están or ( AmL) son locos! you must be crazy o mad o insane o out of your mind! ( colloq)
    no seas loco, te vas a matar don't be so stupid o foolish, you'll kill yourself
    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that, nothing in the world would make me do that o induce me to do that
    ¿disculparme yo? ¡ni (que estuviera) loco! what, me apologize? not in a million years o no way o never!
    llenó el formulario a lo loco she completed the form any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how ( colloq)
    gasta dinero a lo loco he spends money like water o like there's no tomorrow
    estar loco de remate or de atar ( fam); to be stark raving o stark staring mad, to be nutty as a fruitcake ( colloq), to be completely nuts ( colloq), to be mad as a hatter ( BrE)
    traer or tener loco a algn ( Esp); to be driving sb mad o crazy o up the wall o round the bend ( colloq)
    volver loco a algn to drive sb mad o crazy ( colloq)
    vuelve locos a los hombres she drives men wild ( colloq)
    el chocolate me vuelve loca I adore chocolate, I'm a chocolate addict ( colloq)
    volverse loco to go mad
    este desorden es para volverse loco this mess is enough to drive you crazy ( colloq)
    (contento, entusiasmado): están locos con el nieto they're besotted with o crazy about their grandchild
    está loca por él she's mad o crazy o wild about him ( colloq)
    está loco por verla/por que le presenten a Laura he's dying o ( BrE) mad keen to see her/to be introduced to Laura ( colloq)
    es loco por las aceitunas (CS); he's crazy about o mad on olives ( colloq)
    4 ( fam) (preocupado) worried sick ( colloq)
    anda (como) loco con las pruebas he's worried sick about the tests
    (indicando gran cantidad): tengo unas ganas locas de verla I'm really looking forward to seeing her, I'm dying to see her ( colloq)
    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    la obra tuvo un éxito loco the play was hugely successful
    tienen la guita loca ( RPl arg); they're rolling in it ( colloq), they're absolutely loaded ( colloq)
    2 loco DE algo:
    estaba loca de alegría or de contenta she was incredibly happy, she was over the moon ( BrE colloq)
    está loco de ira/celos he's wild with anger/jealousy
    estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain
    está loca de amor por él she's madly in love with him
    (CS fam) (indicando poca cantidad): por cuatro clientes locos que puedan venir, no vamos a abrir it's not worth opening up just for a few odd customers
    loco2 -ca
    masculine, feminine
    A (enfermo mental) ( masculine) madman; ( feminine) madwoman
    se puso como un loco al oír la noticia he went crazy o mad when he heard the news
    maneja or ( Esp) conduce como un loco he drives like a madman o lunatic
    corrimos como locos para alcanzar el autobús ( fam); we ran like crazy o mad to catch the bus ( colloq)
    gritaba como una loca she was shouting like a madwoman, she was shouting her head off ( colloq)
    ¡qué desorganización, esto es de locos! what chaos! this is pure o sheer madness!
    el loco de Javier se ha venido a pie Javier walked here, madman that he is
    hoy en día hay mucho loco suelto ( fam); there are a lot of loonies o nutcases o weirdos about these days ( colloq)
    cada loco con su tema ( fam); to each his own, each to his own ( BrE)
    ahora le ha dado por el budismocada loco con su tema she's into Buddhism now — oh well, each to his own o ( colloq) whatever turns you on
    hacer el loco ( Chi fam); to make a fool of oneself
    hacerse el loco to act dumb ( colloq)
    no te hagas el loco don't act dumb, don't pretend you haven't seen/heard
    la loca de la casa ( liter); the imagination
    loco masculine ( Chi) ( Zool) abalone
    loco masculine ( RPl arg) (hombre) guy ( colloq), bloke ( BrE colloq)
    * * *


    loco 1
    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane

    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq);

    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that;
    hacer algo a lo loco to do sth any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq);
    estar loco de remate (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq);
    tener or (Esp) traer loco a algn to be driving sb crazy (colloq);
    volver loco a algn to drive sb crazy (colloq);
    volverse loco to go mad

    está loco por volver he's dying to come back (colloq)
    d) (fam) ( ajetreado):

    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    f) estar loco de algo: ‹de entusiasmo/furia/celos› to be wild with sth;

    de dolor/remordimiento› to be racked with sth;

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( enfermo mental) (m) madman;
    (f) madwoman;
    se puso como un loco he went crazy o mad;

    corrimos como locos (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq);
    hacerse el loco to act dumb (colloq)
    loco 2 sustantivo masculino (Chi) (Zool) abalone
    I adjetivo
    1 mad, crazy
    volverse loco, to lose one's mind o to go mad
    2 (deseoso) estoy loco por ir a París, I'm eager to travel to Paris
    3 (entusiasmado) está loca de alegría, she's thrilled
    está loco por las motos, he's crazy about motorbikes
    II m,f (hombre) madman, (mujer) madwoman
    ♦ Locuciones: hacerse el loco, to act the fool
    familiar ¡ni loco!, I'd sooner die!
    familiar traer/volver loco a alguien, to drive sb crazy
    a lo loco, crazily

    ' loco' also found in these entries:
    - chiflada
    - chiflado
    - conforme
    - enajenar
    - enajenarse
    - estragos
    - hormigueo
    - ida
    - ido
    - loc. cit.
    - loca
    - tema
    - tocada
    - tocado
    - trastocarse
    - trastornar
    - volver
    - volverse
    - carro
    - maniaco
    - perdido
    - poner
    - rayado
    - rayar
    - rematado
    - away
    - bend
    - berserk
    - beside
    - bit
    - bonkers
    - certifiable
    - change over
    - cracker
    - crazy
    - cuckoo
    - delirious
    - demented
    - drive
    - gaga
    - head
    - hijack
    - insane
    - loony
    - lunatic
    - mad
    - madly
    - madman
    - maniac
    - mind
    - moon
    - nut
    - nuts
    - nutter
    - nutty
    - parched
    - potshot
    - rampage
    - raving
    - roadhog
    - send
    - some
    - something
    - stark
    - wall
    - wild
    - wildly
    - wind up
    - wit
    - bumper car
    - cracked
    - fear
    - flap
    - go
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. [demente] mad, crazy;
    volver loco a alguien [enajenar, aturdir] to drive sb mad;
    esos martillazos en la pared me van a volver loco that hammering on the wall is driving me mad;
    el dolor lo volvía loco the pain was driving him mad;
    volverse loco to go mad;
    este niño me trae loco this child is driving me mad;
    estar loco de atar o [m5] de remate to be stark raving mad;
    ¡ni loco! (absolutely) no way!;
    ¡no lo haría ni loco! there's no way you'd get me doing that!
    2. [insensato] mad, crazy;
    no seas loca, es muy peligroso don't be (so) stupid, it's very dangerous;
    está medio loco pero es muy simpático he's a bit crazy, but he's very nice with it;
    a lo loco [sin pensar] hastily;
    [temerariamente] wildly;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja a lo loco he drives like a madman
    3. [apasionado, entusiasmado] mad, crazy;
    la abuela está loca con su nieto the grandmother's mad o crazy about her grandson;
    estar loco de contento/pasión to be wild with joy/passion;
    estar loco de amor to be madly in love;
    estar loco de celos to be wildly o insanely jealous;
    estar loco de ira to be raging mad;
    estar o CSur [m5]ser loco por algo/alguien to be mad about sth/sb;
    está o CSur [m5] es loco por ella [enamorado] he's madly in love with her, he's crazy about her;
    está loca por conocerte she's dying to meet you;
    está (como) loco por que lleguen los invitados he's desperate for the guests to arrive, he can't wait for the guests to arrive;
    le vuelve loco el fútbol he's mad about soccer o Br football, he's soccer-crazy o Br football-crazy;
    la vuelve loca la paella she absolutely adores paella
    4. [muy ajetreado] mad, hectic;
    llevamos una semana loca it's been a mad week for us
    5. [enorme]
    tengo unas ganas locas de conocer Italia I'm absolutely dying to go to Italy;
    tuvimos una suerte loca we were extraordinarily o amazingly lucky;
    RP Fam
    tener la guita loca to be rolling in it
    6. RP Fam [insignificante]
    sólo van a venir tres o cuatro invitados locos only a handful of guests will show up;
    no nos vamos a pelear por dos pesos locos let's not quarrel over a few measly pesos
    1. [enfermo] [hombre] lunatic, madman;
    [mujer] lunatic, madwoman;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja como un loco he drives like a madman;
    corrimos como locos we ran like mad o crazy;
    el loco de tu marido se puso a chillar that madman husband of yours started shouting;
    ponerse como un loco [enfadarse] to go mad;
    sería de locos empezar de nuevo todo el trabajo it would be crazy o madness to start the whole job over again;
    ¡deja de hacer el loco! stop messing around!;
    cada loco con su tema: ya está otra vez Santi con lo del yoga, cada loco con su tema Santi's going on about yoga again, the man's obsessed!;
    hacerse el loco to play dumb, to pretend not to understand
    2. RP, Ven Fam [como apelativo]
    este loco se encarga de todo this guy's in charge of everything;
    loco, vení para acá come over here, Br mate o US buddy
    3. Chile [molusco comestible] false abalone
    * * *
    I adj mad, crazy;
    a lo loco fam ( sin pensar) hastily;
    es para volverse loco it’s enough to drive you mad o crazy;
    remate completely mad;
    estar loco de alegría be insanely happy;
    estar loco por alguien be mad o crazy about s.o.
    II m
    1 madman;
    cada loco con su tema each to his own;
    hacer el loco make a fool of o.s.
    loco, ayudame help me, pal
    * * *
    loco, -ca adj
    1) demente: crazy, insane, mad
    a lo loco : wildly, recklessly
    volverse loco : to go mad
    loco, -ca n
    1) : crazy person, lunatic
    hacerse el loco : to act the fool
    * * *
    loco1 adj crazy [comp. crazier; superl. craziest] / mad [comp. madder; superl. maddest]
    loco2 n lunatic

    Spanish-English dictionary > loco

  • 19 Kopf

    m; -(e)s, Köpfe
    1. head (auch von Sachen und TECH.); (Briefkopf) letterhead; einer Seite etc.: top; einer Pfeife: bowl; Kopf an Kopf closely packed; beim Rennen etc.: neck and neck; Kopf stehen stand on one’s head; FLUG. nose over; umg., fig. go mad (bes. Am. crazy) ( wegen over); es steht auf dem Kopf it’s upside down; etw. auf den Kopf stellen turn s.th. upside down; die Bude auf den Kopf stellen umg. (durchsuchen, in Unordnung bringen) turn the place upside down; (ausgelassen feiern) have a wild fling; die Tatsachen auf den Kopf stellen turn the facts on their head, twist things ( oder the facts); und wenn du dich auf den Kopf stellst umg. you can do what you like, you can talk until you’re blue in the face; von Kopf bis Fuß from head to foot, from top to toe; den Kopf hängen lassen hang one’s head; den Kopf oben behalten umg. keep one’s chin (Brit. auch pecker) up; Kopf hoch! umg. chin up!; einen dicken oder schweren Kopf haben umg. have a headache; umg. have a thick head; vom Alkohol: have a hangover; einen roten Kopf bekommen go red, blush; jemandem den Kopf waschen wash s.o.’s hair; umg., fig. give s.o. a piece of one’s mind; Fisch 1
    2. (Sinn, Verstand, Urteil) head, mind; (Willen) head; (Gedächtnis) memory; aus dem Kopf aufsagen: from memory, by heart; im Kopf ausrechnen work out in one’s head; ich habe andere Dinge im Kopf I’ve got other things on my mind ( oder to think about); er hat nur Fußball im Kopf all he ever thinks about is football; er ist nicht ganz richtig im Kopf umg. he’s got a screw loose; wo hatte ich nur meinen Kopf? what was I thinking of?; den Kopf voll haben have a lot ( oder too much) on one’s mind; das kannst du dir aus dem Kopf schlagen you can forget (about) that; das will mir nicht aus dem Kopf I can’t get it out of my mind; das hältste ja im Kopf nicht aus umg. it’s enough to drive you (a)round the bend; sich (Dat) etw. durch den Kopf gehen lassen think s.th. over; jemandem im Kopf herumgehen go (a)round and (a)round in s.o.’s mind; er hat es sich in den Kopf gesetzt, es zu tun he’s determined to do it; umg. he’s dead set on doing it; geht das nicht in deinen Kopf? can’t you get that into your head?; jemandem in den Kopf oder zu Kopf steigen go to s.o.’s head; sich (Dat) den Kopf zerbrechen rack one’s brains; seinen eigenen Kopf haben have a mind of one’s own; es kann nicht immer alles nach deinem Kopf gehen you can’t get your own way all of the time; mir steht der Kopf nicht danach I don’t really feel like it; einen kühlen Kopf bewahren keep a cool head; (nicht zornig werden) keep one’s cool umg.
    3. fig. (Geist, Denker) (great) thinker; (Führer) head, leader; (treibende Kraft) mastermind, driving force; ein fähiger / kluger Kopf a capable / intelligent person; der Kopf von etw. sein mastermind s.th.
    4. (einzelne Person) person, head; (Stück) piece; pro Kopf a head, per person, each
    5. fig. (Leben) seinen Kopf retten save one’s skin; Kopf und Kragen riskieren risk one’s neck; das wird ihn den Kopf kosten! it’ll cost him his life; das kann den Kopf nicht kosten it can’t cost the earth
    6. sonstige Wendungen: er wird dir schon nicht gleich den Kopf abreißen he won’t bite your head off; den Kopf in den Sand stecken hide one’s head in the sand; den Kopf ( nicht) verlieren (not) lose one’s head; den Kopf aus der Schlinge ziehen wriggle out of it, bes. Am. auch beat the rap umg.; sich (Dat) einen Kopf machen umg. worry; darüber mach ich mir keinen Kopf umg. I’m not going to worry about that; er ist nicht auf den Kopf gefallen umg. he’s no fool; ich weiß nicht, wo mir der Kopf steht umg. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going; jemandem den Kopf verdrehen umg. turn s.o.’s head; jemandem den Kopf zurechtrücken umg. bring s.o. to his ( oder her) senses, sort s.o. out; sein Geld auf den Kopf hauen umg. blow one’s money; immer mit dem Kopf durch die Wand wollen umg. be pigheaded; bis über den Kopf in Schulden stecken be up to one’s neck (umg. eyeballs) in debt; jemandem über den Kopf wachsen umg. outgrow s.o.; Arbeit etc.: get too much for s.o.; über seinen Kopf hinweg over his head, without consulting him; jemanden vor den Kopf stoßen umg. put s.o.’s nose out of joint; jemandem Beleidigungen an den Kopf werfen hurl insults at s.o.; wie vor den Kopf geschlagen speechless; Köpfe werden rollen heads will roll; da fasst man sich doch an den Kopf it really makes you wonder; was man nicht im Kopf hat, muss man in den Beinen haben a short memory makes work for the legs; Kopf oder Zahl? heads or tails?
    7. ein Kopf Salat / Blumenkohl a (head of) lettuce / cauliflower
    * * *
    der Kopf
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) brain
    2) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) head
    3) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) head
    4) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) head
    * * *
    <-[e]s, Köpfe>
    [kɔpf, pl ˈkœpfə]
    1. (Haupt) head
    \Kopf runter! duck!
    \Kopf weg! (fam) out the way! fam
    \Kopf an \Kopf shoulder to shoulder; (bei Wettrennen) neck and neck
    bis zu den letzten hundert Metern lagen sie \Kopf an \Kopf they were neck and neck until the last hundred metres
    mit besoffenem \Kopf (sl) pissed out of one's head sl
    bis über den \Kopf above one's head; (fig) up to one's neck [or ears]
    mit bloßem \Kopf bareheaded
    jdm brummt der \Kopf (fam) sb's head is thumping fam
    einen dicken [o schweren] \Kopf haben (fam) to have a sore head fam
    den \Kopf einziehen to lower one's head
    jds \Kopf fordern (a. fig) to demand sb's head a. fig
    wir fordern seinen \Kopf! off with his head!
    von \Kopf bis Fuß from head to foot [or top to toe]
    einen [halben] \Kopf größer/kleiner als jd sein to be [half a] head taller/smaller than sb
    den \Kopf in die Hände stützen to rest one's head in one's hands
    den \Kopf hängen lassen (a. fig) to hang one's head a. fig
    jdn den \Kopf kosten to cost sb their head; (fig) to cost sb their job; (Amt) to cost sb their position; (Karriere) to cost sb their career
    den \Kopf in den Nacken werfen to throw one's head back
    mit dem \Kopf nicken to nod one's head
    einen [ganz] roten \Kopf bekommen to go red in the face; (vor Scham a.) to blush
    den \Kopf schütteln to shake one's head
    jdm schwindelt der \Kopf, jds \Kopf schwindelt sb's head is spinning
    den \Kopf sinken lassen to lower one's head
    auf dem \Kopf stehen to stand on one's head
    jdm über den \Kopf wachsen to grow taller than sb; (fig) to be too much for sb
    sich dat den \Kopf waschen to wash one's hair
    [mit dem] \Kopf voraus [o voran] headfirst, headlong AM
    2. (oberer, vorderer Teil) head; (Briefkopf) [letter]head; einer Pfeife bowl; eines Plattenspielers head
    \Kopf oder Zahl? heads or tails?
    die Blumen lassen schon die Köpfe [o den \Kopf] hängen the flowers are already drooping
    am \Kopf der Tafel sitzen to sit at the head of the table
    auf dem \Kopf stehen to be upside down
    3. HORT head
    ein \Kopf Kohl/Salat a head of cabbage/lettuce
    4. kein pl (Gedanken) head, mind; (Erinnerung) memory
    aus dem \Kopf from memory, by heart
    sie kann das Gedicht aus dem \Kopf hersagen she can recite the poem from memory [or by heart]
    etw geht jdm durch den \Kopf sb is thinking about sth
    mir geht so viel durch den \Kopf! there is so much going through my mind!
    sich dat etw durch den \Kopf gehen lassen to consider sth, to mull sth over
    den \Kopf voll [mit etw dat] haben (fam) to be preoccupied [with sth]
    ich habe den \Kopf so voll, dass ich mich kaum konzentrieren kann I've got so much on my mind I find it difficult to concentrate
    ich habe den \Kopf schon voll genug! I've got enough on my mind!
    im \Kopf in one's head
    etw im \Kopf behalten to keep sth in one's memory
    die Einzelheiten kann ich nicht alle im \Kopf behalten I can't remember all the details
    etw im \Kopf haben (sich erinnern) to have made a mental note of sth; (sich mit etw beschäftigen) to be thinking about sth
    anderes [o andere Dinge] im \Kopf haben to have other things to worry about
    nur [o nichts als] Arbeit/Fußball im \Kopf haben to think of nothing but work/football
    die Melodie im \Kopf haben to remember the tune
    etw im \Kopf rechnen to calculate sth in one's head
    in den Köpfen [der Menschen] spuken to haunt people's thoughts
    diese Vorstellung spukt noch immer in den Köpfen vieler Menschen this idea still haunts many people's thoughts
    jdm kommt etw in den \Kopf sb remembers sth
    mir ist neulich in den \Kopf gekommen, dass... it crossed my mind the other day, that...
    sich dat keinen \Kopf machen (fam) to not worry
    etw schießt jdm durch den \Kopf sth flashes through sb's mind
    jdm schwirrt der \Kopf (fam) sb's head is buzzing
    jdm durch den \Kopf schwirren (fam) to buzz around sb's head
    nicht [o kaum] wissen, wo einem der \Kopf steht (fam) to not know whether one is coming or going fam
    etw will jdm nicht aus dem \Kopf sb can't get sth out of their head
    sich dat [über etw akk] den \Kopf zerbrechen (fam) to rack one's brains [over sth] fam
    5. kein pl (Verstand, Intellekt) mind
    du hast wohl was am \Kopf! (sl) you're not quite right in the head! fam
    ein heller [o kluger] [o schlauer] \Kopf sein (fam) to have a good head on one's shoulders, to be clever
    du bist ein kluger \Kopf! you are a clever boy/girl! fam
    einen klaren \Kopf behalten to keep a clear head
    einen kühlen \Kopf bewahren [o behalten] to keep a cool head
    nicht auf den \Kopf gefallen sein to be no fool
    jdm den \Kopf verdrehen (fam) to turn sb's head
    den \Kopf verlieren (fam) to lose one's head
    jdm den \Kopf zurechtsetzen [o zurechtrücken] (fam) to make sb see sense
    nicht ganz richtig [o klar] im \Kopf sein (fam) to be not quite right in the head fam
    etw im \Kopf nicht aushalten (fam) to not be able to bear sth
    etw geht [o will] jdm nicht in den \Kopf (fam) sb just can't understand sth
    will dir das denn nicht in den \Kopf? can't you get that into your head?
    es im \Kopf haben (fam) to have [got] brains fam
    dafür muss man's im \Kopf haben you need brains for that fam
    6. kein pl (Wille) mind
    seinen \Kopf durchsetzen to get one's way
    nach jds \Kopf gehen to go [or be] the way sb wants
    seinen eigenen \Kopf haben (fam) to have a mind of one's own
    über jds \Kopf hinweg over sb's head
    sich dat etw aus dem \Kopf schlagen to get sth out of one's head
    sich dat in den \Kopf setzen, etw zu tun to get it into one's head to do sth
    sie hat es sich in den \Kopf gesetzt, Schauspielerin zu werden she's got it into her head to become an actress
    jdm steht der \Kopf nicht nach etw dat sb doesn't feel like sth
    7. kein pl (Person) head, person
    eine Belohnung [o Summe] auf jds \Kopf aussetzen to put a price on sb's head
    auf den \Kopf dieses Mörders waren 500 Dollar Belohnung ausgesetzt a reward of $500 had been offered for the murderer's capture
    eine hundert \Kopf starke Gruppe a group of hundred people
    pro \Kopf per head [or form capita
    8. (Führer) leader; (Denker) brains pl, mastermind
    die besten Köpfe arbeiten für uns the best brains are working for us
    der \Kopf einer S. gen the person behind sth
    jdm nicht [gleich] den \Kopf abreißen (fam) to not bite sb's head off fam
    was man nicht im \Kopf hat, [das] muss man in den Beinen haben (prov) bad memory means a lot of legwork fam
    sich [gegenseitig] die Köpfe einschlagen (fam) to be at each other's throats fam
    sich dat an den \Kopf fassen [o greifen] to shake one's head in disbelief fig
    etw vom \Kopf auf die Füße stellen (fam) to set sth right [or straight]
    jd ist nicht auf den \Kopf gefallen (fam) sb wasn't born yesterday fig fam
    wie vor den \Kopf geschlagen sein (fam) to be dumbstruck
    etw auf den \Kopf hauen (fam) to spend all of sth
    sich die Köpfe heißreden (fam) to talk oneself into a frenzy
    jdm auf dem \Kopf herumtanzen (fam) to do as one likes with sb
    den \Kopf [für jdn/etw] hinhalten (fam) to take the blame [for sb/sth]
    \Kopf hoch! [keep your] chin up! fig
    den \Kopf hoch tragen to keep one's head held high
    sich akk um \Kopf und Kragen reden to talk oneself into trouble
    \Kopf und Kragen riskieren (Leben, Gesundheit) to risk life and limb; (Existenz, Job) to risk one's neck fig
    jdn einen \Kopf kürzer machen (sl) to chop sb's head off fig sl
    sich einen \Kopf [über etw] machen to ponder sth, to not be able to stop thinking about sth
    den \Kopf oben behalten to keep one's chin up, to not loose heart
    halt den \Kopf oben, Junge (fam) chin up, kid fam
    jdm raucht der \Kopf (fam) sb's head is spinning
    Köpfe werden rollen heads will roll
    den \Kopf in den Sand stecken to bury one's head in the sand fig
    den \Kopf aus der Schlinge ziehen to dodge danger
    bis über den \Kopf in Schwierigkeiten stecken to be up to one's neck in problems fam
    jdm auf den \Kopf spucken können (fam) to be head and shoulders above sb fam
    sich dat nicht auf den \Kopf spucken lassen (sl) to not let people walk all over one
    jdm in den \Kopf [o zu Kopf[e]] steigen to go to sb's head
    etw auf den \Kopf stellen (durchsuchen) to turn sth upside down [or inside out]; (ins Gegenteil verkehren) to turn sth on its head fig
    du kannst dich auf den \Kopf stellen, [aber]... (fam)
    und wenn du dich auf den \Kopf stellst,... (fam) you can talk until you're blue in the face, [but]... fam
    jdn vor den \Kopf stoßen to offend sb
    jd vergisst noch mal seinen \Kopf (fam) sb would forget their head if it wasn't screwed on fam
    mit dem \Kopf durch die Wand [rennen] wollen (fam) to be determined to get one's way
    jdm den \Kopf waschen to give sb a telling-off
    seinen \Kopf darauf wetten, dass... (fam) to bet one's bottom dollar that... fam
    jdm etw an den \Kopf werfen [o (fam) schmeißen] to chuck [or sling] sth at sb fam
    jdm Beleidigungen an den \Kopf werfen to hurl insults at sb
    jdm etw auf den \Kopf zusagen to tell sb sth to their face
    * * *
    der; Kopf[e]s, Köpfe
    1) head

    jemandem den Kopf waschen — wash somebody's hair; (fig. ugs.): (jemanden zurechtweisen) give somebody a good talking-to (sl.); give somebody what for (sl.)

    [um] einen ganzen/halben Kopf größer sein — be a good head/a few inches taller

    sie haben sich die Köpfe heiß geredet — the conversation/debate became heated

    Kopf an Kopf(im Wettlauf) neck and neck

    den Kopf einziehen — duck; (fig.): (sich einschüchtern lassen) be intimidated

    ich werde/er wird dir nicht gleich den Kopf abreißen — (ugs.) I'm/he's not going to bite your head off

    jemandem schwirrt/raucht der Kopf — somebody's head is spinning

    nicht wissen, wo einem der Kopf steht — not know whether one is coming or going

    einen dicken Kopf haben(vom Alkohol) have a thick head (coll.) or a hangover

    jemandem od. jemanden den Kopf kosten — cost somebody dearly; (jemanden das Leben kosten) cost somebody his/her life

    den Kopf hinhalten [müssen] — (ugs.) [have to] face the music; [have to] take the blame or (coll.) rap

    den Kopf hoch tragenhold one's head high

    jemandem den Kopf zurechtrücken(ugs.) bring somebody to his/her senses

    sich [gegenseitig] die Köpfe einschlagen — be at each other's throats

    sich (Dat.) an den Kopf fassen od. greifen — (ugs.) throw up one's hands in despair

    sein Geld auf den Kopf hauen(ugs.) blow one's money (coll.)

    etwas auf den Kopf stellen(ugs.) turn something upside down

    auf dem Kopf stehen(ugs.) be upside down

    Kopf stehenstand on one's head; (ugs.): (überrascht sein) be bowled over

    den Ablauf der Ereignisse auf den Kopf stellenget the order of events completely or entirely wrong

    jemandem auf dem Kopf herumtanzen(ugs.) treat somebody just as one likes; do what one likes with somebody

    jemandem auf den Kopf spucken können(salopp scherzh.) be head and shoulders taller than somebody

    er ist nicht auf den Kopf gefallen(ugs.) there are no flies on him (fig. coll.)

    jemandem in den od. zu Kopf steigen — go to somebody's head

    mit dem Kopf durch die Wand wollen (ugs.) /sich (Dat.) den Kopf einrennenbeat or run one's head against a brick wall

    etwas über jemandes Kopf [hin]weg entscheiden/über jemandes Kopf hinwegreden — decide something/talk over somebody's head

    jemandem über den Kopf wachsen(ugs.) outgrow somebody; (jemanden überfordern) become too much for somebody

    bis über den Kopf in etwas stecken(ugs.) be up to one's ears in something

    es geht um Kopf und Kragen(ugs.) it's a matter of life and death

    sich um Kopf und Kragen reden(ugs.) risk one's neck with careless talk

    jemanden vor den Kopf stoßen(ugs.) offend somebody; s. auch Hand 3)

    2) (Person) person

    ein kluger/fähiger Kopf sein — be a clever/able man/woman

    pro Kopfper head or person

    5) (Verstand) mind; head

    er hat die Zahlen im Kopf(ugs.) he has the figures in his head

    er hat nur Autos im Kopf(ugs.) all he ever thinks about is cars

    sie ist nicht ganz richtig im Kopf(ugs.) she's not quite right in the head

    einen klaren/kühlen Kopf bewahren od. behalten — keep a cool head; keep one's head

    jemandem den Kopf verdrehen(ugs.) steal somebody's heart [away]

    sich (Dat.) den Kopf zerbrechen(ugs.) rack one's brains (über + Akk. over); (sich Sorgen machen) worry (über + Akk. about)

    aus dem Kopf(aus dem Gedächtnis) off the top of one's head

    das geht od. will ihm nicht aus dem Kopf — he can't get it out of his mind

    sich (Dat.) etwas aus dem Kopf schlagenput something out of one's head

    sich (Dat.) etwas durch den Kopf gehen lassenthink something over

    jemandem im Kopf herumgehen(ugs.) go round and round in somebody's mind

    jemandem/sich etwas in den Kopf setzen — put something into somebody's head/get something into one's head

    etwas im Kopf [aus]rechnen — work something out in one's head

    was man nicht im Kopf hat, muss man in den Beinen haben — a short memory makes work for the legs

    jemandem geht od. will etwas nicht in den Kopf [hinein] — (ugs.) somebody can't get something into his/her head

    6) (von Nadeln, Nägeln, Blumen) head; (von Pfeifen) bowl

    ein Kopf Salat/Blumenkohl/Rotkohl — a lettuce/cauliflower/red cabbage

    8) (oberer Teil) head

    Kopf [oder Zahl?] — heads [or tails?]

    * * *
    Kopf m; -(e)s, Köpfe
    1. head ( auch von Sachen und TECH); (Briefkopf) letterhead; einer Seite etc: top; einer Pfeife: bowl;
    Kopf an Kopf closely packed; beim Rennen etc: neck and neck;
    es steht auf dem Kopf it’s upside down;
    etwas auf den Kopf stellen turn sth upside down;
    die Bude auf den Kopf stellen umg (durchsuchen, in Unordnung bringen) turn the place upside down; (ausgelassen feiern) have a wild fling;
    die Tatsachen auf den Kopf stellen turn the facts on their head, twist things ( oder the facts);
    und wenn du dich auf den Kopf stellst umg you can do what you like, you can talk until you’re blue in the face;
    von Kopf bis Fuß from head to foot, from top to toe;
    den Kopf hängen lassen hang one’s head;
    den Kopf oben behalten umg keep one’s chin (Br auch pecker) up;
    Kopf hoch! umg chin up!;
    schweren Kopf haben umg have a headache; umg have a thick head; vom Alkohol: have a hangover;
    jemandem den Kopf waschen wash sb’s hair; umg, fig give sb a piece of one’s mind; Fisch 1
    2. (Sinn, Verstand, Urteil) head, mind; (Willen) head; (Gedächtnis) memory;
    aus dem Kopf aufsagen: from memory, by heart;
    im Kopf ausrechnen work out in one’s head;
    ich habe andere Dinge im Kopf I’ve got other things on my mind ( oder to think about);
    er hat nur Fußball im Kopf all he ever thinks about is football;
    er ist nicht ganz richtig im Kopf umg he’s got a screw loose;
    wo hatte ich nur meinen Kopf? what was I thinking of?;
    den Kopf vollhaben have a lot ( oder too much) on one’s mind;
    das kannst du dir aus dem Kopf schlagen you can forget (about) that;
    das will mir nicht aus dem Kopf I can’t get it out of my mind;
    das hältste ja im Kopf nicht aus umg it’s enough to drive you (a)round the bend;
    sich (dat)
    jemandem im Kopf herumgehen go (a)round and (a)round in sb’s mind;
    er hat es sich in den Kopf gesetzt, es zu tun he’s determined to do it; umg he’s dead set on doing it;
    geht das nicht in deinen Kopf? can’t you get that into your head?;
    zu Kopf steigen go to sb’s head;
    sich (dat)
    den Kopf zerbrechen rack one’s brains;
    seinen eigenen Kopf haben have a mind of one’s own;
    es kann nicht immer alles nach deinem Kopf gehen you can’t get your own way all of the time;
    mir steht der Kopf nicht danach I don’t really feel like it;
    einen kühlen Kopf bewahren keep a cool head; (nicht zornig werden) keep one’s cool umg
    3. fig (Geist, Denker) (great) thinker; (Führer) head, leader; (treibende Kraft) mastermind, driving force;
    ein fähiger/kluger Kopf a capable/intelligent person;
    der Kopf von etwas sein mastermind sth
    4. (einzelne Person) person, head; (Stück) piece;
    pro Kopf a head, per person, each
    5. fig (Leben)
    seinen Kopf retten save one’s skin;
    Kopf und Kragen riskieren risk one’s neck;
    das wird ihn den Kopf kosten! it’ll cost him his life;
    das kann den Kopf nicht kosten it can’t cost the earth
    den Kopf in den Sand stecken hide one’s head in the sand;
    den Kopf (nicht) verlieren (not) lose one’s head;
    den Kopf aus der Schlinge ziehen wriggle out of it, besonders US auch beat the rap umg;
    sich (dat)
    einen Kopf machen umg worry;
    darüber mach ich mir keinen Kopf umg I’m not going to worry about that;
    ich weiß nicht, wo mir der Kopf steht umg I don’t know whether I’m coming or going;
    jemandem den Kopf verdrehen umg turn sb’s head;
    jemandem den Kopf zurechtrücken umg bring sb to his ( oder her) senses, sort sb out;
    sein Geld auf den Kopf hauen umg blow one’s money;
    bis über den Kopf in Schulden stecken be up to one’s neck (umg eyeballs) in debt;
    jemandem über den Kopf wachsen umg outgrow sb; Arbeit etc: get too much for sb;
    über seinen Kopf hinweg over his head, without consulting him;
    jemanden vor den Kopf stoßen umg put sb’s nose out of joint;
    Köpfe werden rollen heads will roll;
    da fasst man sich doch an den Kopf it really makes you wonder;
    was man nicht im Kopf hat, muss man in den Beinen haben a short memory makes work for the legs;
    Kopf oder Zahl? heads or tails?
    ein Kopf Salat/Blumenkohl a (head of) lettuce/cauliflower
    * * *
    der; Kopf[e]s, Köpfe
    1) head

    jemandem den Kopf waschen — wash somebody's hair; (fig. ugs.): (jemanden zurechtweisen) give somebody a good talking-to (sl.); give somebody what for (sl.)

    [um] einen ganzen/halben Kopf größer sein — be a good head/a few inches taller

    sie haben sich die Köpfe heiß geredet — the conversation/debate became heated

    Kopf an Kopf (im Wettlauf) neck and neck

    den Kopf einziehen — duck; (fig.): (sich einschüchtern lassen) be intimidated

    ich werde/er wird dir nicht gleich den Kopf abreißen — (ugs.) I'm/he's not going to bite your head off

    jemandem schwirrt/raucht der Kopf — somebody's head is spinning

    nicht wissen, wo einem der Kopf steht — not know whether one is coming or going

    einen dicken Kopf haben (vom Alkohol) have a thick head (coll.) or a hangover

    jemandem od. jemanden den Kopf kosten — cost somebody dearly; (jemanden das Leben kosten) cost somebody his/her life

    den Kopf hinhalten [müssen] — (ugs.) [have to] face the music; [have to] take the blame or (coll.) rap

    jemandem den Kopf zurechtrücken(ugs.) bring somebody to his/her senses

    sich [gegenseitig] die Köpfe einschlagen — be at each other's throats

    sich (Dat.) an den Kopf fassen od. greifen — (ugs.) throw up one's hands in despair

    sein Geld auf den Kopf hauen(ugs.) blow one's money (coll.)

    etwas auf den Kopf stellen(ugs.) turn something upside down

    auf dem Kopf stehen(ugs.) be upside down

    Kopf stehen — stand on one's head; (ugs.): (überrascht sein) be bowled over

    jemandem auf dem Kopf herumtanzen(ugs.) treat somebody just as one likes; do what one likes with somebody

    jemandem auf den Kopf spucken können(salopp scherzh.) be head and shoulders taller than somebody

    er ist nicht auf den Kopf gefallen(ugs.) there are no flies on him (fig. coll.)

    jemandem in den od. zu Kopf steigen — go to somebody's head

    mit dem Kopf durch die Wand wollen (ugs.) /sich (Dat.) den Kopf einrennen — beat or run one's head against a brick wall

    etwas über jemandes Kopf [hin]weg entscheiden/über jemandes Kopf hinwegreden — decide something/talk over somebody's head

    jemandem über den Kopf wachsen(ugs.) outgrow somebody; (jemanden überfordern) become too much for somebody

    bis über den Kopf in etwas stecken(ugs.) be up to one's ears in something

    es geht um Kopf und Kragen(ugs.) it's a matter of life and death

    sich um Kopf und Kragen reden(ugs.) risk one's neck with careless talk

    jemanden vor den Kopf stoßen(ugs.) offend somebody; s. auch Hand 3)

    2) (Person) person

    ein kluger/fähiger Kopf sein — be a clever/able man/woman

    pro Kopfper head or person

    5) (Verstand) mind; head

    er hat die Zahlen im Kopf(ugs.) he has the figures in his head

    er hat nur Autos im Kopf(ugs.) all he ever thinks about is cars

    sie ist nicht ganz richtig im Kopf(ugs.) she's not quite right in the head

    einen klaren/kühlen Kopf bewahren od. behalten — keep a cool head; keep one's head

    jemandem den Kopf verdrehen(ugs.) steal somebody's heart [away]

    sich (Dat.) den Kopf zerbrechen — (ugs.) rack one's brains (über + Akk. over); (sich Sorgen machen) worry (über + Akk. about)

    aus dem Kopf (aus dem Gedächtnis) off the top of one's head

    das geht od. will ihm nicht aus dem Kopf — he can't get it out of his mind

    sich (Dat.) etwas aus dem Kopf schlagen — put something out of one's head

    sich (Dat.) etwas durch den Kopf gehen lassen — think something over

    jemandem im Kopf herumgehen(ugs.) go round and round in somebody's mind

    jemandem/sich etwas in den Kopf setzen — put something into somebody's head/get something into one's head

    etwas im Kopf [aus]rechnen — work something out in one's head

    was man nicht im Kopf hat, muss man in den Beinen haben — a short memory makes work for the legs

    jemandem geht od. will etwas nicht in den Kopf [hinein] — (ugs.) somebody can't get something into his/her head

    6) (von Nadeln, Nägeln, Blumen) head; (von Pfeifen) bowl

    ein Kopf Salat/Blumenkohl/Rotkohl — a lettuce/cauliflower/red cabbage

    Kopf [oder Zahl?] — heads [or tails?]

    * * *
    ¨-e m.
    head n.
    heading n.
    pate n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Kopf

  • 20 Глава 4. Клич охотника в бумажных джунглях

    ...А сверху в гамаке висит администратор,
    задумчиво сплетая пальцы ног.
    М. Щербаков
    Мы все время предупреждаем: изучайте наш предмет, но используйте приобретенные знания осторожно. В официальной обстановке можно сильно вляпаться. На работе, например, говорить так же свободно, как дома или в баре, не принято. Планка дозволенного там искусственно завышена. Называть вещи своими именами (а как тут не выругаешься!) нельзя. Отсюда проистекает целая система эвфемизмов, часто называемая офисным жаргоном.
    Отчасти те же корни - у жаргона политического, но там еще много всяких наслоений.
    Главная особенность официальной речи во всех странах состоит в том, что любую гадость называют вполне приличным словом, да еще и оптимистично звучащим. Бессмертный классик Джордж Оруэлл определил это абсолютно всем в англоязычном мире известным термином doublespeak (помните - "война - это мир", ит.п.). С другой стороны, некоторые совершенно нормальные слова недопустимы и являются офисными табу (прямо как у диких племен).
    Вот в качестве экзотического образца слова, которые не рекомендуется произносить, а тем более писать (слышали от эксперта, работающего неподалеку от места, где Милошевича судят - сказать точнее не имеем права): invalidity (несостоятельность); infringement of rights (нарушение прав); violates a patent (нарушение патента). Догадались почему? Это вам потом в случае суда по патентным делам легко могут припомнить. Мол, сам же говорил...
    Впрочем, пример не совсем чист: он связан не просто с официальной речью, а с юридическим английским. Это та еще песня, в любой стране. Поди разберись! Приводимый ниже отрывок объясняет, почему американцам приходится нанимать юристов для урегулирования, казалось бы, пустяковых дел. Создана ли эта запутанность юристами специально? Ответить не можем. Вот вам определение слова "задница" из настоящего подзаконного акта, запрещающего нудизм (anti-nudity ordinance) (Действует в районе Санкт-Августин (St. Augustin, Fla. County) во Флориде (источник — A. and T. Condon. Legal Lunacy. — Putnam, N.Y. 1992)):
    "Buttocks: The area to the rear of the human body (sometimes referred to as the gluteus maximus) which lies between two imaginary lines running parallel to the ground when a person is standing, the first or top of such line being one- half inch below the top of the vertical cleavage of the nates (i.e., the prominance formed by the muscles running from the back of the hip to the back of the leg) and the second or bottom line being one-half inch above the lowest point of the curvature of the fleshy protuberance (sometimes referred to as the gluteal fold), and between two imaginary lines, one on each side of the body (the `outside lines'), which outside lines are perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above and which perpendicular outside lines pass through the outermost point(s) at which each nate meets the outer side of the leg...." Не напоминает некоторые справочники?
    В принципе, лексикон офисного сленга делится на две группы - buzzwords (клише) и слова, проходящие по ведомству PC (political correctness). Последние используют, чтобы застраховаться от судебных исков за воображаемые обиды на расовой, религиозной, половой, возрастной и какой угодно другой (лишь бы юрист пробивной попался) основе. В качестве незаменимого пособия рекомендуем (лучше в оригинале!) книги Скотта Адамса (Scott Adams) про Дилберта. Он, например, детально поясняет, почему надо говорить resources (ресурсы), когда вы ведете речь о болванах (dolts), составляющих ваш коллектив (team members). Или с какой целью произносится associate (партнер), когда вы имеете в виду неумеху (pud) и неудачника (loser), с которым приходится работать. Очень циничный автор, но его серии карикатур многие обитатели cubicles (офисных кабинок) держат у себя на стенах. Это - мелкая фронда, безопасная, так как ни один начальник не признает, что это именно его Адамс изобразил.
    Картинок из Адамса мы без его разрешения приводить не будем, но пример настенного офисного юмора дадим (см. рис. (Итак, американцы шутят. Думаете, это что? Поздравление с днем рождения от товарищей по работе. Типичный поздравительный плакат из тех, что вывешиваются в офисе. Шутить со смертью — старая европейская традиция, отсюда и колядки, и Хэллоуин)).
    Buzzwords не сложны, вот несколько типичных, которые вы легко переведете сами (так лучше запомнится!). Собрание обязано иметь mission или purpose. Руководство должно обеспечивать leadership и motivation. Служащим следует быть proactive. Везде надо искать synergy. Естественная речь и мотивировки выглядят unprofessional. Цель работника - career advancement. В коллективе требуется исполнять роль team player и стремиться вырасти до team leader. Teamwork - непременное требование к служащим. Business as usual - почему-то всегда плохо, даже если этот бизнес приносит хороший и постоянный доход. Никогда не позволяйте, чтобы на людях вырвалось простецкое duh! Если вы не понимаете, почему diversity - это всегда сама по себе ценность, вас надо послать на diversity sensitivity training. На работе вы осуществляете total quality management и reengineering, проявляя self-motivation. Вы регулярно составляете status reports. То, о чем вы, как и все, мечтаете - job security (но в природе этого не существует).
    Еще несколько полезных ходовых офисных слов переведем:
    family = team (семья = команда - так называют родной коллектив); stakeholders (акционеры); stewardship (обслуживание, в каком-то смысле даже служение); leverage (рычаг, средство для достижения цели); solutions (решения: "we sell solutions" означает примерно - мы продаем не сосискоделательную машину, а комплексное решение всех ваших сосисочных проблем); revisit (пересмотреть), 24/7 (круглосуточно, без остановки); benchmark (лучший образец в данной области; benchmarking - сравнение с этим образцом); result-driven (ориентированный на результат); empower (передать полномочия), mindset (отношение); ballpark (ориентировочный: ballpark figure - примерная цифра).
    В мире мудрых мыслей (Скотта Адамса):
    Уолли: Stupidity is like nuclear power; it can be used for good or evil. (Глупость - как ядерная энергия, ее можно употребить и в добро, и во зло.)
    Дилберт: And you don't want to get any on you. (И вам совсем не надо, чтобы ее на вас испытывали.)
    А вот примеры клишированных мотивационных фраз и лозунгов, заимствованных нами из реальной жизни (слышали их неоднократно). При этих звуках у нормального американского служащего сама собой немедленно складывается фига в кармане (это мы на русский с их языка жестов переводим, на самом деле американцы складывают "middle finger").
    • Work smarter, not harder (так они говорят, когда предлагается объем работы, который не то что за 8, а и за 10 часов не сделать).
    • It's a new paradigm (американские менеджеры любят слово "парадигма" особой любовью - они его новым смыслом наполнили, лучше всего определяемым словом bullshit).
    • It's an opportunity, not a problem (ну, уволили тебя - значит, открываются горизонты новой карьеры, например, в Макдоналдсе).
    • You're a valued member of the team! (Ну, да...).
    • Nobody can do the things you can do! (Кто же, если не ты...).
    • You are helping make the world a better place! (Поэтому торг о зарплате здесь неуместен).
    • We are in a competitive business. (Так что затяните пояса и не нойте).
    • We make a difference! (Страшно распространенное выражение. Почему-то всегда подразумевается, что все изменения к лучшему. Нас всегда подмывает при виде этой фразы подрисовать физиономию аятоллы Хомейни).
    Усвоив и осмыслив приведенные выше выражения, вы сможете легко составлять собственные девизы. Вот, для примера, наш лозунг для американского офиса: Our mission is unprofessional proactive synergy! (В переводе на неофисный русский: "Сговоримся и подсидим коллегу!")
    Коротенький комментарий, связанный с переменами, синергизмом и названиями компаний.
    В мире мудрых мыслей (Скотта Адамса):
    Когда компании сливаются, они всегда заявляют о гигантском синергизме (leveraging synergy), причем взаимоусиление достигается всегда одним путем - массовыми увольнениями. Вот примеры возможных слияний, с соответствующим синергическим изменением профиля и названий:
    ◦ Coca-Cola (напитки) + Head (спортивные товары) = Coke Head.
    ◦ Bayer (аспирин) + AST (компьютеры) = Bayer AST.
    ◦ Hertz (прокат машин) + A.B.Dick (оборудование офисов) = Hertz Dick.
    Переведите сами, используя наш словарь, какой смысл, на слух, имеют "синергические" названия.
    Шутка, но так и на практике бывает. Вот в Сиэтле давным-давно слились газеты "Seattle Post" и "Seattle Intelligencer". И знаете, как сейчас называется их главная городская газета? "Seattle Post-Inteligencer", что звучит как "Сиэтл после разума", выживший из ума, значит. Но настолько примелькалось, что не замечается.
    Еще несколько примеров штампованных офисных фраз. Больше половины - из свежей коллекции Кена Патрика (Ken Patrick). Он назвал это "Biz-Speak 101", то есть начальный курс деловой речи. Эти выражения сейчас в ходу ВСЕ. Не будем навязывать своих циничных комментариев. Да, bullshit. Нужно просто выучить и пользоваться.
    • World class (мирового уровня).
    • Think outside the box; Push the envelope (призыв к оригинальному мышлению).
    • Hands-on (непосредственно вовлеченный в дело).
    • Paradigm shift (смена критериев, приоритетов).
    • State of the art (современного уровня).
    • Real world solution (реальное решение).
    • Win-win situation (все в выигрыше).
    • (The ball is) In your court (ваша очередь).
    • Going forward (в будущем).
    • Strategic alliance (стратегический союз - например, меча и орала - тьфу, сорвалась рука, обещали же не острить).
    • Bricks and mortar (производящие, промышленные компании - в отличие от интернетных, которые после массового краха прозвали internet bubbles - интернетные пузыри).
    • Value-added (добавочная ценность продукта).
    • Step up to the plate (начать работать над чем-то).
    • Run up to the pole (попробовать).
    • Get to the bottom line (деньги, стоимость чего-то).
    • Stop the bleeding (сокращать расходы).
    • On the bubble (что-то нехорошее происходит, например, с компанией, "жареным запахло").
    • Best and brightest (лучшие служащие).
    • Exceeding customer expectation (больше, чем ждет потребитель).
    • On the same page (все друг друга понимают).
    • Strategic fit (важное дополнение).
    • Core competencies (основная область деятельности компании).
    • Best practice (соответствует лучшим стандартам).
    • Out of the loop (не в курсе).
    • Fast track (скоростное продвижение).
    • Knowledge base (базирующийся на современной технологии).
    • In the end of the day (в конце концов).
    • Touch base (обсудить).
    • Client focused (ориентированный на потребителя).
    • Game plan (стратегия).
    А теперь - самостоятельные упражнения.
    1. Переведите на нормальный язык: "Going forward, let's think outside the box and run it up the pole".
    2. Определите, к какому из вышеприведенных выражений подходит используемый тем же К. Патриком термин brownnosers (последнее слово есть в нашем словаре).
    Официальный сленг и административные клише хорошо освоены сметливыми проходимцами, которые, естественно, стараются, чтобы их пирамиды выглядели так же солидно, как пирамида Хеопса. Сколько приходит по почте мусора (junk mail), похожего на вид на официальные документы! Дело дошло до того, что Почтовое ведомство США (U.S.Postal Service) издало специальную памятку со списком слов-приманок (buzz phrases), характерных для жуликов, заманивающих свои жертвы (suckers) через газетные объявления и по почте.
    • Anybody can do it (это может каждый).
    • Quick and easy (быстро и легко).
    • Big, fast profits (большая, быстрая прибыль).
    • No experience needed (опыта не требуется).
    • Work in the comfort of your home (работа с комфортом у себя дома).
    • Work in your spare time (работа в свободное время).
    • No risk (никакого риска).
    • Fill a great demand (соответствует большому спросу).
    • Nothing illegal (ничего противозаконного).
    • Secret plan for success (секретный план успеха).
    • Tested in Europe (испытано в Европе).
    • Developed after years of secret research (создано в результате многолетних секретных исследований).
    • Proven to provide immediate positive results (проверенный способ получения немедленного положительного результата).
    Теперь вы официально предупреждены: если видите подобную фразу - весьма вероятно, что вас хотят надуть. Отечественные "бизнесмены" все это перенимают в последние годы очень быстро, и со многими обсуждаемыми терминами наш читатель наверняка уже встречался.
    Реальный пример американского почтового жульничества представлен на рис. ("Витамин О", отсутствующий в природе (но не все покупатели об этом знают)). Рекламируемый "Витамин О" (проверьте - такого нет ни в одном медицинском справочнике) - всего-навсего разбавленная перекись водорода (по $25 за маленькую бутылочку!).
    PC-терминология связана с борьбой политических лоббистов, и приоритеты там часто меняются. В принципе, стандартного английского, в плане чисто языковом, чтобы никого не обидеть вам хватит. Думается, сейчас русскому читателю уже не требуется объяснять, что надо говорить African-American и Chairperson. В этом плане вам всегда сделают скидку как приезжему. Вас ведь тоже будут бояться обидеть. Проблема скорее может быть в другом - в характерном для жителей России восприятии действительности, в системе ценностей, которая в цивилизованной части англоязычного мира несколько иная. То, что у нас нормально и даже смешно, там зачастую оскорбление. И наоборот (см. рис. (Итак, американцы шутят. Думаете, это что? Поздравление с днем рождения от товарищей по работе. Типичный поздравительный плакат из тех, что вывешиваются в офисе. Шутить со смертью — старая европейская традиция, отсюда и колядки, и Хэллоуин)). Но это не тема для книги про язык. Обещаем - мы еще напишем другую, под названием "Политическая проституция. Учебное пособие с упражнениями". А пока дадим лишь несколько примеров распространенных PC-выражений. Многие из них сейчас и на русском очень узнаваемы (прямое, неполиткорректное значение дано в скобках).
    • Pregnancy termination - прерывание беременности (аборт).
    • Non-discriminating sexual orientation - недифференцированной сексуальной ориентации (бисексуал).
    • Affirmative action - позитивные защитные действия (расовые квоты).
    • Native American - урожденный американец (индеец).
    • Conscientious objector - возражающий против призыва по соображениям совести (дезертир).
    • Pro-choice - за выбор (сторонник абортов).
    • Pro-life - за жизнь (противник абортов).
    • African-American - афро-американец (негр). От места рождения не зависит. Например, среди наших хороших знакомых есть афро-американцы - уроженцы Теннеси, Тринидада и Голландии, а вот уроженец Уганды, коричневый беженец времен Иди Амина, в эту категорию не попадет.
    • Caucasian - представитель европейской расы (белый). Да, в Америке и мы с вами называемся кавказцами и рассматриваемся как потомки рабовладельцев, в качестве которых всем должны. Насчет нашего происхождения из крепостных крестьян там не знают, а объясняешь - не верят.
    • Non-traditional partners (sexual orientation) - нетрадиционные партнерство, сексуальная ориентация (геи и лесбиянки).
    • Secular humanist - нерелигиозный гуманист (атеист).
    • Family Planning Center - центр планирования семьи (абортарий).
    • Political Action Committee - комитет политического содействия (группа лоббистов).
    • Challenged - имеющий проблемы (инвалид). Относится к любому физическому отклонению: mentally challenged - придурки, vertically challenged - коротышки ит.п.
    • Minorities - меньшинства (не белые). От фактической численности не зависит: 38 миллионов латиносов в Америке тоже minorities.
    • Afrocentrist - афроцентрист (черный расист).
    • Dead white men - мертвые белые мужчины (белые расисты/сексисты - классики). Подразумевается, что, скажем, Шекспир сознательно принижал женщин - в лице Дездемоны и негров - в лице Отелло.
    • Animal rights movement - движение за права животных (нео-луддиты - экстремисты, пытающиеся остановить развитие биотехнологии и медицинских исследований. Это они под покровом ночи лабораторных крыс освобождают).
    • Multi-culturalism - мультикультурализм (идея, что культуры всех народов абсолютно равны и должны быть представлены в учебных программах в равной пропорции, скажем, столько же французской, сколько монгольской).
    • Sexism - сексизм (половая дискриминация). В этом нехорошем деле замешаны все мужчины, проявляющие любым образом отношение к женщине как женщине. Да и все женщины, относящиеся к мужчинам иначе, чем к своим подружкам, - тоже сексистки.
    • Ageism - агеизм (дискриминация по возрасту). Сюда относят любые замечания насчет старших.
    • Eurocentrism - евроцентризм. Предпочтение европейской цивилизации (культуры, демократии, ит.д.). Воспринимается как тяжелая болезнь.
    • Lookism - любые суждения о внешнем виде человека (обругать - дискриминация, похвалить - сексизм). До нас термин "смотризм" пока не дошел.
    • Senior Citizens - старшие граждане (старичье, пенсионеры).
    • Compassionate Conservatives - мягкосердечные консерваторы (реакционеры). Просто PR-специалисты для старых злобных реакционеров новую упаковку изготовили.
    РС - предмет постоянных насмешек американских сатириков, да и не сатириков тоже. И впрямь, богатейшее ведь поле. Довольно распространенная шутка - переписывать классические истории и песенки в политически корректном и актуальном духе. Приведем типичный образец - он простой, переведите сами как упражнение. Справа - оригинал, всем с детства известный стишок из классического собрания "Матушки Гусыни". Подчеркнуты слова, которые стоит запомнить.
    (таблица №1)
    Еще образчик американского самоприкола по поводу PC мы нашли на сувенирных магнитиках. Вы уже знаете про связь мата и юмора, так вот, там дан "перевод" фраз с сугубо официального языка на совершенно матерный. На кухонный холодильник такое повесить можно - но не в офис. Вот несколько примеров (на русский переводим не дословно, это вы сами легко сделаете, используя наш словарь, а подходяще по экспрессии и колориту).
    (таблица №2)
    В заключение - несколько слов о специфическом партийном языке. У маргинальных политических групп он весьма оригинален. В поддержку русских коммунистов-интернационалистов (и для развлечения остальных читателей) приведем здесь подлинные левые американские мысли. Даем без комментариев и перевода цитату из "Словаря Анархиста" - брошюрки без выходных данных, подобранной нами в одном из троцкистских центров Канады. (Внимание! Опечаток тут нет, так писать у них принято, с ККК внутри и сша строчными буквами.)
    "Black": a political designation to refer not only to Afro-Amerikkkans, but, to people of color who are engaged in revolutionary struggle in the u.s. and all over the world. It should not be taken to mean the domination of Afro-Amerikkkans or the exclusion of other people of color from black revolutionary organizations.
    Black Collaborator: those few blacks brought into the capitalist system at all levels, including such high levels as black capitalist, project directors, administrators, etc., who have enough of a stake in the operation of the system to cooperate in pacification programs against their black brothers and sisters. The "House Niggers".
    Black Panther Party: an above ground community based armed self-defense organization whose job it was to defend the community by force of arms in "legal" posture and mode, unlike the clandestine Black Liberation Army. The Black Panther Party also served the community through community based survival programs such as free breakfast for children, free health care, liberation schools for political education, etc.
    Black Revolutionary Power: the taking of state power by black amerikkkans (Afro-Amerikkkans) in order to revolutionize the entire country on the basis of their enriched concept of man/woman.
    Bourgeoisie: the rich and the super rich. The ruling elite who own and manage the means of production, ex: Rockefeller, Mellon, Dupont, etc. They are the real rulers in a capitalist society who dictate and has everyone else eitherworking for them to maintain status-quo, or those who may slave for them in order to survive."
    Мы дали здесь лишь краткое представление об офисном сленге и терминологии администраторов, юристов, мошенников и политиков (как вам компания?). Хотите стать Большим администратором (юристом ит.д.) - изучайте это дело подробнее.

    American slang. English-Russian dictionary > Глава 4. Клич охотника в бумажных джунглях

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Les Aventures de Buzz L'Éclair — Titre original Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Genre Série d animation, d aventures, de science fiction,<br/ de comédie Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Les Aventures de Buzz l'Eclair — Les Aventures de Buzz l Éclair Les Aventures de Buzz l Éclair Titre original Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Genre Série d animation, d aventures, de science fiction,<br/ de comédie Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Les Aventures de Buzz l'Éclair — Titre original Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Genre Série d animation, d aventures, de science fiction, de comédie Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Les Aventures de Buzz l'éclair — Titre original Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Genre Série d animation, d aventures, de science fiction,<br/ de comédie Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Les aventures de Buzz l'éclair — Titre original Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Genre Série d animation, d aventures, de science fiction,<br/ de comédie Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

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